Wow, I wish I knew the context behind that bizarre act of McCain’s. Though, if it weren’t for the face, it would almost look as if McCain were trying to grab Obama’s butt …
NOBODY can vote for that guy now.. I mean…ehhhh for president??!?
I declare a caption contest!
“I’ll give you ‘Joe the Plumber’!”
Richard Harrissays
Looks to me like McCain wanted to get his paws on Sarah Palin. And he mistook a tile pattern on the floor for her, or something.
Or maybe he was just casting out his demons. It sure looks like he’s been talking in tongues, like Palin’s advisors. (That’s if she actually takes advice.)
It’s a shame his jacket covers his pants in that shot. Otherwise I could photoshop an erection.
Well, I think he looks presidential.
…oh please, I know it is not for a foreigner to tell you guys how to vote but please, really, please don’t mess up. Please.
It’s obvious, especially in the photo from the different angle. John McCain has always rushed to kiss the ass of the guy who beat him in a presidential race. In 2000, he rushed to kiss the ass of the man who slimed him and his family, and he’s been kissing Bush’s ass ever since.
McCain is just trying to get a head start on his ass kissing.
#22: McCain appeals to the Reptilian brain. George Carlin explains this well:
The Primate brain says, “Give peace a chance”. The Mammalian Brain says, “Give peace a chance, but first, let’s kill this motherfucker”. The Reptilian brain says, “Kill the motherfucker, go to the peace rally and get laid.”
” I’m old what’s your excuse”
With thanks to George Hrab.
I remember when I saw it, all the strange gesticulations at the end of the debate, the 3 times hyper nervous “good job, good job, good job” to Obama, etc… I really wondered if this guy wasn’t going to explode in front of the cameras.
Dick Morris said something yesterday (I’m reminded of a movie about a California senator that is exactly that, anybody knows the title ?), now that McCain has nothing to lose anymore, he should just drop the mask, and say whatever he wants, who knows, maybe he could win ?
lolcandiate – McCain – invisible frozen light pole
Wow, I wish I knew the context behind that bizarre act of McCain’s.
You obviously don’t own a cat. This is a hairball coming up. Obama is on his way to get the paper towels. Again.
John Proctersays
Actually if it was based just on this picture and nothing else. I’d vote for McCain.
He just looks like a fun guy.
I remember when I saw it, all the strange gesticulations at the end of the debate, the 3 times hyper nervous “good job, good job, good job” to Obama, etc… I really wondered if this guy wasn’t going to explode in front of the cameras.
Just a suggestion….McCain really got schooled though.
This is bizarre, and too much like the Dean scream for my taste.
McCain and Palin deserve to lose based on his qualifications (ability to proclaim “capital gains tax cut” as the solution for any situation, for example) and her lack of same, rather than the photographic capture of McCain’s possession by Dick Rove.
Any port in a storm, though?
Big Rigsays
Definitely a heart attack. Consider the context.
What’s with the constant tongue flicking and McCain? It’s like the guy is a were-lizard. Some drug do this?
I noticed that early in the debate last night also, so naturally, my brain keep looking for it to happen. And happen it did.. way too many times. The man doesn’t look comfortable in his own skin… he must be getting ready to molt.
I saw this when it happened on TV, and I think it only looks this way due to perspective of the camera. I don’t believe Obama was actually in front of McCain when he did this. McCain was confused about which direction he was supposed to go and making light of himself and his mistake.
And now it turns out that neither Joe the Plumber nor the company he works for have licenses.
An Australian news site ran that picture with this caption: “McCain Goes For The Jugular, But Misses.”
Somnolent Aphidsays
Well, if it’s reported by Pharyngula it MUST be true. But seriously, doesn’t it look photoshopped? Did I blink during the debates and miss this? Can someone show me the video?
(You might find this thread funny when you aren’t such a literal minded pedant, and you acquire a sense of humor. Perhaps we should let you in on a little secret – we saw it too)
“So then the second girl takes the cup, and well, long story short, by the third time I watched it, I was all like, ‘Eewww, yuck!’ So, what can I expect from this Rick-Roll thingy everybody’s talking about? More of the same?”
“Uh, maybe it’s just best at this point if you don’t worry about becoming internet-savvy.”
My friends, and fellow Americans, can’t you see that our distinguished senator requires emotional venting in the form of conniptions?
“McCain’s brain slug, disgusted by its own vileness, attempts to escape via the oral cavity.”
He just looks like a fun guy.
McCain was confused about which direction he was supposed to go and making light of himself and his mistake.
i concur. this was a moment of self-effacing humor on McCain’s part when he was going one way on the stage, but then realized he needed to go the other. he did something similar in the second debate: when Tom mentioned they were both blocking his script, Obama calmly stepped one way while McCain over-exaggerated jumping the other
hey, i chuckled. my dad has similar moments of brief disorientation followed by his “confuzzled old guy” shtick
A trick many Tabloid media use is to freeze on a single frame in a video stream. You can isolate the frame which will reveal anyone at their worst. No Photoshopping necessary.
Abby Normalsays
Obama’s secret debate strategy… beans and cabbage for lunch.
Channeling Gene Simmons, except “She’s a He”, and he’s not 17 anyway.
“Now, if being a complete dick who has trouble speaking didn’t lose me the debate let me try this, my friends.”
Quiet Desperationsays
“I saw Obama in the locker room! This big, I tell you!”
Quiet Desperationsays
Obama’s hostile mind meld begins to have a negative effect on McCain.
I can’t stop captioning!!!!! :-)
I think the most disturbing thing is the row of stars emanating from McCain’s crotch going to Obama’s booty.
The Cheerful Nihilistsays
“McCain Gags on Obama’s Arugula-Elitist Fart After Choking on Third Debate.”
OBAMA: I find you lack of faith in me disturbing.
Funny, but not bad. He was just being silly. Actually, it’s kind of nice seeing him put his guard down for a second.
I do not like the man or his policies, but this really was just him being kind of silly. Especially after a long, intense debate, he was probably just really high strung.
But I do stuff like this all the time, so what do I know?
I was WRONG. It’s obvious – Barack broke wind!!!!
Quiet Desperationsays
Obama: *sigh* He’s making that face again, isn’t he?
Thanks for the video, toomanytribbles.
I do that too, and I’m not half McCain’s age. It looks pretty selfdeprecating in context.
McCain play acts the one heartbeat standing between Sarah Palin and the Presidency.
Eric Atkinsonsays
And now it turns out that neither Joe the Plumber nor the company he works for have licenses.
And yet he made Obama look like a dick.
Reed Ulvestadsays
@26, I’m guessing Bulworth is the movie you’re thinking of.
OK, I’ll stop. Got carried away. :-) Thank you for your patience, and vote for me in November.
Sui Generissays
A new super power! Red Star Flatulence! (not as brilliant as flying or turning invisible, but hey.)
Jason A.says
So who thinks this whole election is just a GOP experiment to see how far they can go and still maintain their base?
From Crooks & Liars:
Now an Al Jazeera camera crew caught the honest sentiments of McCain/Palin supporters at an Ohio rally:
“I’m afraid if he wins, the blacks will take over. He’s not a Christian! This is a Christian nation! What is our country gonna end up like?”
“When you got a Negra running for president, you need a first stringer. He’s definitely a second stringer.”
“He seems like a sheep – or a wolf in sheep’s clothing to be honest with you. And I believe Palin – she’s filled with the Holy Spirit, and I believe she’s gonna bring honesty and integrity to the White House.”
“He’s related to a known terrorist, for one.”
“He is friends with a terrorist of this country!”
“He must support terrorists! You know, uh, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. And that to me is Obama.”
“Just the whole, Muslim thing, and everything, and everybody’s still kinda – a lot of people have forgotten about 9/11, but… I dunno, it’s just kinda… a little unnerving.”
“Obama and his wife, I’m concerned that they could be anti-white. That he might hide that.”
“I don’t like the fact that he thinks us white people are trash… because we’re not!”
The precioussssss, the preciousssss, he stole my precioussss!
John Procter said… Actually if it was based just on this picture and nothing else. I’d vote for McCain.
He just looks like a fun guy.
I think you misspelled “fungi”.
Hey, be fair. He had to top the flirtatious wink, where’s he going to go?
Paul A.says
I remember seeing him make that face twice at the very end of the debate and I wondered what the heck was he thinking, someone is going grab that image and it was going to show up on the Internet like this. He made the same incredibly stupid 3 million dollar projector remark again and he lost the remaining iota of residual sympathy I had for him.
