That Iowa. The state south of us: rural farm country, relatively conservative (well, maybe more moderate than conservative), and yet their supreme court has surprisingly made a strong and progressive decision. The Iowa Supreme Court has struck down laws prohibiting gay marriage as unconstitutional.
Polk County District Judge Robert Hanson found that the law violated the Iowa Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection, and hurt gay and lesbian couples “in numerous tangible and intangible” ways
“Civil marriage in Iowa is the only gateway to an extensive legal structure that protects a married couple’s relationship and family in and outside the state,” Hanson ruled in Des Moines.
“Iowa reserves an unparalleled array of rights, obligations and benefits to married couples and their families, privileging married couples as a financial and legal unit and stigmatizing same-sex couples.”
Wow. I am impressed with our neighboring state. Can we get this kind of sensible support for equality in place here in Minnesota, too? How about nation-wide?
That’s not even wrong. It’s past wrong.
you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
I guess we atheists are right in God’s books then. ;)
Derender the defender of fairy tales. Wow. You’re really boring. The morally superior thing is really tired. I don’t know of too many “kids” that read this blog and if they do, they have GREAT parents. If they’re mature enough to read it they can handle the spicy language.
I doubt anyone here “speaks” like they post because quite frankly we don’t have to talk to absurd ignorant godbots on a daily basis.
Do you have a point, other that clenching your pearls and pretending you know a fucking thing?
Didn’t think so.
Do fuck off.
Nerd of Redhead:
Oh Carlie:
Educate me. it seems as though i don’t know. Can you answer question since I don’t know?
Why go after the leadership when future generations would grow up to be just like the leaders? That seems to be a liberal philosophy as well. Indoctrinate the children so that they will adapt to “progressive” ideas.
I wonder if derender likes the idea of burning in hell. Especially seeing he broke two commandments today: he bore false witness by lying about science, and because he did that on the Sabbath, he didn’t keep the day holy. You’re going to hell derender. Hope you enjoy the eternal fire!
Shit for brains, bad words do nothing to the environment. You have not touched a nerve, you are merely evading the questions being asked. And do you ask your friends at Freepland to stop swearing.
I shall now refer to you as Janine, The four letter word person who destroys children.
With that, you are spreading an lie and a slander. I have never destroyed a child. But what do I expect from a moron who claims that his morals comes from an arbitrary source.
Klokwork –
I think you’re conflating two different states – Vermont and Iowa.
As for the Iowa sitiation – no, no appeal.
The State has the option to petition for a rehearing, which it has announced AFAIK it will not do.
The case was brought on state law grounds. There is no federal question at issue.
The case terminates here at the Iowa supreme court.
derender thinks that decaying carcasses and radioactive decay rates are the same thing
derender, you may be the dumbest troll today and we had
mabusMr. Nobody earlier so that is saying a lot.That the decay rate of radioisotopes did not vary enough in the past to make a 6000-year-old earth look 4,500,000,000 years old is hardly unprovable: if it did, the earth would still be molten through and through and probably mostly evaporated. Derender is completely innumerate as well as illiterate and willfully ignorant.
Steve C, you arrogant little cuss. i told you not right now but maybe later and you just ignored it. Don;t tell me to do it if you don’t mean to do it also. Besides if I were going to do that I would do it on, not off.
What about the gays? Will someone please think of the gays.
I do. Every time I kiss my wife I think about us.
Derender’s not just a poor thinker, writer, comprehender and debater, he’s a poor Christian – he doesn’t even know his bible.
Where did I get it from? How about Leviticus 27:6:
And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver.
also Numbers 3:15-16
Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them. And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD.
Looks like it’s back to bible school for you, loser.
You’d think that now that we are in the year 2009 and we have a global communications network, that believers would have clued in to the fact that arguing from scientific ignorance is never going to win over those who are scientifically literate. Keep your arguments to theology and history because arguing from science when you know nothing on the matter is just going to show up how ignorant you truly are…
And if you have to argue on matters science, actually understand the science from a scientist’s perspective as opposed to a religious apologetic perspective. Remember that when trying to convert someone, you need to understand the mindset of the person you are converting. So arguing based on your own mindset will not work unless they happen to be intune with you – i.e. the only people you will convince by arguing science from a biblical perspective are those who are scientifically ingorant and already biblically-inclined.
