
Alright, I’m juggling way too many things here, but I’ve got to make a promise about where I’ll be tonight. After the talk at GMU, I’m going to try and get into the AU event at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill and spend some time with the good people there, and then I’m going to tear myself away to go to…The Dubliner. I’ll try to get there by 10 or 10:30 — if I’m late, start the party without me.

When I was in Toronto, both Ken Ham and Jesus showed up. Could somebody give a call to invite Bush (I hear that people like to drink beer with him) and Obama? I think both of them need to spend more time with the godless heathens.


  1. Richard Harris says

    Jeeez, if only PZ could spend an hour or two with President Elect Obama, think how the whole world would benefit. I mean, rationality must be a better basis for decision making than belief in stupid Bronze Age superstition. So long as you’ve got the correct data, of course. And the right support staff. Oh well, we can dream.

  2. Tom (the irish one) says

    Good choice of pub. I’ve just looked at their website. I’ve got no idea what Budweiser is doing in the list of beers though.

  3. Craig says

    Ack! I was just down there! Both at Cap City Brewing across from the Dubliner and at the Hyatt. Looks like it’s going to be a busy night. :)

  4. bPer says

    Paper Hand @#1 asked:

    So, what does Jesus think of Ken Ham?

    I was at the table next to Ken, and the two of them seemed to get on great. Jesus even signed Ken’s Bible. I added a comment to Theo’s post with a link to my photo of the two.

  5. Chuck says

    LOVE to be there, but Hedgewitch and I have a date night; dinner and a Nanci Griffith concert …

  6. Bob Russell says

    Looks more like a young Ken Ham imposter to me….is this really the real Ken Ham? The real one is much older and his face looks like his razor needs four wheel drive….

  7. Jeanette says

    PZ: “juggling way too many things here…”

    Damn, no wonder; you’ve been posting faster than I can read. Of course, I’m lingering over the comments, too. You must be able to read a lot faster than I can, as well as writing at the speed of lightning.

    Don’t worry if you have to slow down a bit; we’ll still find plenty to argue about. ;o)

  8. says

    I went to the Dubliner on my one trip to Washington, DC. Hobbled over there after a long day of walking the Mall from the Capitol to the Vietnam Vets’ memorial. Needed good ale and good music and I got it. My pregnant wife loved it, too, but didn’t enjoy that I had beer and she had water.

    Coincidence, too, that we were staying at the same hotel as PZ is.

    We watched Silence of the Lambs on the hotel’s pay tv (this was 1992,) and it was cool to see a helicopter fly over the path that we had just walked that day.

  9. John C. Randolph says

    Ah, the Dubliner! I saw Eric Bogle there many years ago.

    One great thing about DC, is that any Irish pub worthy of the name has live music nightly. When I lived in northern VA, I spent a lot of time at Murphy’s and Ireland’s Own, hearing world-class traditional music.

    A couple other great DC pubs are Molly Malone’s and Ireland’s Four Provinces.


  10. Insightful Ape says

    PZ, can you tell us more? Why would that useless bum Ham want to listen to your talk?

  11. says

    O/T, but important – and horrifying:

    Five-year-old Utitofong can never go home. She has a loving family and has committed no crime, but her neighbours want her dead. Like thousands of children in the Niger delta of west Africa, she has fallen victim to an outbreak of virulent superstition that sees innocent young people condemned as witches. They can be driven from their villages, tortured or killed.


    A man from Ibaka in Akwa Ibom, who calls himself “the Bishop” , has made a fortune conducting “exorcisms” of children, claiming that they are possessed by the devil and eat human flesh. He told an investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches that he had killed “up to 110 people” who were identified as witches.

    Gary Foxcroft, a Briton who is director of Stepping Stones Nigeria, a charity that works with children abandoned because of their supposed “possession”, describes the situation as “an absolute scandal”.

    The distribution of a video claiming to explain how to “diagnose” those possessed is blamed. The film, End of the Wicked, is distributed widely across the Niger delta by the Liberty Gospel Church, a powerful evangelical sect with some 150 branches in the region. Its graphic images of apparently possessed children eating a human carcass, and being inducted into covens, have fuelled an epidemic of paranoia.

  12. Stark says

    I greatly enjoyed the lecture, PZ. Next time I’ll have to not live so far away so that I can drink and chat afterward. :)
    It was great finally meeting you.
    Think you’ll be in Austin, Texas next year? I’ll be moving there, the Godless are growing in that area greatly. :)

  13. barry21 says

    PZ – It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance tonight, even if briefly. Thanks for coming out.

  14. Ubi Dubium says

    PZ – Great talk last night. I’m glad I could bring my girls along! My oldest about laughed her butt off at your new and improved version of the knitting analogy. Hope you had fun at The Dubliner.