Capitalism does not work.
It relies entirely upon endless lies, fantasies, and propaganda to excuse the ways in which it doesn’t work, to convince people that they don’t count. It relies on pretending that humans aren’t a social species that function collectively. It pretends that everyone is an individual without any responsibilities to other individuals, or any right to expect anything from other individuals. Capitalism relies on a constant stream of messaging to convince people that the problems they see around them are caused by literally anything other than the economic system, and that there is nothing that can be done to make the world better.
The wars, coups, death squads, assassinations, and genocides carried out or backed by capitalist regimes? Those aren’t about capitalism, they’re about stopping socialism, which is so evil that it justifies any atrocity.
The people dying because they can’t afford life-saving medicine? That’s just because they don’t work hard enough, or because the evil government isn’t letting us do capitalism hard enough.
Disabled people being unable or barely able to scrape by? That’s not the fault of capitalism, it’s just, you know, “the way of the world”, and for every place that does do it better, there’s some reason why that doesn’t count. What matters is that nothing be allowed to interfere with the endless generation of profit for the richest people in society.
As Mexie says, capitalism does not give a damn about disabled people, and it doesn’t give a damn about anyone else.
Human life comes with risk, and people become disabled for a myriad of reasons. Some are born with disabilities, some are injured, some get sick – it doesn’t matter. Anthropologist Margaret Mead once said that the first sign of civilization was the discovery of the skeleton of a person who had broken their femur, and healed it. An injury like that prevents a person from going out and getting food and water for themselves, and takes longer to heal than any person can go without sustenance. It requires the existence of a society, however small, with the resources and desire to care for those among them who are not able to fully care for themselves. That is, and always has been humanity’s greatest strength. It’s also one of the most essential parts of human nature.
Capitalism relies on the lie that human nature is all about greed, competition, and aggression. That is not what drives civilization, it’s what constantly tries to dismantle it. Every advance we have made in human wellbeing has come from the mass of people working together against those obsessed with competition and power to create a world that’s better for everyone. Capitalism does not give a damn about you, but fortunately those obsessed with capitalism are wrong – it is not an inevitable result of human nature, it is a perversion of it. A better world is possible, and we can move in that direction the same way we always have – by expanding the “tribe”, by pooling our resources and efforts, by caring for each other, and by using our collective power to force change.
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Work for what?
On the contrary, I’d say that capitalism is working perfectly – i.e. it is doing exactly what it was intended to do, and doing it very effectively. Its purpose is to concentrate money and power, and it’s doing that just fine. Arguing that capitalism isn’t working because it’s crushing people’s lives is like arguing that a gun isn’t working because it’s firing bullets and killing people.
These are not bugs in the capitalist system, they’re core features.
Obviously, I agree. I think Innuendo Studios made a good observation by framing capitalism as a means to keep the aristocracy in power as feudalism was broken down.
But the rhetoric of capitalism has always been that it works for EVERYBODY, and if it doesn’t work for YOU, in the words of “The Cool Kids’ Philosopher”, that’s a YOU problem.
And any time you discuss changing the system to make it work for more people, they don’t generally bring up the capitalist class in defending the system, they talk about how much that’ll hurt those for whom the system doesn’t work.
I suppose the “unspoken” answer to “work for what?” is “for everybody”, or “for meeting basic human needs”, or “for ensuring the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, or “for liberty, equality, and fraternity”.
Truth. Quoted for, well, that.
Also, funny how the rich always get socialism in some form whilst the poor don’t in many places – USA included huh?
I mean – capitalism is a system in which the rich own the means of production, so…