Oh Carlie:
Educate me. it seems as though i don’t know. Can you answer question since I don’t know?
If you were truly interested in learning, you would not be mocking people would do know. This is not a secret and hidden knowledge. You can find out if you truly gave a flying fuck about the answer.
But you have made it clear that you are not here to learn. You are here to badger because you are upset that a state will not outlaw GLBT marriages.
Whiny baby needs a big big gun in order to feel like an adult.
Oops, why yes I am! …apologies. I obviously need to read my Google news headlines more closely. Well, good work Iowa!
Janine, The four letter word person who destroys children:
Wow, that nerve was short indeed.
Are you going to four letter word me again? Watch it, you might contribute to global warming with all that carbon spewing. (Considering global warming even exists at all).
Such a lovely creature, this god of yours. Derender, you poor baby. Your god is a fucking psychopathic murderer of infants, but at least he tells the helpless infants before he slaughters them.
aratina cage
You don;t get it. You probably never will, so why expalain it?
Hey, derender:
Fuck you, you maggot-ridden piece of horse shit.
Go back to Freeperville where you belong, ass.
derender, I see that you are lying about me again.
That was hilarious.
Derender, when you go to hell, I’ll be teaching a class on geology there. I’ll save a seat for you.
tell us more about science derender.
So far it’s provided some pretty serious laughs at the BigDumbChimp household.
Mrs. BigDumbChimp got a hoot out of the radiometric dating thing.
Real funny stuff there.
this is awesome. this is the most massive category-fail EVER.
radioactive decay is not the same as organic decay. they are different things. they are different categories of things*. fuck, they’re two completely different SCIENCES!
*I’m plagiarizing Josh, cuz that line was Teh Awesome
So let me get this straight, by calling a stupid asshole a fucking moron, I am contributing to global warming (Which the fucking asshole denied was happening anyways.) and killing children. And that is a bad thing.
But the big sky daddy can murder all of the babies he wants because of slavery, something those babies had nothing to do with, and it is justified.
Fucking moral monster.
Derender – remember just what techniques we use to age the earth.
Carbon dating is for organic material – works only for materials between 200 and 50,000 years old. The half-life of C14 is ~5,500 years, so using the formula for exponential decay (I’m going from high school memory here so this formula may be off) Ae-kt. Think of it this way: in 5,500 years, half the C14 atoms will have decayed. So in 5,500 more years, half those remaining atoms will have decayed. 5,500 more years, half those remaining atoms will have decayed.
And so on. So you can see that after about 50,000 years the amount of C14 left would be virtually undetectable and that’s why we can’t use it on organic material that is any older.
But for ageing the earth, we don’t use radiocarbon dating, there are dozens of other substances that decay and all at different rates too. So when we test a rock, we can do the test in different labratories to see if it gets the same result, then we can test it against other dating techniques on different scales and see whether they line up. We can also test rock on lower layers to see whether it’s older than rock on layers above.
By doing all that we have worked out that the age of the earth is approximately 4.55 billion years old. Yet we can date the sun through a different method – by the amount of hydrogen it has fused into helium, and guess what? It comes out at ~4.6 billion years. Just as we would expect. And when we look out into the skies, we can use the constant that is the speed of light to see just how far away objects are. And we have seen galaxies that are over 13 billion light years away. That means the light has taken over 13 billion years to reach us, meaning that the universe is at least 13 billion years old!!!
This one has no patience. He’s not worth our time. We’ll learn nothing from him.
My one teeny, teeny tiny little comfort in this dreary life of mine is that when I go to hell ALL of my friends will be there!
We’ve already decided we’re going to have a BBQ (what better place, right?). Y’all bring whatever dishes you like, but see the sign-up sheet so that we don’t have too many duplicates.
I bet derender gets log as in a wooden log and log as in logarithm mixed up too.
You people definitely have fetish for bad words.
Freeperville? Where is that? Is it anywhere near San FranSICKO? Maybe Gob Dot will tell me.
JANINE: I am NOT lying about you. You willfully said that you use these words. You willfully saiud that you do believe in your imaginery crap called evolution, and you willfully told be you belive that abortion is okay. YES! That is destroying any child that this left wing stuff rubs off on. There, it is not a lie, but a fact. Just look at how San FranSICKO turned out after the left-wingers invaded.