My friends, ::ahem:: as you can see, my opponent clearly can tell that I’m choking, ::cough:: ::cough:: and he still refuses to give me the Heimlich. ::cough:: That’s not change we can believe in! ::hack:: ::hack:: ::cough:: ::cough::
“I just swallowed an earmark!”
“This is the big one, Lizabeth!”
I’d like to thank my esteemed colleague…
John McCain’s health plan: the visual
Hey friends, check out my Custer impersonation
Albert Meyersays
McCain is a warmonger, but Joe Biden told us “we need to build more schools in Pakistan” and Barack Obama told us “we need more troops in Afganistan.” Gee, is there really a difference? Condolizza Rice gave a billion dollars to Tiblisi, Georgia. I was hoping Obama would tell us that he will stop such largesse and make sure Atlanta, GA, gets a billion for urban renewal. Healthcare not warfare. War is not pro life. Instead they argue about tax breaks. I’m out of this race. It’s worse than the lesser of two evils.
“Get behind me, Satan!”
Caption Contest: “Hey it worked for Elwood!”
(You have to google for “Elwood the dog” to comprehend the extremely funny humor of that. Thank you everybody.)
Jason A. @ 68:
So who thinks this whole election is just a GOP experiment to see how far they can go and still maintain their base?
The Voice of Paranoia has a better explanation.
Realising just how truly, madly and deeply f’ed up the current situation (foreign and domestic) is, the Republican Party has decided that, since there’s no way to solve it that will satisfy everyone (especially with the Media and blogosphere in there pushing), whoever gets stuck with the Hot Potato that is the next presidency (and by extension, their Party) is going to end up looking ineffective, incompetent and…well…bad. That that President, in his capacity of Official Scapegoat, will get saddled with all the blame not only for failing to Make It All Better, but also for the crisis itself. And they don’t want that to be them, and have decided to take a dive on this match, while trying not to be to obvious about it. Hence, McCain’s Senile Old Man act, and pretty much everything about Palin.
Then, they throw a ton of money at the next election, get their stooge in (probably in the name of Change), and go back to skimming off all the cream.
So…crazy? Not so much? Whaddaya’all think?
Asswhuppin’ starring Rev. BigDumbChimp in a chicken suit…
Holey zombie robots! I knew they would try to take over.
Voldermort Jr.says
Cthulhu/Hitler 2008 – Why settle for a lesser evil.
Kind of sad. Not too many years ago McCain was a man we could admire — for a Republican. He acted with honor and dignity while he was a prisoner of war, and he was independent and principled (with a couple of notable exceptions) in his behavior after the war. The Keating Five was one exception, and dumping his first wife after her auto accident to marry a rich heiress was another. But with today’s low bar for ethical standards among Republican politicians, he was btter than average.
But in the last couple of months he seemed to unravel. Does this have the earmarks (pun intended) of a Greek tragedy?
“Shit. right hand, LEFT foot ….”
Andrew | October 16, 2008 2:02 PM
Can’t… Keep… Hands… off beautiful black ass!!!!
When do we get to the point where it actually mathers if we are smart or not. Having a high IQ really does matter in alot of circumstances, one of them beeing the president of the USA. “Anyone can be president” in your country. This is hold in the highest respect and ofcourse sanctioned in the society. Anyone? Anyone has had highest office in America, and it did not work out very well…
What has to be done is a screening :) (yes I’m a psychologist) to decide who is fit for President. Everyone below 148 in IQ should be considered “out of order” for the job.
I apologize for the shitty grammar, and spelling.. Beeing drunk and swede I cite Manuel “It’s not easy for me”..
cheers all pharyngulites…
cicely @81: I think that’s exactly correct.
Moreover, when Obama fails to fix everything by about mid-May, the Republicans will tell us what a disaster Obama has been.
I’d add that they’ll probably try to oust Obama on account of ACORN. We’ll dick around with that for 3-1/2 years, then they’ll say we need a change.
I’m not so sure about your IQ theory. I mean sure, the person needs to be smart, but I think they need to be more sharp, than smart. IMO, the President needs to be a great manager and spokesperson than the guy who “figures shit out”. They need to understand interpersonal relationships. They need to know how to surround themselves with highly qualified subject matter experts. They need to know how to schmooze, bluff, bluster, feign knowledge, play chess, and most of all, make quick decisions that are the right ones. Too much glad-handing and no brains is a Palin. Too much brains and no people skills is not good either.
Scott from Oregonsays
Caption– “Hold still Obama! Another program! Gagh!!”
“What’s with the constant tongue flicking and McCain? It’s like the guy is a were-lizard. Some drug do this?”
I noticed that right away too. I was weirded out by it quite a bit. I don’t recall ever seeing him do that. It could be related to his relative comfort level doing a table debate versus the town hall (man have I come to hate that term) format. But seriously, WTF was his problem?
David Icke’s followers’ heads have been exploding for 16 hours now.
McCain looks as if he needs a good colonic. Form an orderly queue please…
PRETZELS – Republicans choke on them.
You’re don’t have to be really smart to be President – being able to listen, the ability to know when you don’t know something, some logical reasoning skills, and a lack of infatuation with one’s ideas and intelligence would be preferred. The important factors (the above, ability to be calm in crisis, etc.) aren’t likely to be dug up in screening anyway – if serial killers can game the system, a Presidential candidate should be a cinch.
The contrast with the current President, though would be telling – not all that smart, but absolutely convinced of his own rightness and doesn’t know what he doesn’t know (or doesn’t care).
What’s with the constant tongue flicking and McCain? It’s like the guy is a were-lizard.
He’s with the Babylonian Brotherhood who are secretly attempting to take control of the world.
..the Illuminati are a race of reptilian humanoids known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.
…and yes…Icke is dead serious! Check out his website.
? Has it come to that? Beeing smart and having a nice IQ diminish you from the “people skill”. This is bad, smart does not equal bad social skills. Smart is good. Intelligence is good. You look at patterns and you smile, “got it”. You look at a statement and you go “WTF…” I can bury this shit :)
Dont be so sure that smart = not beeing able to have a nice conversation with the russians aboute ….. shit
Graeme Elliottsays
McCAIN: “When I was younger the tribe shaman used to dance like this to ward off evil spirits. Doesn’t seem to work today…”
(Stolen lyrics admittedly)
“I like your booty, but I’m not gay.”
This may or may not be related to the topic at-hand, but I’ll ask anyway: Isn’t there a point at which the RNC has to look at the campaign as a whole, and realize that the White House is lost, and if they continue to fight for it, that’ll cost them an additional 5 Senate seats they could have fought for?
It’s all about allocating resources responsibly. Do you try to save a sinking ship and unnecessarily risk losing the rest of your fleet in the process, or do you cut your losses and let the ship sink?
Joe the Plumber is now officially a disaster. But what do you expect from a campaign that, apparently, vets no one?
To John McCain, “Vetting” means “Driving an American sports car.”
This one is from Riverside, California, which is about as conservative as Roseville, from what I’ve heard.
Newsflash: Eric Atkinson is still a dumbass troll.
Definitely a heart attack. Consider the context.
The Redd Foxx caption:
“You hear that, Elizabeth? I’m coming to join ya, honey!”
being able to listen, the ability to know when you don’t know something, some logical reasoning skills, and a lack of infatuation with one’s ideas and intelligence would be preferred.
you basically just described Clinton.
He at least knew enough to surround himself with policy wonks.
Now JFK? He WAS a policy wonk.
The green fromsays
In the press from Spain there are more funny photos:
Newsflash: Badjuggler is still a dumbass.
But you knew that didn’t you.
actually, no. not even after you lied about it.
we’re all still holing the door open for you so it won’t hit your ass on the way out.
arm’s gettin’ tired, though.
David C.says
That is definately a Photoshop shot of Obama.
#111: Your word is not enough to make a substantitive judgment on someone. If you told me the sky were blue, I would still go to the window and stare long and hard before I actually agreed with you. Now if you told us you were a dumbass, I’d be inclined to agree, but only because you’ve already provided copious evidence in an easily accessible form (well, for those who haven’t killfiled you yet, or can’t).
#96: Funny, that. I didn’t like him very much, because I didn’t think he was liberal enough, but funny how eight years (more than that, counting the Republican Congresses during Clinton’s administration) of incompetence alloyed with evil can alter one’s opinion. Hope we don’t bring NZ down with us if we fall.
Gilipollas Caraculosays
Does Viagra have any side effects that Pfizer is suppressing?
#109, not #96 in previous message. I don’t know what I was doing, exactly.
Brad Dsays
Quiet Desperation: You had me rolling with your captions!
dwarf zebusays
MikeM @106: I saw the story this morning and wondered if anyone hereabouts would pick up on it. I must say, the color illustration is much punchier online.
