No les acabo de ver la forma de los Loligo pealey adultos, claro que es lo que tienen los embriones, que son amorfos.
I reckon it’d be pretty easy to make cookies or gingerbread to a reasonable approximation of these embryos. Any baking types care to attempt?
curly, larry & embrymo ?
No lightning in this picture, at all. It is not a photograph but an electrograph, through a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Green colour is only for aesthetic purposes.
#13: Maybe it’s the infamous fedora-wearing gangster boss Al Cephalo and his two bereted ex-Army bodyguards? (“I could kill you with seven tentacles tied behind my back!”)
For some reason, these things remind me vaguely of the Glukkons from the Oddworld videogame series. (I know… weird. But, still.)
So creepy lookin…
they look a bit like three very small mormons who’ve just turned up on the doorstep.
Bizzaro, though it may partly be due to the unnatural lighting.
No les acabo de ver la forma de los Loligo pealey adultos, claro que es lo que tienen los embriones, que son amorfos.
I reckon it’d be pretty easy to make cookies or gingerbread to a reasonable approximation of these embryos. Any baking types care to attempt?
curly, larry & embrymo ?
No lightning in this picture, at all. It is not a photograph but an electrograph, through a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Green colour is only for aesthetic purposes.
Pareidolia strikes again! The one in the middle is even wearing a fedora!
s1do, bueno, sí, pero es solamente una bonita imagen :)
PZ no dice nada mas.
“eerie green embryos”. Now there’s a great name for an alt/indie band!
See no evil squid, hear no evil squid, speak no evil squid.
If the one on the middle is wearing a Fedora, why are the other two wearing berets? I need to know.
Christmas Carolers!
Radioactive Hipster Snowmen
#13: Maybe it’s the infamous fedora-wearing gangster boss Al Cephalo and his two bereted ex-Army bodyguards? (“I could kill you with seven tentacles tied behind my back!”)
they appear to be grinning at me.
I think I need more coffee.
They remind me of Oogy Boogy Man.
They look like little witches. Norns of the Nautilus.
I really thought that the piglet squid at Cute Overload was going to show up here but this is cool too!
Oops, premature posting. Prune @6:
How about an embryo bento lunch? That may be a bit easier due to having a lot of different materials available.
*with a pronounced lisp*
Lisssten folks – the little green Martian cephalopods are coming to get YOU!
Nice. Spinal Tap’s last drummer.
They look like Wombles to me!
Turn the image upside down and you’ve got three day-glo mustachioed french poodle heads with funky electronic collars.
Nice hat on the guy in the middle. :-)
Love the pork pie hat on the middle one. Must be into ska.
Looks more like a strawhat to me. Most likely a bent up Panama. Like Osgood Fielding III.
There is a nice video of a pair of long-finned squid (Loligo pealei) swimming at . At the same website there are a number of links to more information about these interesting squid.
what is that think ?