Well, at least you didn’t foulmouth me again. Maybe you should use Listerine.
But I may get a few more laughs
Freeperville, aka Free Republic. Referenced above to Walton.
You will be most happy there in the swamp among your own kind, fuckface.
derender, still showing us why you are a godbot. You have an IQ heading for the single digits. But then you believe in imaginary things, like god and the bible. We can’t expect anything better from willful stupidity.
Kel: You said it works for organiza material between 500 and 50,000 years old. That’s nice. The earth is only 6,000 years old, so nothing can be older than that. WrONG ANSWER.
And tell us why that is so.
Please, and use some of your mad sciency skills to explain it if possible.
Well people, is there anything that this sad sack of shit state here is true?
Derender, you are the most foul and dishonest smear of shit to be found. Take your gun, lube the barrel and fuck your self in the ass. But first make sure your safety is on. I do not want you to shot yourself.
Okay, BMS watch it. Or should I call you PMS? I can’t help if you have a fetish with your own skin texture – rectum reamer face. You touchy little pervert. You call me a name that was unnecessary – goober gargler.
Wrong gain, you are only off by six orders of magnitude. Not bad for a half-wit who doesn’t understand evidence. Your bible is fiction. It lies. Get used to it.
This one definitely puts ketchup on his hot dog.
What an idiot
oh wow. Internet Vapors and bigotry make for an interesting and rather hypocritical mix
Don’t like bad language, asswipe? How’s about dealing with my pointing out the energy effects of isotopes decaying 750,000 times faster than today, like you think they did? Or Wowbagger’s quote from Leviticus that shows you don’t even know what your fucking Bible says on any subject. Give cogent answers to either one of those and I won’t tell you what a motherfucking asshole you are, in front of the imaginary kids and one (possible) lady.
I’ve now read about 3/4 of the way through the Iowa decision.
Very thorough explication of how the justices arrived at their decision. Lots of citation to persuasive decisions from other jurisdictions (including CA’s In re Marriage Cases) which elevates us for our ongoing and our future work.
They also explain why they found no need to go through a strict scrutiny analysis:
That is a good thing.
I’m so happy.
You revert to a book that you claim is not even real and you have the arrogant audacity to call me a loser? I would rather be a loser than a … whatever you call youself … Gob Dot.
No, you shit stain on the panties of life. BMS was highly accurate with the name. What’s the matter? Did she strike a nerve?
Derender you ignorant troll. You’re the child abuser. You lie to children and tell them the earth is 6,000 years old. Get over the cussin’. There isn’t a fucking thing wrong with it among adults.
Prove the earth is 6,000 years old. Go ahead and try.
You’re pathetic. Until you show some evidence that the earth is younger than even 100,000 years you should be ignored.
Janine, it must’ve been a short nerve.
He’s not wrong though and you are.
You can keep dodging but you’re still wrong.
Wrong wrong wrong.
Tell us more science stuff. I could use a few more laughs
Are you a poe?
A few other ways we can show the earth is older than 6,000 years:
The universe and planet is older than 6,000 years, every piece of science points to that fact. Besides, it says nowhere in the bible that the world is 6,000 years old – it’s nothing but an interpretation based on adding up ages of men in the bible. Yet we have precise means to test the age of the earth and age of the universe, are you suggesting that our dating techniques are off by a factor of almost a million? That’s like saying the distance between New York and San Fransisco is 10 yards!!!
touchy little pervert
How dare you insult me like that! O! My pearls!
I’m not little at all! I’m actually quite tall.
Shit for brains.
You are a loser. You just haven’t realized it yet due to your minuscule mental powers. By the time you leave will be very familiar with being a loser. You already have a head start. Godbots are that way.
And the numbnuts misses the point yet again. Listen, you stupid shit stain on the panties of life. You claim to hold the bible to be paramount over all other knowledge. Yet, as Wowbagger pointed out, you do not know the contents of the book you claim to be so important.
You that, fuck face, you get a boot to the head.
Okay all of you perverted foul mouthed nutjobs. Can you people not make a point without your curse word fetish being in overdrive? Is that possible? Are you capable of of such a simple thing? Do I need to hunt you down and wash your mouth with soap?
Too bad nuts cannot make a point without using harsh words. it is impossible.
How about this one:
All of you gargle goobers with litesalt and meth. It;s the only explaination for your vile tongues and cheap shots. Googer garglers. Rectal reamers. Blowhole burners.