These are the self-same people who have nothing but derision for ‘political correctness’ so teh ironies, they burn so sweetly…
Eric Atkinsonsays
Dear fish;
Is lying about lying the best you cam come up with?
Brad Dsays
Flickering tongue = Death Eater
Watt de Fawkesays
It’s a rare side-effect from an erectile dysfunction drug. McCain wanted to go into this debate feeling fully up to it.
Not sure, but the term we may want is “tardive dyskinesia”.
Translated, it means strange/bad movements (dyskinesia) which persist (tardive).
“Tardive dyskinesia is characterized by repetitive, involuntary, purposeless movements. Features of the disorder may include grimacing, tongue protrusion, lip smacking, puckering and pursing of the lips, and rapid eye blinking. Rapid movements of the arms, legs, and trunk may also occur. Impaired movements of the fingers may appear as though the patient is playing an invisible guitar or piano.” –wiki
Tardive dyskinesia appears to be related to damage to the system that uses and processes the neurotransmitter dopamine, and generally results from the high dosage use of one of several prescription drugs.
“Tardive dyskinesia most commonly occurs in patients with psychiatric conditions who are treated with antipsychotic medications for many years. Some estimates suggest that it occurs in 15-30% of patients receiving treatment with antipsychotic neuroleptic medications for 3 months or longer. “A study being conducted at the Yale University School of Medicine has estimated that 32% of patients develop persistent tics after 5 years on major tranquilizers, 57% by 15 years, and 68% by 25 years.”
“Other estimates suggest that with each year of neuroleptic use, 5% of the patients will show signs of tardive dyskinesia, i.e., 5% after one year, 10% after two years, 15% after three years with no clear upper limit. Eventually, according to these estimates, if on the drugs long enough, the majority of patients will develop the disorder.”
“The incidence of tardive dyskinesia varies with the type of neuroleptic (e.g., haloperidol (Haldol) more often than perphenazine (Trilafon)), daily dose and duration of treatment (the higher the daily dose and the longer the duration of treatment, the higher the risk). “The elderly and female patients are more prone to develop tardive dyskinesia.”
“Case reports and case series have noted that several of the atypical antipsychotics substantially improve symptoms of treatment-resistant nightmares and insomnia. Ten patients with burns reported decreased sleep disturbances, diminished nightmares and flashbacks, and decreased hyperarousal with low doses of risperidone.[33] In a case-based series, olanzapine was used successfully to augment other therapies in six of seven patients with treatment-resistant nightmares and insomnia.[34] All patients reported improved sleep with decreased or absent nightmares, as well as improvements in other PTSD symptom clusters. Quetiapine achieved significant improvements in subjective sleep quality in a small, 6-week, prospective, openlabel study, with the authors reporting improved sleep latency and duration and decreases in sleep disturbance, episodes of terror, and acting out dreams.[35] Finally, a report describes the efficacy of aripiprazole in four of five returning veterans of the global war on terrorism.[36] Aripiprazole was well tolerated and helped reduce nightmares, agitated behavior during sleep, and hyperarousal. Although the atypical antipsychotics show promise, their significant adverse-effect profile (e.g., weight gain, diabetes mellitus, tardive dyskinesia) limits their routine use in patients with PTSD sleep disorders. In most instances, they are reserved for patients with comorbid psychosis or are used as adjunctive therapy in patients with explosive, aggressive, or violent behavior.
TD does not effect intelligence or thought so far as I know, and God knows whatever else we may think of him, McCain would have good reason to perhaps need one or another of these medications. So it is not a deal-breaker when looking for a president, any more than polio was.
Phil Arnold #104
These anti-Obama nuts are coming out of the woodwork:
(Oh, big, big sigh… ) I have many relatives who in Indiana who are exactly the same way.
So embarrasing…
Someone also mentioned his injuries from war, crashing, and captivity. There could be lots of reasons for McCain’s mannerisms and this picture that don’t involve a lack of fitness for the Presidency. It would be preferable to focus on what he and Palin have said and done and the capacities of both to lead, because it is more just to nuke them on those bases rather than a stupid (but funny) picture.
Oops “embarrassing…”
(so embarrassing!)
Rey Foxsays
Badjuggler: Please keep us up to date on any late breaking Eric Atkinson news. Like how many times we can make him mistype his own name.
J. D. Macksays
Here’s the best representation of the debate that I’ve come across:
This is creepily accurate, IMO.
J. D.
_ _ _ Scott from Oregon Mode _ _ _
1. Rant
2. Copy and paste emails you get from Ron Paul. Do not cite the source.
3. Make a plan that requires basic arithmetic and fail at that arithmetic by order of a 1000. Write several paragraphs with that error as the premise.
4. Find several ways to say Republicans = Democrats
5. Ummmmmmm………
6. Goes as close as you can to saying Ron Paul is the coming messiah and then rant about the hero worship of Barrack Obama.
7. Repeat 1-6 on every thread for the next three months.
_ _ _ End Scott from Oregon Mode _ _ _
Invisible Giant Ice Cream!
McCain, it appears, is actually the notorious criminal mastermind, The Penguin:
The image is self evident. It’s a guilty conscience. The guy knew he lied and felt ashamed.
Nooooooooo! You’ve exposed the secret method to defeat democrats! If it falls into the wrong hands, who knows what destruction may take place.
Paul The Burptistsays
I’m disappointed at this. I hate McCain and his shitty politics, but come on, please don’t sink as low as that. Debate the man on the issue and watch him fail. But this is not right. PZ, I’ve never disagreed with you before. Don’t sink, rise, rise, rise!!!
“No Heart! No, you must keep working, KEEP WORKING, long enough to get Palin in office to destroy…to destroy….the liber..blahs [expires]”…..[McCain going toward the light] “Joe the Plumber, is that you?”
Is lying about lying the best you cam come up with?
one, It’s readily clear you lied (the person you called a dumbass has given no indication of such – you, OTOH…).
two. not hardly, as I’m sure you’re already aware.
my goal is to see you go, in case you hadn’t figure that out.
you’ve worn out your welcome with everyone here, and at this point, you seem to want that too.
Good work, PZ, at illustrating the point I made the other day in the Salon physiognomy thread. If one took everything at face value and grossly overgeneralized, they could argue that this shows that godless liberals are so intellectually corrupt that they will rip photos out of context and imply that McCain would be a bad President just because he went the wrong way around a desk and then clowned around about it.
truth machine, OMsays
(You might find this thread funny when you aren’t such a literal minded pedant, and you acquire a sense of humor.
Now, couldn’t one say exactly the same thing about PZ’s humorless response to that Salon piece?
Truth Machine, If you still have your sling blade, could you please show it to Eric?
Please read 107
I did, and responded appropriately.
are you saying you’re NOT a dumbass troll?
’cause if so, I’d bet you’d find an overwhelming majority here would beg to differ, even if that would be an ad-populum argument on the face of it.
truth machine, OMsays
And yet he made Obama look like a dick.
No, he made himself look like a dick, just as you are doing. Obama, in the debate and even more so in his personal discussion with Joe that started this thing (the video’s around somewhere) was pure class.
I’m moving back to the third row. *grin*
No, he made himself look like a dick, just as you are doing.
I’m sure Eric’s convinced that his statement was entirely accurate, and clever, too.
there are just one too many moronic twits playing troll around here of late.
If we could just get one tossed, either eric or max, it would provide a bit of breathing room.
Or, maybe I’m just TOO bored at the moment, and need to find something more worthwhile to spend time on.
truth machine, OMsays
“… a lack of infatuation with one’s ideas and intelligence would be preferred.”
you basically just described Clinton.
Uh, no.
truth machine, OMsays
Truth Machine, If you still have your sling blade, could you please show it to Eric?
I’d rather see him and STJ slice each other up.
Regarding the second video, I can’t believe no one’s linked to this yet, which is hilarious after you’ve seen the original.
I’d rather see him and STJ slice each other up.
is that what you call it?
frankly, I find myself more interested in going to slice up a good steak.
you can have him; not that there is much meat there.
Icththyic, you’re right about the trolls! Three going at once may require something a bit stronger than sangria.
Eric here could be one of Brownians basement dwelling stepchildren.
truth machine, OMsays
is that what you call it?
No, it’s just a fantasy, as I find you both distasteful.
Now, couldn’t one say exactly the same thing about PZ’s humorless response to that Salon piece?
this looks to me like the end of Nosferatu, when they trick the Count into sticking around til the sun comes up. he does a couple of laps of the room (looking very much like Sen. McCain here) and then fades out of existence in a puff of smoke.
blockquote user malfunction.
truth machine, OMsays
As for the Neocon/religiots view of “humor”, take a gander at this:
Thanks, already seen them.
