
  1. says

    As self-proclaimed head of the First Reformed Church of Samantha Stephens, I call bullshit! That hack Jeannie didn’t have it in her. *twitches nose in disgust*

  2. Mary Jones says

    I actually heard a spokesman for ID named Reynolds discuss ID on the radio with Michael Shermer. Shermer asked Reynolds what was the science of ID and what he would teach in school if he were to teach ID. His answer was that they hadn’t figured it out yet!

  3. Discovery Institute Dipshits says

    Shermer asked Reynolds what was the science of ID and what he would teach in school if he were to teach ID. His answer was that they hadn’t figured it out yet!

    That’s because Darwinists suppress the funding of ID research because they are afraid of how powerful and successful it would be!!!!!!!!

  4. says

    Well, can you prove it didn’t happen that way? No, you can’t! Another victory for intelligent design creationism!

    (And isn’t it significant that her name is Barbara Eden?)

  5. clheiny says

    (And isn’t it significant that her name is Barbara Eden?)

    Egads! Could she possibly the Mitochondrial Eden?

  6. says

    Hysterical. But look on the bright side: at least a Goddess created everything! That’s a step in the right direction. I’d have no problem getting on my knees and kissing her feet. heh!