Janine is by far the worst I have ever seen. She should be award foulmouth freeloader of the century. How does that feel?
If you can’t make apoint without your ill wished vocabulary, then get prepared for battle – goober garglers.
FWIW derender has been showing off his ignorance at Greg Ladens Blog, where he advances the hypothesis that the Iowa State Supreme Court judges are all Clinton appointees.
Holy Shit.
Hey Walton.
That murder in Pittsburgh I linked to earlier?
Serendipity, my friend.
Didn’t see that one coming a mile away.
derender are you for real?
derender, if you don’t like how we talk, you can always go away. But then, a defective like yourself is incapable of showing mature actions by actually backing off a situation they find distasteful. Choose wisely cricket. *Chirr*
The shit stain on the panties of life cannot come up with a defense for his stupidity and resorts to crying about swear words.
Baby needs to clutch his big bad ass gun in order to feel like an adult.
I want more sciency stuff from derender.
Derender tell us about how the grand canyon was formed.
Yes, Pigfucker, we can.
derender, I could have called you a clueless fucktard, but I didn’t. Instead I stuck to the science of things. Why is it that you are getting indignant over those who are insulting you instead of taking the high-ground and actually engage in those who are arguing with you? If you want to ignore the profane among us, go ahead. But don’t think that their profanity means that you have won an argument by getting offended over such words. There are substantial arguments here directly countering your position; those are what you need to answer if you want to make headway with us.
Haha. Derender you fucking fool. We curse because it bugs you! That you make a big deal of it is hysterical. What? You’re better behaved because you don’t say cocksucker? or pig fucker? Me thinks you doth protest too much. Are you screwing golf buddies on the 10th hole in the woods? Jesus doesn’t give a fuck what words you use. He told me so in a dream where he was riding a pink unicorn with a naked virgin Mary. No really. I swear.
Yeah BMS, but GLBT marriages, swearing, evilution and allof the other mean thing librals like made the shit stain on the panties of life very upset.
And I’m just having fun poking it with a stick.
Alas, though, I am bored with this diversion – for the moment. I need sustenance and for that must prep and cook.
So adieu to all, and to Goatfucker, too.
Sorry, my #562 was in response to Kel’s post #559.
Innit too bad that my mom officiated at our lesbo wedding? Too bad for Steerfucker that is.
Gotta run now! ;)
But Kel, it is so much easier to whine about bad words. And when you get down to it, assface has no room to talk after calling me a destroyer of children. That is much worse than swearing.
Indeed. Calling someone a rapist, or child molester, or baby-killer, or anything else for that matter would be far worse than calling someone a fucktard. Calling someone immoral, or telling someone they are destroying society – by comparison hurling profanities seems juvenile.
Educate me. it seems as though i don’t know. Can you answer question since I don’t know?
I’ll tell you exactly what I tell all my students – go do your homework, prove to me that you did it, and then I’ll be happy to help out. However, I’m not putting any effort into providing information without being sure you’re going to use it.
Derender, derender. We can cuss all we want, but good lord, do you pray to God with that nasty mouth of yours? I don’t think he’d be very proud of your behavior here today. You’d better look at your WWJD bumper sticker awhile and think about why you should be ashamed of yourself, young man.
(Sorry, one more and then I’m away.)
On Andrew Sullivan at The Daily Dish just now, a snippet from Why Do We Swear by John Grohol, Pys. D:
What is it with these morons and their language fetish? Although I agree with Kel, above, I have to take issue with his use of the word “profanity” to describe our language on this thread. I’ve seen very little if any profanity, AFAICT, it’s all been vulgarity of one sort or another, and religiotards shouldn’t give a shit about that.
I once saw that mindless douchebag Billy Graham on Carson (or was it Cavett?) and this very subject came up. He admitted he didn’t know where the prohibitions against sexually and scatologically based “bad” language came from, but he freely admitted that there was no biblical basis for it, that only “taking the lord’s name in vain” was prohibited.
(Yeah, I know, his interpretation of taking the lord’s name in “vain” to mean simply mentioning his name is totally ignorant and stupid; it’s supposed to mean giving opinions as coming from god that are merely your own, like certain people on this very thread have been known to do, and as ignorant fundie blowhards do every hour of every day.)