Ahhh, now you let the light in on the problem. I didn’t quite identify the smell yet. Lack of penis envy. *face/palm*
Damn, I’m slow tonight!
Eric here could be one of Brownians basement dwelling stepchildren.
Hmph. Not likely. No basement-dwelling stepchild of mine would demonstrate such poor and narrow thinking.
By the time they reach eight, they’re usually tall enough to climb on the water heater and see out the window. You can practically watch their little minds bloom!
recovering catholicsays
#127 I thought he was just bragging about being in some way “epic” eric…
I think PZ likes to keep a couple of trolls around to amuse us…
So… John McCain is a living cartoon?
I might actually like that guy!
Caption: “Yes master… yeeeeees.”
Foiled again.
Well, he isn’t one of my little bastards, since I have none.
If PZ doesn’t throw him out pretty soon I’ll start honing the points on my ten tined manure fork.
Too bad, though. We could have sent him upstairs to see what his mom was screaming, “OH GOD!” about.
Janine ID AKA The Lone Drinkersays
Posted by: recovering catholic | October 16, 2008
I think PZ likes to keep a couple of trolls around to amuse us…
Naaa! You are giving PZ too much credit in his ability to control the action of others. There are always going to be true believers who try to save this wicked bunch. Going by your moniker, I am sure you understand.
I don’t have any kids, so it is probably not one of mine… Of course, I have to say probably because, well, back in the Eighties I did some things for money. There were pictures. Dr. Ruth was called.
It was just your typical teenage stuff, though, so nothing to get upset over.
Noni @ #123 (and Bob @ #22),
I was going to suggest haloperidol , actually, but you beat me to it Noni. I’ve seen the effects on a person close to me and with McCain flicking his tongue that way all through the debate it occurred to me at the time.
The problem is that this probably should disqualify him for the presidency if he’s taking it. Haloperidol isn’t exactly prescribed lightly, it’s a pretty serious antipsychotic that’s usually used for much more serious conditions that PTSD unless that includes hallucinations or other features that indicate a psychotic or manic state. I did far too much research on this stuff a few years ago when I had to and it seems to me that if McCain is suffering from any condition serious enough to warrant haloperidol treatment then he shouldn’t be in any position of authority.
I don’t get the soundtrack on my work machine, but was that really John McCain? Looks like Mel Brooks to me. Has anyone ever seen them together?
I just received something fun in the mail. Harpers magazine actually just published an editors’ note that reads “Karl Rove is correct.” It was like time stopped.
Bill Dauphinsays
Late answering this, but…
Dick Morris said something yesterday (I’m reminded of a movie about a California senator that is exactly that, anybody knows the title ?), now that McCain has nothing to lose anymore, he should just drop the mask, and say whatever he wants, who knows, maybe he could win ?
Somebody else mentioned Bulworth, but I’m guessing maybe you’re thinking of The Candidate, starring Robert Redford. The difference is that, in that movie, it’s the young, energetic candidate who “has nothing to lose” and therefore can “say whatever he wants” because he’s running against a supposedly safe older conservative
rather than coming up with any number of armchair diagnoses for why McCain was rolling his eyes, grimacing, tongue-flicking and all that, is it not possible that he was just regressing under stress to what just about any junior high school boy will do when faced with a discussion he doesn’t understand and doesn’t want to participate in? It’s a surreal combination of bored and nervous – bored because he doesn’t CARE what Obama says, and nervous because he knows he’s tanking?
Posted by: Newfie @ 37
” “What’s with the constant tongue flicking and McCain? It’s like the guy is a were-lizard. Some drug do this?”
I noticed that early in the debate last night also, so naturally, my brain keep looking for it to happen. And happen it did.. way too many times. The man doesn’t look comfortable in his own skin… he must be getting ready to molt.”
Maybe he’s on speed/pseudoephedrine or a derivative. They give you energy and dry out your mouth.
No, it’s just a fantasy, as I find you both distasteful.
right, fantasy.
sorry, keep dreaming then.
and to think I’ve actually said good things about you behind your back. well, Ok, bad things too, but still.
when are you going to start your own blog, btw?
What’s with the constant tongue flicking and McCain? It’s like the guy is a were-lizard. Some drug do this?”
Oh dear, the music geek in me is coming out again. Reading Katkinkate’s post, all I could think of was the old noise core label, Amphetamine Reptile.
I will shut up now.
Posted by: Anders @ 89 “When do we get to the point where it actually mathers if we are smart or not. Having a high IQ really does matter in alot of circumstances, one of them beeing the president of the USA. … Everyone below 148 in IQ should be considered “out of order” for the job.”
I don’t agree. I think, if you’re going to use IQ to screen presidential candidates, the cuttoff should be somewhere around 120-130. It’s well above average, smart enough to have a degree and to be able to learn quickly on the job. The real skills needed are diplomacy, communication, leadership, and critical thinking. They’ve got lobbiests and advisors talking at them non-stop, they need to be able to recognise bullshit when they hear it and they need to be able to communicate quickly and clearly.
Being an idealist myself and a bit of a libertarian/socialist, I like to see some sort of feeling of responsibility for the whole nation (all the people and the future generations), instead of just the richest 20%, but I’m aware that’s probably wishful thinking.
Posted by: Alex @ 91 “Too much brains and no people skills is not good either.”
Eric Paulsensays
Nosferatu / Palin 08
Your Mighty Overloadsays
Come on guys, it’s obvious they are re-enacting a classic horror movie – either zombies or body-snatchers, I’d wager. After all, it’s always the black guy who gets killed!
Brilliant, thank you for sharing that. One of the funniest things I’ve seen. And not just gag funny but bloody witty funny.
“(*pant pant*) Ah, time to give that one’s you-know-what a whippin’!”
That you think I’m so shallow as to therefore not find you distasteful just adds to the distaste.
that you would think me so shallow as to care… oh nevermind.
well, let me add to the pleasure.
shall we dance again? I do so love to tango with you. Your buttons being so easy to push and all, and being entirely bored with the likes of “eric”.
I could start with the distasteful thing, and toss out an ad-populum argument about who is really the most distasteful. Not that it really matters, since it’s just your personal opinion of me, right?
Instead, I’ll ask you a question:
Are you bored yet of complaining about PZ’s “liberal woo” gaffe for the umpteenth time? after so many posts in a row in that thread, I was beginning to wonder (I even noticed you tried to raise the issue in another thread too). Before you even ask, I agreed with your point… the first time you made it.
over to you, spock.
truth machine, OMsays
I could start with the distasteful thing, and toss out an ad-populum argument about who is really the most distasteful.
You’re a fallacy-ridden idiot. How distasteful I am, or how many people find each of us distasteful, has no bearing on my finding you distasteful.
You’re a fallacy-ridden idiot.
…and you’re a quotemining idiot, since you chose to leave out the next sentence where I of course pointed out it was just your personal opinion.
it’s all a matter of taste, though, right?
“As the debate concluded, the candidates were shown a preview of Hustler’s upcoming DVD “Nailin’ Palin”
There’s one on the Spanish site listed @ #110 where Obama doesn’t look pleased to have his post debate hug with Michelle interrupted by a waaaay too happy looking McCain.
truth machine, OMsays
“You’re a fallacy-ridden idiot.”
I appreciate the affirmation.
you’re a quotemining idiot, since you chose to leave out the next sentence where I of course pointed out it was just your personal opinion.
Choosing to leave something out is not quotemining, cretin, especially when it’s so fucking obtuse. It is not an opinion that I find you distasteful, it’s a fact about my attitude toward you. “I find you distasteful” is not an empirical claim about you, not something that requires evidence of your distastefulness — although I certainly have reasons for my attitude, you old fart.
Somebody else mentioned Bulworth, but I’m guessing maybe you’re thinking of The Candidate, starring Robert Redford.
Bulworth, that was it…
I could imagine McCain now going on a pissing contest, talking about all the corruption and lobbying he’s experienced in his carreer.
But anyway, it only happens in movies !
Mind you, with the kind of psycho-active drugs he is obvously taking, an unforeseen reaction can always happen.
BTW, if doping is not allowed in sports, why is it allowed in presidential races ?
The UK tabloid press seems to have chosen that picture or one very similar to sum up the debate. It reminds me of the first Men in Black movie where the Bug’s redneck disguise is starting to slip…
Geez, how long have Truth Machine and Icthyic been married?
I’m going to not vote on him based on disagreeing with his policies, not based on photos of him simply being a little goofy, and the subsequent mean spirited comments posted on the internet.
But that’s just me.
