I’m going to head out the door shortly for my drive down Minnesota back roads to Little House on the Prairie country — if I get there early, is there any place in town that’s good for coffee and wifi? I was planning to find a cheap hotel for the night, too, and leave from there to catch a plane in the morning. Locals, tip me off to any possibilities!
not a mankatoite, but the Comfort Inn is pretty cheap ($65/night), they have free wifi and probly some pretty bad coffee.
There’s an AmericInn or something like it close to campus; Indeed, there’s an entire new facility in that area (across the street from the sports arena and parking lot) that has lots of (fast food type) dining.
A better choice for hotel, if you’re willing to spring for it, would probably be the Holiday Inn (convention center) downtown.
I will be staying at the Best Western on 169 which is pretty close. There is also a Super 8 and a Days Inn on 169, but are only a few dollars cheaper and don’t have a bar. So after Dennett, I will be in the Best Western bar (I’ll be the one in some death metal shirt most likely) for anybody else going there.
I will be staying at the Best Western on 169 which is pretty close. There is also a Super 8 and a Days Inn on 169, but are only a few dollars cheaper and don’t have a bar.
I worked front desk (overnight) at that Days Inn about 14 years ago.
Oh, and that Best Western starts around $70, so may as well spring for the extra few dollars to have a nice breakfast (and to drink heavily tonight). And it’s fairly close to the college.
It’s Mankato. Everything is fairly close to the college.
Ha, that’s a good point. But having only been there once and seeing the map, the route from Best Western makes sense and I don’t think I’ll get lost.
Ok, being what appears to be the 1st person actually in ‘kato to post…the Coffee Hag is downtown and offers WiFi as well as relaxed atmosphere If you are going to be closer to the campus, the Hub also offers the same. The Best Western previously suggested offers high speed too and WiFi in some places inside (or they did when I worked there 2 years ago) There is a Microtel thats near the outside of town on the north side with free internet also. Actually, to think of it, many of the bars and coffee shops in town have free WiFi thanks to a push by one of our local computer repair shops. If you need any more info, feel free to email me.
The AmericInn is closest to campus. There’s a coffee shop called “The Hub” in the recently-built University Square (That’s the facility referenced by MAJeff) right next to it. They have wireless internet. University Square has a Chipotle, Noodles & Co., Great Wall (Chinese), Cold Stone Creamery, Johnny B’s (formerly called Johnny Beefcakes, but the name kept the homophobes out) and a bar called Boomtown which has the best BBQ chicken pizza in town.
Otherwise, you could head to Mazatlan, a Mexican restaurant on Madison Ave. They have fajita nachos that
are absolutely amazing.
apparently it’s not linked, the email address is geekjay@gmail.com
Seems to me it would be “Mankatan”, not “Mankatoite”. But I’ve never been there, much as it would’ve been a short drive from my former Prior Lake rental.
When I got stuck in Mankato during a storm a few months back, I used the Panera cafe near the mall, for some fast wifi and a tea.
I’m about to leave the Cities. Does anyone know (and can answer within the next 10 minutes or so) when is a good time to show up for Dennett, as in, how early should I be for a good seat? And is there anything going on in the CSU Ballroom before 7:30? Just want to make sure I won’t walk in on someone else’s meeting.
driving down the country roads? How dare you! Don’t you know there is a global warming on??
(formerly called Johnny Beefcakes, but the name kept the homophobes out)
Oh, that’s why they changed it? OK . . . I guess I’ll not be going there, if it’s run by people who think that’s a bad thing . . .
driving down the country roads? How dare you! Don’t you know there is a global warming on??
quick, Lb!
turn your computer off; it’s using electricity!
I have arrived in Mankato, but what a shock — that was a long drive through the middle of nowhere to get here, but the town itself has 9 times the population of Morris. I’ll have to see if I can find some time to explore.
/(formerly called Johnny Beefcakes, but the name kept the homophobes out)
Oh, that’s why they changed it? OK . . . I guess I’ll not be going there, if it’s run by people who think that’s a bad thing . . ./
Don’t punish the owners, they have to stay in business despite others ideology. Not changing the name would be cutting off their noses to spite their faces in a small conservative town unless they were a gay establishment, catering predominantly to gay clientele, then that WOULD make them weenies to drop the “beefcake”, and your indignance would then be well placed.
I’ve always felt self conscious eating at “Hunky’s” here in Big D. Perhaps it’s because the name implies one should look like a Calvin Klein model if one is going to dine there. Needless to say, I don’t.
You can join me over here under the bridge. Gotta potta stew goin on.
Businesses want everyone to spend money. They hardly ever discriminate against racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, theophobes, atheophobes or any other folks who limit their enjoyment of the world by foolishly assuming that someone with X characteristic would be a threat to them. Businesses only discriminate against those who are poor.
Yup. That would be me.
I am so jealous of you all in Mankato. Enjoy the talk!
We get ou wi-fi from the holiday in. great connection.
It speaks volumes the way you ignore me.
I know you cannot contain your hilarity inspired by my comments. Elitists always do that.
As usual, that was a thread ending comment.
I think that if all you brainiacs here would put your minds to it, we could figure out how to alleviate some of the regressive social conditions we lament about.
Maybe one per cent of your time could produce dramatic results It’s time that we get this situation under control, and “politicians” aren’t going to get it done.
Please bring our science to the common square. I implore you to be more outspoken and involved in the evolution of a great society we’ve got going on here.
If there’s a Panera, try it for good plain food and free Wifi, a nice atmosphere, fresh baked goods, and pretty good coffee.
People with no money can go to Starbucks, sit down, drink the water, and people-watch.
Please, people, stop recommending chains like Panera and Starbucks. Homogenized franchises with over-priced mediocre food and drink served by sullen “associates” can be found anywhere. How about trying to highlight the places that are purely local, or close to it?
Okay, I read the thread title as “Quick question for the Mank-a-toyts”.
Yes, I know how wrong that is. ;-)
I have just arrived home from the lectures. They were quite good, although last night’s was virtually no different from talks you can find online. I will write a full report, so click on my name in a few hours and it will be in the blog section.
My review of the night is now up. Just click on my name and you’ll see in the blog section something about Dan Dennett being tall, but having small feet.
Hope you all enjoy.