Edwin with Hand on the Foot of Jesus.

Thanks to the Mormons of Salt Lake City.

This is the first attempt by this blog to insert pictures or any kind of “media” other than type.

If this works, and you can see a photo of Edwin with his hand on the foot of Jesus, then it (whatever it is) did work and you can expect more blasphemous images from



  1. Tony says

    -Why do I get the feeling that somehow, somewhere, there will be a theist who gets offended that you’re touching the foot of Christ? Theists get up in arms about the silliest things. There’s probably a religious sect that believes you shouldn’t touch physical representations of their beloved savior…

    • rapiddominance says

      There’s probably a religious sect that believes you should taunt other religions at every opportunity.

      Not that I’m aware of one. But it sure is a big world, is it not? In fact, I’m about as certain that one exist as I can be without being absolutely certain.

      What do you think?

    • rapiddominance says

      It only looks blasphemous if you know who the man in the picture is.

      Otherwise, it simply looks like a tourist who wants his picture taken with an interesting Jesus statue.

      In fact, if you remove the picture from the atheistic context, then all you have is a relatively nice photo that you might find in any photo album.

      This is the work of an obviously skilled photographer.

  2. rapiddominance says

    It looks like he’s about to smack you in the back of the head.
    Go back to the photo again.

    By the way, I’ve got an idea for a caption: “Look, Peter! I’m touching your side!”

  3. F says

    Jesus does sort of have a “Hey, what’s going on down there” expression. Also appears to have a thumb jammed into Kolob.

  4. JohnnieCanuck says

    Jesus looks petrified.

    If He weren’t, I’d say He was going to clap his hands together and take care of that bothersome gadfly for good.

    So this Jesus has cold feet and a cold region where a heart would be, if He had a heart. As it is, He’s just heartless.

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