It’s a conference, in Oregon, and it’s about The Future of Evo-Devo, all wonderful things, and it’s on 10-12 February — right in the thick of the traditional Darwin Day hoopla, the days when I’m like a big egg-laying bunny at Easter. I’m already booked for Pullman, Washington, then Florida, then Las Vegas in that week.
You’ll just have to go in my place and report back. Yes, you — the one looking around quizzically and wondering “why me?” Because I said so. Book it now. Portland, 10 February, the Nines Hotel.
Coincidentally, I’m giving a talk at UNLV that is kind of about the future of evo-devo: I’m going to be both pessimistic and optimistic, and talk about the mainstreaming of evo-devo into the discourse of evolution and development, and propose that it isn’t so much a revolution in evolution as it is developmental biologists finally adopting views much more copacetic with standard model evolutionary thinking. There may be a lynching afterwards.
(Also on Sb)
How can it even be about evolution with no God-hating sessions announced?
I suspect the IDiot answer is that they all are, actually, so no problem.
Glen Davidson
Does evo-devo have a sexism problem?
Whom are you thinking about lynching?
Nope, not going to do it and you can’t make me. So there! Nyah! :-þ
Yes, science has a sexism problem.
developmental biologists finally adopting views much more copacetic with standard model evolutionary thinking
well, true, AFTER they figured out some very important shit.
Looking forward to having you in Pullman PZ.
PZ! You’ll be in Pullman for what exactly?
You chose Pullman over Portland? =~(
I’ll be talking to the rascals at Wazoo. I’ll try not to say too much about being a UW alum.
PZ in Florida?
OH Goody!
Portland has a huge selection of craft breweries. Beer and science together? How could I say “no”?
PZ- As one of the “Wazoo rascals”, I can assure you we won’t take it too hard if you mention your UW Alumni status*.
See you when you get here!
*We totally will
I like that I’ll be going to the same university that PZ graduated from, once I’m in university of course. Currently, I’m going to a community college nearby, because I’m cheap.
Pullman? Lucky!
Gah! When is the UNLV talk?
I am trying to find info but apparently I have become too excited at the prospect and have forgotten how to use the Intertubes!
Who would you recommend at the Portland conf. as the most engaging speaker/s who is/are most accessible to the interested layperson?
SOOOOOO excited for PZ to come to Wazzu!