Pardon my ignorance, but is the cephalopod in the picture the type commonly called a “paper nautilus”? I’ve always been fascinated just by the name but I’ve never seen a really good picture of one of them. And although this is a beautiful shot it still leaves me wanting more.
Brought to you by the wonders of evolution for our still enjoyment and amazement! We used to look like that in our early stages, didn’t we?
Justin H.says
Goldurn deadbeat cephalopods need to start pulling themselves up by their tentacle-straps.
David Marjanović, OMsays
We used to look like that in our early stages, didn’t we?
No. We never had a bell or a shell, and we had much bigger, heavier scales than the fish in the photo, among other things.
David Marjanovic, OM @ 8
Whew; just checking! Maybe that was the precursor of fundies?
@Beth B
No, that is one Kind. “So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth”. So there are 5 kinds. Fish, fowl, beasts, creepy things, and men. Yay. We is special. We is our own Kind. ;)
Thanks, Sven. I still would like to see more pictures. Obviously what I need to do is scrap my job as a librarian and pursue a career in marine biology instead.
I hereby claim this thread for the Kingdom of Open.
Religion that works.
Nonsense: that’s just three *kinds*.
Awesome. My three favorite phyla all in one shot.
Unrelated to cephalopodia, but I think this cartoon ( is one that you would appreciate in this campaign season.
Pardon my ignorance, but is the cephalopod in the picture the type commonly called a “paper nautilus”? I’ve always been fascinated just by the name but I’ve never seen a really good picture of one of them. And although this is a beautiful shot it still leaves me wanting more.
Brought to you by the wonders of evolution for our still enjoyment and amazement! We used to look like that in our early stages, didn’t we?
Goldurn deadbeat cephalopods need to start pulling themselves up by their tentacle-straps.
No. We never had a bell or a shell, and we had much bigger, heavier scales than the fish in the photo, among other things.
David Marjanovic, OM @ 8
Whew; just checking! Maybe that was the precursor of fundies?
@Beth B
No, that is one Kind. “So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth”. So there are 5 kinds. Fish, fowl, beasts, creepy things, and men. Yay. We is special. We is our own Kind. ;)
Christopher (@#5): It’s an octopus that’s called a “paper nautilus”
Thanks, Sven. I still would like to see more pictures. Obviously what I need to do is scrap my job as a librarian and pursue a career in marine biology instead.