I, for one, welcome our new kung-fu-grip-space-octopus overlords.
Obviously a green screen shot. The CG helicopter will be comped in later. This scene involves the hero rescuing his love interest from the baddy with the harpoon gun.
Snowshoe the Canucksays
Much cuter than my neighbour’s cat.
Chuck Csays
A green screen? I bet he uses a teleprompter, too. What a fake.
The Yssays
That’s not a green screen! This cephalopod can fly and had its pic taken against this backdrop!
For example, researchers who cut off an octopus’s arm (which the octopus can regrow) discovered that not only does the arm crawl away on its own, but if the arm meets a food item, it seizes it—and tries to pass it to where the mouth would be if the arm were still connected to its body.
On the other hand, it would seem likely to greatly complicate any weight-loss plan.
Why, it’s the dual clenched-tentacle salute!
I thought it was fighting with the ancient art of wire-fu
Or cephalopod porn. Look at them legs.
I, for one, welcome our new kung-fu-grip-space-octopus overlords.
Obviously a green screen shot. The CG helicopter will be comped in later. This scene involves the hero rescuing his love interest from the baddy with the harpoon gun.
Much cuter than my neighbour’s cat.
A green screen? I bet he uses a teleprompter, too. What a fake.
That’s not a green screen! This cephalopod can fly and had its pic taken against this backdrop!
Oh, Otto, you crazy!
Can you hear it screaming “Khan!” as it shakes its tentacles at the surface?
I was thinking similar, but I can’t quite tell: is there a third tentacle end up there too?
Yay, it’s Thing:
On the other hand, it would seem likely to greatly complicate any weight-loss plan.
Glen Davidson
I’ve seen enough hentai…yadayadayada
Anyone else hearing Bert Lahr?
“Put ’em up… I could beat ya’ with most of my tentacles behind my back!”
I was thinking Adam from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. And I am God! HAHAHA! (Or anyone else who wants to reach out and zap him to life.)
YES! That’s exactly what I thought of.
Aw, he’s so cute. I’m want to love him and hug him and pet him and call him George.
Brownian (#10):
Is it too early to declare the thread won?
All I hear is Tchaikovsky.
What do you do if he misbehaves? There’s no fur to rub the wrong way.
First thing I thought of was the cinematic wonder Sharktopus. Maybe he can be in the sequel.
I was on the point of posting this pic on my own blog, but clearly I was right to check here first. I think this is from the storyboard for that film.
Looks a lot like Homer Simpson.
I was wondering when this article would show up here :)
All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up
I think you’re right.
Well, only 2 of them are clenched.