Care to cite the post where I said the bible ‘is not real’? Can you manage that much, you barely-literate pile of smegma?
Of course bibles are real – I’ve seen several. That most of what’s in it never happened, of course, is another issue – but you’re far too stupid to comprehend the difference. The point is you think it’s real and claim to live by it. So, by condemning abortion you’re either saying your god is wrong or that the bible is wrong.
Which is it?
Either way, you’re still a loser. But you’re a good example of how low the bar is set for the intellectual demands of Christianity.
Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. -Mark Twain
Careful, Wowbagger. Intellectual has more than one syllable. It’s probably beyond him.
Is dickbreath still around? Has he figured out that the reason people are throwing profanity around is because it bugs the fuck out of him? Or is he too stupid to realize it?
The assclown seems to think that if a person swears, he has somehow touched a nerve. It is one of his self deluding tricks to make it seem that his stupidity has worth.
Derender, answer the questions in #419, #423, and #426. Until then, shut the hell up.
Come on. You’ve been avoiding these questions all day. Answer them. What are you afraid of?
Rev. BigDumbChimp:
The Grand Canyon was formed as a result of the flood and probabaly took a number of years to complete, but the majority of it was formed suddenly and catastrophically.
I know where you people are headed with the whole gun nuts thing and neo-nazi orgs, and such I am not a Jew hater. if anything I am on the Jews side – the ones who are for real – the orthodox Jews. I hate to see the persecuted the way that they have been. The land os Israel is rightfully their and the supreme allied ragheads of HAMAS won;t move to the other 95 percent Islamic territory in the region. They have to steal it from the Jews. What pshychos. It’s the Islamic terrorists you should be worried about, not me. Yes I own guns and target practice and read “far-right” websites. Yes I am a Sarah Palin fan, a Ted Nugent fan, and a Ronald Reagan fan, and GW Bush fan. So there.
I would never intentionally kill someone for no apparent reason like these sick people have done the last few days.
However, the Second Amendment does give citizens a right to defend themselves from a police state if it ever comes to that. The FEMA camps do scare me though and the fact that HAMAS gave $20,000 plus to the Obama campaign is scary too.
Don’t worry about me, worry about the far left.
The idea of a 6,000 year old earth refers o the geneology of family traced from today until jesus’ birth, then from Jesus back to Abraham, and then from Abraham until Adam. Add it up.
You have students? I hope it’s not a science class, becuase I know that they have definitely been indoctrinated. You need to read One Party Classroom by David Horowitz.
Is your mom a pastor? (Woemn pastors are not common in my denomination – God called men to preach)
If not, then the whole thing is fake.
It’s not done by virtue of the person who created it to start with.
I don;t play golf. And i tell you creationist stuff to bug you. By the way what was it you were doing with that unicorn’s horn that made you rear end so sore?
Go take a bath pervert.
Perferbaly in the sewer where you reside. You super duper dookie scooper!
Derender, honey, you are really making your religion look bad. Your behavior driving people away from God, and He will send YOU to Hell for that.
That’s in the Bible, so you had better believe it. But you aren’t familiar with the particular verse, are you? That figures.
I’m not an atheist because I have read less of the Bible than you have. I am an atheist because I have read all of the Bible.
Show your work.
Josh, stay out of until you can answer MY question. if you can. What are you going to do if I don”t “shut the # up”? Are you going to foulmouth me again? That would be nice. This time, put some real manly effort into it. And don’t include yourself this time. Last time you got confused and was looking in a mirror when you attempted to insult me. remember, that one lady may still be reading … Be careful, it can backfire.
Walton. These are your people.
Hahahahaha. Show me some evidence for this. How did the rocks of the canyon lithify? What was the mechanism that allowed them to lithify fast enough for the Colorado River to cut the canyon? Any ideas?
How about this–how does your flood model explain mudrocks in seconds of rock that have sediments laid on top of them?
Yes, deranged, er derender, that’s much nicer than swear words.
Remember, dermwit, it’s the meek who are going to inherit the earth. I think you may find yourself the the bad place with us.
What question was that exactly?
#580 should have been mudcracks, not mudrocks.
Derender the deluded. Still telling lies about your imaginary god and fictional bible. Big time. Now, what does you bible say about bearing false witness (lying). You are a huge sinner. Repent and renounce your imaginary god. Become rational.