Steve Marleysays
You can vote now on the Science Debate 2008 website. Read the candidates responses to 14 science questions and vote on which policy you agree with.
Notice how much McCain was blinking and shifting his eyes? Body Language experts say that can indicate attempts at deception and lying.
I’m not going to vote for the guy, but I thought that it was a nice humanizing moment of self-deprecating humor. I imagine that it will help him more than hurt him, at least for people who saw it happen in context rather than a single still. He made a little fumble about which way to go and made a silly face about it. Big deal. A carefully selected still can make just about anybody look demented, demonic, or crazy.
Arnosium Upinarumsays
That guy doesn’t exactly sport a poker face, does he?
Nerd of Redheadsays
It appears that the Chicago Tribune is going to recommend Obama for president. This is the first time in the history of the paper that they are endorsing a democrat for president.
Having been unable to whoop Obama’s ‘you know what’ during the debate, Senator McCain thought he would try to take him out using a kung fu move he had once seen in an old Bruce Lee movie.
John McCain, while experiencing one of his ‘senior moments’, accidentally mistakes Barack Obama for his running mate Sarah Palin.
Wow, I wish I knew the context behind that bizarre act of McCain’s. Though, if it weren’t for the face, it would almost look as if McCain were trying to grab Obama’s butt …
Can’t… Keep… Hands… off beautiful black ass!!!!
Is this really a screen grab (so to speak) or The Awesome Power of PHOTOSHOP ™ at work? Just wondering…
Matt A
This proves it: Obama is irresistible!
It was at the end of the debate; Schieffer was moving to the right to shake McCain’s hand & McCain went the wrong way.
#3: It’s genuine.
I declare a caption contest!
I saw a caption for this:
“Must escape….Turning back into Bush..”
NOBODY can vote for that guy now.. I mean…ehhhh for president??!?
“I’ll give you ‘Joe the Plumber’!”
Looks to me like McCain wanted to get his paws on Sarah Palin. And he mistook a tile pattern on the floor for her, or something.
Or maybe he was just casting out his demons. It sure looks like he’s been talking in tongues, like Palin’s advisors. (That’s if she actually takes advice.)
Its not quite the one I saw earlier today @
Both are still just creepy.
#10: Floor tile? Is that a nickname for Obama’s rump?
He looks like the emperor from star wars
Emperor McCainpaltine: “Join the dark side Jedi Obama . . . or DIE!!!” then lightning bolts fly out of his fingers!
Caption Contest: “…Must not look sane”
McCain gots some man-on-man jungle fever.
I saw a caption for this:
“Must escape….Turning back into Bush..”
so you are saying at midnight McCainderella turns back into a bumpkin?
It’s a shame his jacket covers his pants in that shot. Otherwise I could photoshop an erection.
Well, I think he looks presidential.
…oh please, I know it is not for a foreigner to tell you guys how to vote but please, really, please don’t mess up. Please.
It’s obvious, especially in the photo from the different angle. John McCain has always rushed to kiss the ass of the guy who beat him in a presidential race. In 2000, he rushed to kiss the ass of the man who slimed him and his family, and he’s been kissing Bush’s ass ever since.
McCain is just trying to get a head start on his ass kissing.
“Zombie McCain….wants….educated….braaaaaaaainssss!”
There’s already a version in circulation with a giant erect wanger photoshopped in between JM’s hands.
What’s with the constant tongue flicking and McCain? It’s like the guy is a were-lizard. Some drug do this?
Well, I for one think it looks very presidential. After all, Bush massaged the German Chancellor.
#22: McCain appeals to the Reptilian brain. George Carlin explains this well:
” I’m old what’s your excuse”
With thanks to George Hrab.
I remember when I saw it, all the strange gesticulations at the end of the debate, the 3 times hyper nervous “good job, good job, good job” to Obama, etc… I really wondered if this guy wasn’t going to explode in front of the cameras.
Dick Morris said something yesterday (I’m reminded of a movie about a California senator that is exactly that, anybody knows the title ?), now that McCain has nothing to lose anymore, he should just drop the mask, and say whatever he wants, who knows, maybe he could win ?
lolcandiate – McCain – invisible frozen light pole
Wow, I wish I knew the context behind that bizarre act of McCain’s.
You obviously don’t own a cat. This is a hairball coming up. Obama is on his way to get the paper towels. Again.
Actually if it was based just on this picture and nothing else. I’d vote for McCain.
He just looks like a fun guy.
Makes you wonder what he’s on, doesn’t it?
Dancing with invisible Cindy McCain.
‘Defeat can be a bitter pill to swallow’
Just a suggestion….McCain really got schooled though.
This is bizarre, and too much like the Dean scream for my taste.
McCain and Palin deserve to lose based on his qualifications (ability to proclaim “capital gains tax cut” as the solution for any situation, for example) and her lack of same, rather than the photographic capture of McCain’s possession by Dick Rove.
Any port in a storm, though?
Definitely a heart attack. Consider the context.
What’s with the constant tongue flicking and McCain? It’s like the guy is a were-lizard. Some drug do this?
I noticed that early in the debate last night also, so naturally, my brain keep looking for it to happen. And happen it did.. way too many times. The man doesn’t look comfortable in his own skin… he must be getting ready to molt.
I saw this when it happened on TV, and I think it only looks this way due to perspective of the camera. I don’t believe Obama was actually in front of McCain when he did this. McCain was confused about which direction he was supposed to go and making light of himself and his mistake.
And now it turns out that neither Joe the Plumber nor the company he works for have licenses.
Epic fail.
An Australian news site ran that picture with this caption: “McCain Goes For The Jugular, But Misses.”
Well, if it’s reported by Pharyngula it MUST be true. But seriously, doesn’t it look photoshopped? Did I blink during the debates and miss this? Can someone show me the video?
(You might find this thread funny when you aren’t such a literal minded pedant, and you acquire a sense of humor. Perhaps we should let you in on a little secret – we saw it too)
“So then the second girl takes the cup, and well, long story short, by the third time I watched it, I was all like, ‘Eewww, yuck!’ So, what can I expect from this Rick-Roll thingy everybody’s talking about? More of the same?”
“Uh, maybe it’s just best at this point if you don’t worry about becoming internet-savvy.”
My friends, and fellow Americans, can’t you see that our distinguished senator requires emotional venting in the form of conniptions?
“McCain’s brain slug, disgusted by its own vileness, attempts to escape via the oral cavity.”
i concur. this was a moment of self-effacing humor on McCain’s part when he was going one way on the stage, but then realized he needed to go the other. he did something similar in the second debate: when Tom mentioned they were both blocking his script, Obama calmly stepped one way while McCain over-exaggerated jumping the other
hey, i chuckled. my dad has similar moments of brief disorientation followed by his “confuzzled old guy” shtick
funny picture, though … “braaaaaains!” XD
“So then I grabbed Cindy by the hips and then I…”
i caught the moment in this video from c-span from a different point of view.
at 1:30:35
A trick many Tabloid media use is to freeze on a single frame in a video stream. You can isolate the frame which will reveal anyone at their worst. No Photoshopping necessary.
Obama’s secret debate strategy… beans and cabbage for lunch.
oops… anyway, just before the end.
Channeling Gene Simmons, except “She’s a He”, and he’s not 17 anyway.
“Now, if being a complete dick who has trouble speaking didn’t lose me the debate let me try this, my friends.”
“I saw Obama in the locker room! This big, I tell you!”
Obama’s hostile mind meld begins to have a negative effect on McCain.
I can’t stop captioning!!!!! :-)
I think the most disturbing thing is the row of stars emanating from McCain’s crotch going to Obama’s booty.
“McCain Gags on Obama’s Arugula-Elitist Fart After Choking on Third Debate.”
OBAMA: I find you lack of faith in me disturbing.
Funny, but not bad. He was just being silly. Actually, it’s kind of nice seeing him put his guard down for a second.
I do not like the man or his policies, but this really was just him being kind of silly. Especially after a long, intense debate, he was probably just really high strung.
But I do stuff like this all the time, so what do I know?
I was WRONG. It’s obvious – Barack broke wind!!!!
Obama: *sigh* He’s making that face again, isn’t he?
Thanks for the video, toomanytribbles.
I do that too, and I’m not half McCain’s age. It looks pretty selfdeprecating in context.
McCain play acts the one heartbeat standing between Sarah Palin and the Presidency.
And now it turns out that neither Joe the Plumber nor the company he works for have licenses.
And yet he made Obama look like a dick.
@26, I’m guessing Bulworth is the movie you’re thinking of.
OK, I’ll stop. Got carried away. :-) Thank you for your patience, and vote for me in November.
