Conceived Again

Conceived Again

I understood I was conceived,

And born, in original sin;

And preachers said, and I believed,

I must be born again.


But I really sought to know,

And hoped to clarify,

Just what I must do to go

To Heaven when I die.


I’d heard baptism and rebirth

Would start my life anew,

So when I left this sinful earth

I’d join the righteous few.


But knowing all of that, from God

There came unto me this perception:

Being born again is very odd

If life starts at conception.


If I became me when conceived,

I was already me at birth;

So what has any second birth achieved?

What can being born again be worth?


We sinners all must be reconceived

So Heaven we can win!

This is the great truth I have received,

We must be conceived again!


I know not just how this can be done–

Our creeds will need revision.

But there’s a Heaven to be won,

So make a reconceived decision!


Come ye all, and be again conceived;

Be reconceived to be reprieved;

Don’t be born again deceived;

Second birth has not thy sin relieved;

Ye must be reconceived!


So consider theology as a whole

And make thee thy selection–

To elevate thy immortal soul

By election or erection.


Edwin Kagin (c) 2012


  1. says

    Ah, the idiocy of evangelical Christianity! Besides this having the potential to be incredibly funny if one were to actually ask a born-again Christian why their “life” gets to start at “birth” but childrens’ lives have to start at conception, this also raises the sorites paradox for humans: At what point does a part of you become not you? And does this mean that “reconception” (the religious kind) can be achieved by “sexual reproduction” (and actually, I’m not sure I want to know what kind of religious ritual that would describe)?

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