No, you simpering shit stain on the panties of life, you answer to Josh. You have no right to demand that anyone keeps out of a conversion. You want to know why you are wrong about radiometric dating and the flud, talk to the geologist.
And also, you fuck faced pigfucker, you have no reason to talk to Carlie that way. But it is telling that you recommend that she read a book by a professional liar.
And one more thing, you cretinous gun sucking creep, the only thing here that comes from the sewage is your sacred stupidity.
Just blow it out of you ass.
So I am supposed to take this garbage from the extreme nuts? I’m glad you read your Bible. I have too. Maybe I do make my religion look bad. Thanks for pointing it out.But I refuse to be annoyed by far left bullies who defy reality in exchnage for satanic lies. Fine believe what you will and I’ll believe what I will too. The only reason that I keep on replying to these goofballs is that they keep coming back with worse and worse insults and relatively little knowledge of what they are talking about. I am sure they call all do algebra and calculys until theyr hair falls out, but what’s the point in making stuff up that started with a man who proposed an idea . Evolution is an idea, it’s not provable. The other thing is that Darwin himself was a slave owner, yet his followers name him as something as a saint. What’s that all about?
When these people leave me alone, then I’ll leave the sight.
If that’s possible to administer.
Most people’s skulls are 2 inches thick to the outside. Theirs must be 4 inches thick to the inside.
derender, from all observation points, the unverse has to be over 13 billion years old and the earth over 4 billion. The laws of physics dictate that. If you are defending a position that the world is substantially less than 4.55 billion years old, you need to demonstrate that the laws of physics that govern nuclear reactions are wrong – and wrong by a factor of almost a million. If you want to say the universe is much less than ~13.72 billion years, then you need to show that the speed of light is not constant. You will need to either show how light can speed up, or that e=mc² is wrong.
Either way, you have a strong body of evidence against any attempt to disprove – or you can concede that God is a liar…
Speaking of gargles, can someone please make for me a Pangalactic Gargle Blaster?
Janine, I absolutely love you.
I’m so using that.
One slice of lemon or two?
Harsh Words
a Poem by derender
All of you gargle goobers
With litesalt and meth.
It;s the only explaination for your vile
Tongues and cheap
Googer garglers.
Rectal reamers.
Blowhole burners.
Derender, still bearing false witness, but then you are too ignorant to stop doing so. Until you show some scientific evidence for your inane allegations, you have nothing but bombast. The only way to refute science is with more science. Which you are not conversant with. Religion and science divorce a couple of centuries ago, so religion has nothing to say to science, nor can it refute science. But science makes your inane and delusional religion look silly, because it ignores evidence. And by repeating your religion, you look silly, foolish, and stupid. Keep it up. We need good laughs around here, and you are very comic.
Are you for real, seriously?
Firstly, read up on the Dunning-Kruger effect, and think about you telling a geologist of over 3 decades [Josh] that he is ignorant on science. secondly, nothing in science is provable. Ideas can only be falsified, and thus the measure of a scientific theory is it’s ability to make falsifiable predictions and pass. Evolution has done this for the last 150 years – it’s regarded as one of the strongest theories in science, we know more about how evolution works than gravity. Thirdly, Darwin is not a saint, he’s a scientist. Evolution doesn’t live or die on his word, what matters is the science behind it. Darwin got many things about evolution wrong, and those have been corrected as experimenting was done.
When you don’t know what you are talking about, can you please have the courtesy to take on board that others might? Here’s a challenge for you: can you give a concise definition of what evolution is and how it works?
Janine, Insulting Sinner :
Let Josh deal with me
Let carlie deal with me
What geologist would you recommend? A evolution based one or creation based one?
I suppose that all of Obama’s book are pure sacred truth?
Horowitz knew more when he was 2 than all you put togther will ever learn in all of eternity. A professional liar? Maybe you are referring to Al Gore or some other enviro nut. Maybe even yourself. Foulmouth.
Yes I have rights to ask anything I want. And I will do just that where you like it or not.
You keep talng about me answering questions. i did several times and no one accepted the answer that I gave. TOUGH! Get over it. The only answer I get to my questions is a bunch of foulmouthed egglaying sarcasm and left wing septic scum. Keep the foulness coming, but don;t get your nerves touched too much. Better watch that blood pressure Dracula.