A new super power! Red Star Flatulence! (not as brilliant as flying or turning invisible, but hey.)
So who thinks this whole election is just a GOP experiment to see how far they can go and still maintain their base?
From Crooks & Liars:
The precioussssss, the preciousssss, he stole my precioussss!
John Procter said…
Actually if it was based just on this picture and nothing else. I’d vote for McCain.
He just looks like a fun guy.
I think you misspelled “fungi”.
Hey, be fair. He had to top the flirtatious wink, where’s he going to go?
I remember seeing him make that face twice at the very end of the debate and I wondered what the heck was he thinking, someone is going grab that image and it was going to show up on the Internet like this. He made the same incredibly stupid 3 million dollar projector remark again and he lost the remaining iota of residual sympathy I had for him.
Have you been in a coma for the last 8 years? I think based on this photo I’d like the more serious one in charge.
caption contest:
“i missed it by *this* much.”
How can people say McCain is old? In that photo he looks to be about six.
“I declare a caption contest!”
Ha ha, already happening over at the dailykos
Some of my favorites (from over there):
Ooooh, My Friends, I found a fly! Got him! Yum!”
I have a plumbing problem. Where’s Joe?
My friends, ::ahem:: as you can see, my opponent clearly can tell that I’m choking, ::cough:: ::cough:: and he still refuses to give me the Heimlich. ::cough:: That’s not change we can believe in! ::hack:: ::hack:: ::cough:: ::cough::
“I just swallowed an earmark!”
“This is the big one, Lizabeth!”
I’d like to thank my esteemed colleague…
John McCain’s health plan: the visual
Hey friends, check out my Custer impersonation
McCain is a warmonger, but Joe Biden told us “we need to build more schools in Pakistan” and Barack Obama told us “we need more troops in Afganistan.” Gee, is there really a difference? Condolizza Rice gave a billion dollars to Tiblisi, Georgia. I was hoping Obama would tell us that he will stop such largesse and make sure Atlanta, GA, gets a billion for urban renewal. Healthcare not warfare. War is not pro life. Instead they argue about tax breaks. I’m out of this race. It’s worse than the lesser of two evils.
“Get behind me, Satan!”
Caption Contest: “Hey it worked for Elwood!”
(You have to google for “Elwood the dog” to comprehend the extremely funny humor of that. Thank you everybody.)
Jason A. @ 68:
The Voice of Paranoia has a better explanation.
Realising just how truly, madly and deeply f’ed up the current situation (foreign and domestic) is, the Republican Party has decided that, since there’s no way to solve it that will satisfy everyone (especially with the Media and blogosphere in there pushing), whoever gets stuck with the Hot Potato that is the next presidency (and by extension, their Party) is going to end up looking ineffective, incompetent and…well…bad. That that President, in his capacity of Official Scapegoat, will get saddled with all the blame not only for failing to Make It All Better, but also for the crisis itself. And they don’t want that to be them, and have decided to take a dive on this match, while trying not to be to obvious about it. Hence, McCain’s Senile Old Man act, and pretty much everything about Palin.
Then, they throw a ton of money at the next election, get their stooge in (probably in the name of Change), and go back to skimming off all the cream.
So…crazy? Not so much? Whaddaya’all think?
Asswhuppin’ starring Rev. BigDumbChimp in a chicken suit…
Holey zombie robots! I knew they would try to take over.
Cthulhu/Hitler 2008 – Why settle for a lesser evil.
Kind of sad. Not too many years ago McCain was a man we could admire — for a Republican. He acted with honor and dignity while he was a prisoner of war, and he was independent and principled (with a couple of notable exceptions) in his behavior after the war. The Keating Five was one exception, and dumping his first wife after her auto accident to marry a rich heiress was another. But with today’s low bar for ethical standards among Republican politicians, he was btter than average.
But in the last couple of months he seemed to unravel. Does this have the earmarks (pun intended) of a Greek tragedy?
“Shit. right hand, LEFT foot ….”
McCain going for the tossed salad vote?
When do we get to the point where it actually mathers if we are smart or not. Having a high IQ really does matter in alot of circumstances, one of them beeing the president of the USA. “Anyone can be president” in your country. This is hold in the highest respect and ofcourse sanctioned in the society. Anyone? Anyone has had highest office in America, and it did not work out very well…
What has to be done is a screening :) (yes I’m a psychologist) to decide who is fit for President. Everyone below 148 in IQ should be considered “out of order” for the job.
I apologize for the shitty grammar, and spelling.. Beeing drunk and swede I cite Manuel “It’s not easy for me”..
cheers all pharyngulites…
cicely @81: I think that’s exactly correct.
Moreover, when Obama fails to fix everything by about mid-May, the Republicans will tell us what a disaster Obama has been.
I’d add that they’ll probably try to oust Obama on account of ACORN. We’ll dick around with that for 3-1/2 years, then they’ll say we need a change.
I’m not so sure about your IQ theory. I mean sure, the person needs to be smart, but I think they need to be more sharp, than smart. IMO, the President needs to be a great manager and spokesperson than the guy who “figures shit out”. They need to understand interpersonal relationships. They need to know how to surround themselves with highly qualified subject matter experts. They need to know how to schmooze, bluff, bluster, feign knowledge, play chess, and most of all, make quick decisions that are the right ones. Too much glad-handing and no brains is a Palin. Too much brains and no people skills is not good either.
Caption– “Hold still Obama! Another program! Gagh!!”
“What’s with the constant tongue flicking and McCain? It’s like the guy is a were-lizard. Some drug do this?”
I noticed that right away too. I was weirded out by it quite a bit. I don’t recall ever seeing him do that. It could be related to his relative comfort level doing a table debate versus the town hall (man have I come to hate that term) format. But seriously, WTF was his problem?
David Icke’s followers’ heads have been exploding for 16 hours now.
McCain looks as if he needs a good colonic. Form an orderly queue please…
PRETZELS – Republicans choke on them.
You’re don’t have to be really smart to be President – being able to listen, the ability to know when you don’t know something, some logical reasoning skills, and a lack of infatuation with one’s ideas and intelligence would be preferred. The important factors (the above, ability to be calm in crisis, etc.) aren’t likely to be dug up in screening anyway – if serial killers can game the system, a Presidential candidate should be a cinch.
The contrast with the current President, though would be telling – not all that smart, but absolutely convinced of his own rightness and doesn’t know what he doesn’t know (or doesn’t care).
Check out a review of the debate and a viseo of McCain’s crazy facial reactions throughout the night:
Provided “anyone” is a rich white guy.
We’ll see if that still holds in November.
#22 Bob L
He’s with the Babylonian Brotherhood who are secretly attempting to take control of the world.
…and yes…Icke is dead serious! Check out his website.
? Has it come to that? Beeing smart and having a nice IQ diminish you from the “people skill”. This is bad, smart does not equal bad social skills. Smart is good. Intelligence is good. You look at patterns and you smile, “got it”. You look at a statement and you go “WTF…” I can bury this shit :)
Dont be so sure that smart = not beeing able to have a nice conversation with the russians aboute ….. shit
McCAIN: “When I was younger the tribe shaman used to dance like this to ward off evil spirits. Doesn’t seem to work today…”
(Stolen lyrics admittedly)
“I like your booty, but I’m not gay.”
This may or may not be related to the topic at-hand, but I’ll ask anyway: Isn’t there a point at which the RNC has to look at the campaign as a whole, and realize that the White House is lost, and if they continue to fight for it, that’ll cost them an additional 5 Senate seats they could have fought for?
It’s all about allocating resources responsibly. Do you try to save a sinking ship and unnecessarily risk losing the rest of your fleet in the process, or do you cut your losses and let the ship sink?
Joe the Plumber is now officially a disaster. But what do you expect from a campaign that, apparently, vets no one?
To John McCain, “Vetting” means “Driving an American sports car.”
These anti-Obama nuts are coming out of the woodwork:
That’s not John McCain…and we all know that Shrub’s polyjuice potion tastes *EXACTLY* that bad.
With friends like this, who needs enemies?
Inland GOP mailing depicts Obama’s face on food stamp.
This one is from Riverside, California, which is about as conservative as Roseville, from what I’ve heard.
Newsflash: Eric Atkinson is still a dumbass troll.
Definitely a heart attack. Consider the context.
The Redd Foxx caption:
“You hear that, Elizabeth? I’m coming to join ya, honey!”
being able to listen, the ability to know when you don’t know something, some logical reasoning skills, and a lack of infatuation with one’s ideas and intelligence would be preferred.
you basically just described Clinton.
He at least knew enough to surround himself with policy wonks.
Now JFK? He WAS a policy wonk.
