
  1. Cappy says

    Oh, and Superman is a Methodist.

    Posted by: jpf | October 9, 2007 9:01 AM

    That explains the picture. I was raised Methodist. A lot of them are just Agnostics who like to get together on Sundays.

  2. Don Quijote says

    And not far away people say: “Oh look! There is a cross in the sky. I can see it. It’s a sign, it’s a sign!”.

    I think Superman is counter-productive here.

  3. Steve_C says

    The Superman radio show is famous for taking on the KKK.
    They had a mole inside the KKK, and weekly they would use
    their funny passwords and rites on the radio to mock them.

    Members left in droves because they couldn’t take the ridicule.

  4. David Marjanović says

    Where is Superman when we need him?

    Shouldn’t that be worded as “Superman, Superman, why hast thou forsaken us”?

  5. David Marjanović says

    Where is Superman when we need him?

    Shouldn’t that be worded as “Superman, Superman, why hast thou forsaken us”?

  6. arachnophilia says

    @David Marjanović: (#9)

    Shouldn’t that be worded as “Superman, Superman, why hast thou forsaken us”?

    you mean: kal-el, kal-el, lamah shabaqtani?

    i also feel the need to point out the massive religious subtext to the superman mythology. -el as in “elohim.” last son of krypton, saviour of mankind, etc.

  7. Ichthyic says

    A: Where he’s always been. Where god is.

    why, that’s just so correct:

    both exist only in our imaginations.

  8. HumanisticJones says

    I’ve been using that as my message board icon for about a year and a half now. Love it.

  9. David Ratnasabapathy says


    The mole inside the KKK was Stetson Kennedy…

    Alexandria Eschate

    There was a chapter about Stetson Kennedy in Freakonomics…

    The latest edition of Freakonomics withdraws the claim about Stetson Kennedy.

    Spilling The Klan’s Secrets: This section has been substantially revised since the original version of Freakonomics was published, owing to the authors’ discovery that Stetson Kennedy — in both his memoir, The Klan Unmasked, and in interviews with the authors — had misrepresented his role in personally infiltrating and attacking the Klan…

  10. says

    I just read the “Manliest Names” article at (who knew they were funny?), and Stetson Kennedy deserves to be up on that list toot sweet.

  11. says

    Superman has always been my personal lord and savior…. He can kick the crap out of Jesus, Mohammad, And Buddha…

  12. bernarda says

    Here is a suggested video for your next pirates post. Pirates singing Stairway to Heaven.