You are a goddamned ignorant pig fucking liar.
That is the reason why we mock you.
You come to people with much greater actual knowledge and experience and tell them they are bullies and liar.
Nothing you have say about science bares any resemblance to reality. And claiming that only libral believe in evolution denies the existence of all the conservatives who also know that evolution is true.
You are one pathetic little dumb fuck. Nuzzle close your gun. It is the only thing that makes you a big bad man.
Derender, do you take penicillin, or newer antibiotics?
Do you get a flu shot every year, or was once enough?
Evolution: You’re soaking in it.
derender you have demonstrated you you have no idea what you are talking about.
Tell us about radiometric decay again please
come on derender, let’s talk on this only on scientific grounds. Can you explain the following topics:
– Only give a paragraph or so for each, but please show you have an understanding of the science that you are arguing. Do you understand what these theories mean and what evidence there is to support them?
The pigfucker assumes that I am a fan of Barack Obama.
Just one more bad assumption for a stupid asshole filled with them. And guess, I hate Al Gore, I have for over a quarter of a century. But not for the reason you do, you fetid pile of shit.
Derender, as usual you get it wrong. You have to expound on and defend creationism. We get to refute you. After all, we have about a million or so scientific papers that back up evolution directly or indirectly, so it is establish science. You want to change our minds, start citing the peer reviewed primary scientific literature to back up your childish notions.
Wait, I’m catching up here, but what was that about Darwin owning slaves?
Kel :
You have been repsectful with most of your posts and I appreciate that. For your respect and courtesy I can honestly say that I cannot answer your question about the speed of light being constant. There are some ideas about it in the world of young earth creationsim that are still being worked out. It has proved to be a stubmling block to the movement. The main idea now is that everything was made in the universe at the exact same time. That’s all I can tell you. You will have to consult creationism people for anything further. I hope that answered it for you becuase i honestly have nothing else about light travel when it deal with creationism.
Creationism basically deals with te age of the earth from a historical and geneological point of view rather than froma universe point of view.
this is not only factually incorrect, it is also completely irrelevant. evolution is true regardless of whether its discoverer was the biggest asshole on the planet or a fluffy bunny.
Yeah. No, thanks.
Um, no. Once again you don’t have a fucking clue what you are talking about.
Derender, still lying and bullshitting. But then, you have nothing else. Show us the evidence by citing the scientific literature. Otherwise, you are just a self deluded fool.
derrender just can’t get his mind around atheism – that there are no saints or holy books. It’s projection, his sacred cow is being insulted so he’s hurling out insults at what he perceives are the sacred cows of atheism. It’s amazing how little insight this person has into the mindset of others, it’s so sad that many theists can’t ever see the world any other way but their own. It may be that their way of thinking is true, but they will never ever convince anyone of that unless they are able to understand what problems others see in their worldview.
derender – have you taken the Outsider Test For Faith?
Derender said:
So, am I to understand that you habitually barge into strangers’ homes, ranting drunkenly (for so your text reads) about slave-owning Darwin and far-left loons worshipping Obama, and when they tell you to get out of their house, you continue to harangue them until they leave you alone?
Again, I am reminded of how many people can function – even if it is a titanic struggle – with some serious mental issues.
Derender, this is a question perhaps you’d be interested in answering: what is your opinion on the flood? Why did God erase all evidence of it? What do you think his plan was in doing that? The event was written about in the Bible. So why did he erase all evidence and create a rock record that indicates it never happened? What was his point?
I don;t take flu shots becuase some of them are made using huma fetal cells lines. I refuse to take them. So are number of other medications made by Merck. Gardasil is a joke and has done more harm than good. Read Kevin Roeten’s articles sometime about Gardasil and other medications.
Darwin owned slaves. Your savior was a black hater. Get over it already! Haven’t you ever read anything by him? Read Darwin’s Plantation sometime. Just becuase you don;t like it doesn’t mean that it is not true. Just who is your all inspiring writer of pure truth? Maybe I’ll give it a look sometime.
Again, you vile pest. What’ with calling me all of those viscious names. is that all you do? can;t you think of anything better to do than call people vulgar profan names? Yeah i did it too, but only becuase of some of the vulgar filthy foulmouths on here. Go scrape your tounge with gasoline and a match. I only responed to you the way I did becuase you keep on with the mess. try being nice, it may return the favor someday.