In the press from Spain there are more funny photos:
Newsflash: Badjuggler is still a dumbass.
But you knew that didn’t you.
Colbert already outed McCain as a reptile.
And I think Palin is one, too.
Newsflash: Badjuggler is still a dumbass.
But you knew that didn’t you.
actually, no. not even after you lied about it.
we’re all still holing the door open for you so it won’t hit your ass on the way out.
arm’s gettin’ tired, though.
That is definately a Photoshop shot of Obama.
#111: Your word is not enough to make a substantitive judgment on someone. If you told me the sky were blue, I would still go to the window and stare long and hard before I actually agreed with you. Now if you told us you were a dumbass, I’d be inclined to agree, but only because you’ve already provided copious evidence in an easily accessible form (well, for those who haven’t killfiled you yet, or can’t).
#96: Funny, that. I didn’t like him very much, because I didn’t think he was liberal enough, but funny how eight years (more than that, counting the Republican Congresses during Clinton’s administration) of incompetence alloyed with evil can alter one’s opinion. Hope we don’t bring NZ down with us if we fall.
Does Viagra have any side effects that Pfizer is suppressing?
#109, not #96 in previous message. I don’t know what I was doing, exactly.
Quiet Desperation: You had me rolling with your captions!
MikeM @106: I saw the story this morning and wondered if anyone hereabouts would pick up on it. I must say, the color illustration is much punchier online.
These are the self-same people who have nothing but derision for ‘political correctness’ so teh ironies, they burn so sweetly…
Dear fish;
Is lying about lying the best you cam come up with?
Flickering tongue = Death Eater
It’s a rare side-effect from an erectile dysfunction drug. McCain wanted to go into this debate feeling fully up to it.
Not sure, but the term we may want is “tardive dyskinesia”.
Translated, it means strange/bad movements (dyskinesia) which persist (tardive).
Tardive dyskinesia appears to be related to damage to the system that uses and processes the neurotransmitter dopamine, and generally results from the high dosage use of one of several prescription drugs.
Several drugs are indicated for PTSD. A report, from here: says
TD does not effect intelligence or thought so far as I know, and God knows whatever else we may think of him, McCain would have good reason to perhaps need one or another of these medications. So it is not a deal-breaker when looking for a president, any more than polio was.
Phil Arnold #104
These anti-Obama nuts are coming out of the woodwork:
(Oh, big, big sigh… ) I have many relatives who in Indiana who are exactly the same way.
So embarrasing…
Someone also mentioned his injuries from war, crashing, and captivity. There could be lots of reasons for McCain’s mannerisms and this picture that don’t involve a lack of fitness for the Presidency. It would be preferable to focus on what he and Palin have said and done and the capacities of both to lead, because it is more just to nuke them on those bases rather than a stupid (but funny) picture.
Oops “embarrassing…”
(so embarrassing!)
Badjuggler: Please keep us up to date on any late breaking Eric Atkinson news. Like how many times we can make him mistype his own name.
Here’s the best representation of the debate that I’ve come across:
This is creepily accurate, IMO.
J. D.
_ _ _ Scott from Oregon Mode _ _ _
1. Rant
2. Copy and paste emails you get from Ron Paul. Do not cite the source.
3. Make a plan that requires basic arithmetic and fail at that arithmetic by order of a 1000. Write several paragraphs with that error as the premise.
4. Find several ways to say Republicans = Democrats
5. Ummmmmmm………
6. Goes as close as you can to saying Ron Paul is the coming messiah and then rant about the hero worship of Barrack Obama.
7. Repeat 1-6 on every thread for the next three months.
_ _ _ End Scott from Oregon Mode _ _ _
Invisible Giant Ice Cream!
McCain, it appears, is actually the notorious criminal mastermind, The Penguin:
The image is self evident. It’s a guilty conscience. The guy knew he lied and felt ashamed.
Nooooooooo! You’ve exposed the secret method to defeat democrats! If it falls into the wrong hands, who knows what destruction may take place.
I’m disappointed at this. I hate McCain and his shitty politics, but come on, please don’t sink as low as that. Debate the man on the issue and watch him fail. But this is not right. PZ, I’ve never disagreed with you before. Don’t sink, rise, rise, rise!!!
“No Heart! No, you must keep working, KEEP WORKING, long enough to get Palin in office to destroy…to destroy….the liber..blahs [expires]”…..[McCain going toward the light] “Joe the Plumber, is that you?”
Is lying about lying the best you cam come up with?
one, It’s readily clear you lied (the person you called a dumbass has given no indication of such – you, OTOH…).
two. not hardly, as I’m sure you’re already aware.
my goal is to see you go, in case you hadn’t figure that out.
you’ve worn out your welcome with everyone here, and at this point, you seem to want that too.
so why not oblige?
I mean, unless you want to play the asshat?
Dear dead fish smell.
Please read 107
You should pick higher goals.
JayMagoo @85:
Here’s what Rolling Stone had to say about McCain’s military service. It’s a long read but worth it:
Good work, PZ, at illustrating the point I made the other day in the Salon physiognomy thread. If one took everything at face value and grossly overgeneralized, they could argue that this shows that godless liberals are so intellectually corrupt that they will rip photos out of context and imply that McCain would be a bad President just because he went the wrong way around a desk and then clowned around about it.
(You might find this thread funny when you aren’t such a literal minded pedant, and you acquire a sense of humor.
Now, couldn’t one say exactly the same thing about PZ’s humorless response to that Salon piece?
Truth Machine, If you still have your sling blade, could you please show it to Eric?
Please read 107
I did, and responded appropriately.
are you saying you’re NOT a dumbass troll?
’cause if so, I’d bet you’d find an overwhelming majority here would beg to differ, even if that would be an ad-populum argument on the face of it.
And yet he made Obama look like a dick.
No, he made himself look like a dick, just as you are doing. Obama, in the debate and even more so in his personal discussion with Joe that started this thing (the video’s around somewhere) was pure class.
I’m moving back to the third row. *grin*
No, he made himself look like a dick, just as you are doing.
I’m sure Eric’s convinced that his statement was entirely accurate, and clever, too.
there are just one too many moronic twits playing troll around here of late.
If we could just get one tossed, either eric or max, it would provide a bit of breathing room.
Or, maybe I’m just TOO bored at the moment, and need to find something more worthwhile to spend time on.
“… a lack of infatuation with one’s ideas and intelligence would be preferred.”
you basically just described Clinton.
Uh, no.
Truth Machine, If you still have your sling blade, could you please show it to Eric?
I’d rather see him and STJ slice each other up.
Regarding the second video, I can’t believe no one’s linked to this yet, which is hilarious after you’ve seen the original.
I’d rather see him and STJ slice each other up.
is that what you call it?
frankly, I find myself more interested in going to slice up a good steak.
you can have him; not that there is much meat there.
Icththyic, you’re right about the trolls! Three going at once may require something a bit stronger than sangria.
Eric here could be one of Brownians basement dwelling stepchildren.
is that what you call it?
No, it’s just a fantasy, as I find you both distasteful.
Actually, TM, I didn’t read that thread. My response came off much harsher than I meant. I wrongfully assumed most people caught the bobble McC made and were aware that a particularly unflattering frame was singled out. As for the Neocon/religiots view of “humor”, take a gander at this: and this:
this looks to me like the end of Nosferatu, when they trick the Count into sticking around til the sun comes up. he does a couple of laps of the room (looking very much like Sen. McCain here) and then fades out of existence in a puff of smoke.
blockquote user malfunction.
As for the Neocon/religiots view of “humor”, take a gander at this:
Thanks, already seen them.
Ahhh, now you let the light in on the problem. I didn’t quite identify the smell yet. Lack of penis envy. *face/palm*
Damn, I’m slow tonight!
Hmph. Not likely. No basement-dwelling stepchild of mine would demonstrate such poor and narrow thinking.
By the time they reach eight, they’re usually tall enough to climb on the water heater and see out the window. You can practically watch their little minds bloom!
#127 I thought he was just bragging about being in some way “epic” eric…
I think PZ likes to keep a couple of trolls around to amuse us…
So… John McCain is a living cartoon?
I might actually like that guy!
Caption: “Yes master… yeeeeees.”
Foiled again.
Well, he isn’t one of my little bastards, since I have none.
If PZ doesn’t throw him out pretty soon I’ll start honing the points on my ten tined manure fork.
Too bad, though. We could have sent him upstairs to see what his mom was screaming, “OH GOD!” about.
Posted by: recovering catholic | October 16, 2008
I think PZ likes to keep a couple of trolls around to amuse us…
Naaa! You are giving PZ too much credit in his ability to control the action of others. There are always going to be true believers who try to save this wicked bunch. Going by your moniker, I am sure you understand.
