Hopefully this isn’t news to most of my readers, but the United States is the heart of a global pseudo-empire that uses its military, diplomatic, and economic power primarily to safeguard the economic interests of its ruling class. That said, the use of that power is not solely driven by material concerns of wealth and power. This also should not be a surprise to anyone, but Christianity – specifically a version of evangelical Protestantism, also plays a large role in U.S. foreign policy – particularly in the Middle East.
Any material analysis of the U.S. empire and its foreign and domestic policies will be incomplete without an understanding of the bizarre rapture theology that holds sway with most U.S. conservatives. This set of religious beliefs – not supported by biblical text – is key to understanding things like the antisemitism behind some U.S. support for the aggressive policies of the country Israel, and why there’s so much money from these branches of Christianity going to get Jewish people to move there. It’s a complicated subject that requires a mix of material historical analysis, scriptural analysis, and cultural analysis.
Because this belief is held by so many at the core of the U.S. empire, and because it’s held by so many in the halls of power (it’s why Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem), understanding this set of beliefs is important for those within the military reach of that empire, which would be everyone. This is a belief system that is actively working to bring about the end of the world.
This is a long video, but for good reason. I recommend listening to it while doing your dishes or gaming or something like that, if you don’t want to just sit through it, but this is important stuff to understand, and I’ve yet to see a better breakdown of it than this one from Renegade Cut:
Doomer begone.
WHAT?! N-Nonsense! We are… (Wait, I’m not American) YOU are the good guys! (Did I get that right?) You’re good and pure! Praise be!
(Entering serious mode…)
I’d love to believe that. For now maybe. Give it a hundred years. The world will tear itself apart over potable water sooner rather than later.
We suck, as a species.
Good post, anyway. While we’re busy supporting third parties, I recommend listening to the “I Don’t Speak German” podcast if you have any interest in the US rightwing bullshit going on right now (or in the recent past). Incidentally, I do speak German. The podcast is still excellent, though. Just google that name and “soundcloud” or something.
More importantly, listen to the Death Panel. Just in case you haven’t despaired yet. That one’s a real gem that apparently nobody knows about. (Please support them right after supporting Abe!)