I don’t have any kids, so it is probably not one of mine… Of course, I have to say probably because, well, back in the Eighties I did some things for money. There were pictures. Dr. Ruth was called.
It was just your typical teenage stuff, though, so nothing to get upset over.
Noni @ #123 (and Bob @ #22),
I was going to suggest haloperidol , actually, but you beat me to it Noni. I’ve seen the effects on a person close to me and with McCain flicking his tongue that way all through the debate it occurred to me at the time.
The problem is that this probably should disqualify him for the presidency if he’s taking it. Haloperidol isn’t exactly prescribed lightly, it’s a pretty serious antipsychotic that’s usually used for much more serious conditions that PTSD unless that includes hallucinations or other features that indicate a psychotic or manic state. I did far too much research on this stuff a few years ago when I had to and it seems to me that if McCain is suffering from any condition serious enough to warrant haloperidol treatment then he shouldn’t be in any position of authority.
Ugh. Gross. He is seriously so…well, gross.
I don’t get the soundtrack on my work machine, but was that really John McCain? Looks like Mel Brooks to me. Has anyone ever seen them together?
I just received something fun in the mail. Harpers magazine actually just published an editors’ note that reads “Karl Rove is correct.” It was like time stopped.
Late answering this, but…
Somebody else mentioned Bulworth, but I’m guessing maybe you’re thinking of The Candidate, starring Robert Redford. The difference is that, in that movie, it’s the young, energetic candidate who “has nothing to lose” and therefore can “say whatever he wants” because he’s running against a supposedly safe older conservative
rather than coming up with any number of armchair diagnoses for why McCain was rolling his eyes, grimacing, tongue-flicking and all that, is it not possible that he was just regressing under stress to what just about any junior high school boy will do when faced with a discussion he doesn’t understand and doesn’t want to participate in? It’s a surreal combination of bored and nervous – bored because he doesn’t CARE what Obama says, and nervous because he knows he’s tanking?
More fodder for the Reptoid conspiracy theorists.
*shakes head, googles David Icke*
Posted by: Newfie @ 37
” “What’s with the constant tongue flicking and McCain? It’s like the guy is a were-lizard. Some drug do this?”
I noticed that early in the debate last night also, so naturally, my brain keep looking for it to happen. And happen it did.. way too many times. The man doesn’t look comfortable in his own skin… he must be getting ready to molt.”
Maybe he’s on speed/pseudoephedrine or a derivative. They give you energy and dry out your mouth.
No, it’s just a fantasy, as I find you both distasteful.
right, fantasy.
sorry, keep dreaming then.
and to think I’ve actually said good things about you behind your back. well, Ok, bad things too, but still.
when are you going to start your own blog, btw?
What’s with the constant tongue flicking and McCain? It’s like the guy is a were-lizard. Some drug do this?”
One word: Reptoids ( Where’s David Icke! (
For more:
As for what he is taking, here is one article – I haven’t researched it on my own, so I can’t verify anything:
Oh dear, the music geek in me is coming out again. Reading Katkinkate’s post, all I could think of was the old noise core label, Amphetamine Reptile.
I will shut up now.
Posted by: Anders @ 89 “When do we get to the point where it actually mathers if we are smart or not. Having a high IQ really does matter in alot of circumstances, one of them beeing the president of the USA. … Everyone below 148 in IQ should be considered “out of order” for the job.”
I don’t agree. I think, if you’re going to use IQ to screen presidential candidates, the cuttoff should be somewhere around 120-130. It’s well above average, smart enough to have a degree and to be able to learn quickly on the job. The real skills needed are diplomacy, communication, leadership, and critical thinking. They’ve got lobbiests and advisors talking at them non-stop, they need to be able to recognise bullshit when they hear it and they need to be able to communicate quickly and clearly.
Being an idealist myself and a bit of a libertarian/socialist, I like to see some sort of feeling of responsibility for the whole nation (all the people and the future generations), instead of just the richest 20%, but I’m aware that’s probably wishful thinking.
Posted by: Alex @ 91 “Too much brains and no people skills is not good either.”
Nosferatu / Palin 08
Come on guys, it’s obvious they are re-enacting a classic horror movie – either zombies or body-snatchers, I’d wager. After all, it’s always the black guy who gets killed!
Funny, I thought McCain said he was going to whip Obama’s you-know-what…
and to think I’ve actually said good things about you behind your back.
That you think I’m so shallow as to therefore not find you distasteful just adds to the distaste.
That almost caused me to need a Heimlich. Nice.
Tony @ #180
Brilliant, thank you for sharing that. One of the funniest things I’ve seen. And not just gag funny but bloody witty funny.
“(*pant pant*) Ah, time to give that one’s you-know-what a whippin’!”
That you think I’m so shallow as to therefore not find you distasteful just adds to the distaste.
that you would think me so shallow as to care… oh nevermind.
well, let me add to the pleasure.
shall we dance again? I do so love to tango with you. Your buttons being so easy to push and all, and being entirely bored with the likes of “eric”.
I could start with the distasteful thing, and toss out an ad-populum argument about who is really the most distasteful. Not that it really matters, since it’s just your personal opinion of me, right?
Instead, I’ll ask you a question:
Are you bored yet of complaining about PZ’s “liberal woo” gaffe for the umpteenth time? after so many posts in a row in that thread, I was beginning to wonder (I even noticed you tried to raise the issue in another thread too). Before you even ask, I agreed with your point… the first time you made it.
over to you, spock.
I could start with the distasteful thing, and toss out an ad-populum argument about who is really the most distasteful.
You’re a fallacy-ridden idiot. How distasteful I am, or how many people find each of us distasteful, has no bearing on my finding you distasteful.
You’re a fallacy-ridden idiot.
…and you’re a quotemining idiot, since you chose to leave out the next sentence where I of course pointed out it was just your personal opinion.
it’s all a matter of taste, though, right?
“As the debate concluded, the candidates were shown a preview of Hustler’s upcoming DVD “Nailin’ Palin”
There’s one on the Spanish site listed @ #110 where Obama doesn’t look pleased to have his post debate hug with Michelle interrupted by a waaaay too happy looking McCain.
“You’re a fallacy-ridden idiot.”
I appreciate the affirmation.
you’re a quotemining idiot, since you chose to leave out the next sentence where I of course pointed out it was just your personal opinion.
Choosing to leave something out is not quotemining, cretin, especially when it’s so fucking obtuse. It is not an opinion that I find you distasteful, it’s a fact about my attitude toward you. “I find you distasteful” is not an empirical claim about you, not something that requires evidence of your distastefulness — although I certainly have reasons for my attitude, you old fart.
Bulworth, that was it…
I could imagine McCain now going on a pissing contest, talking about all the corruption and lobbying he’s experienced in his carreer.
But anyway, it only happens in movies !
Mind you, with the kind of psycho-active drugs he is obvously taking, an unforeseen reaction can always happen.
BTW, if doping is not allowed in sports, why is it allowed in presidential races ?
The UK tabloid press seems to have chosen that picture or one very similar to sum up the debate. It reminds me of the first Men in Black movie where the Bug’s redneck disguise is starting to slip…
Geez, how long have Truth Machine and Icthyic been married?
I’m going to not vote on him based on disagreeing with his policies, not based on photos of him simply being a little goofy, and the subsequent mean spirited comments posted on the internet.
But that’s just me.
You can vote now on the Science Debate 2008 website. Read the candidates responses to 14 science questions and vote on which policy you agree with.
Caption: Too late, McCain’s pancreas makes a desperate bid to salvage McCain’s brain.
E.V. – Looks like about 30 years.
The animated photoshopped version:
Notice how much McCain was blinking and shifting his eyes? Body Language experts say that can indicate attempts at deception and lying.
I’m not going to vote for the guy, but I thought that it was a nice humanizing moment of self-deprecating humor. I imagine that it will help him more than hurt him, at least for people who saw it happen in context rather than a single still. He made a little fumble about which way to go and made a silly face about it. Big deal. A carefully selected still can make just about anybody look demented, demonic, or crazy.
That guy doesn’t exactly sport a poker face, does he?
It appears that the Chicago Tribune is going to recommend Obama for president. This is the first time in the history of the paper that they are endorsing a democrat for president.
Having been unable to whoop Obama’s ‘you know what’ during the debate, Senator McCain thought he would try to take him out using a kung fu move he had once seen in an old Bruce Lee movie.
John McCain, while experiencing one of his ‘senior moments’, accidentally mistakes Barack Obama for his running mate Sarah Palin.