As the divisions within this country deepen, some middle-of-the-road seem to have given up and said “sigh, guess we’re all nazis now,” and trudge dutifully through their lives. But will they feel motivated to go to thanksgiving, with gloating cheerful white-haired fascists carving up the bird? And of those who had been tolerating it thus far, how many of them will find it now fully unbearable to look into the eyes of the heartless fucking pieces of shit in their families who are making this hellworld possible?
I’m just sayin’. Thanksgiving and subsequently xmas, they might be a little more lonely this year for you nasty fuckers. Taste it.
Since giving up alcohol, I’ve spent the “holidays” alone for the past 20 years or so while my wife trundles off to fulfill her self-imposed obligation to spend time with her family of mostly fascist freaks. It’s become the norm ’round these parts and I rather look forward to it, especially this year.
it helps not feeling left out when you’re … thankful for all the bad shit you’re missing out on, haha.
I am pleased to say that none of my relatives are MAGAts, but unfortunately I don’t get to see them anyway because we live too far away. So my wife & I will have thanksgiving alone.
it’s every year here. and only child and a child of a broken home get married and there is not enough family to justify a feast. just as well because this holiday is rose-coloring of a monstrous history, fundamentally bad, if the practice of the tradition hasn’t been completely without its pleasures.
I have no immediate family; and now that my mother and my cousin, Judy, have died, I have no particular connection to any of my extended family who live anywhere near me. Since they’re mostly MAGAts, I haven’t been invited for about a decade or so, which I think is correct: I have no desire to be the crazy uncle who shows up when there’s food.
While my husband’s grandparents lived, we went to Thanksgiving with 40-50 of his closest relatives. Everybody understood that this was family, so politics was not a topic, and we all had a fine time. It can be done, but I suspect you have to be raised that way for everyone to understand it without black letter written rules.
My remaining family (my sibling) lives in the apartment next door.
Neither of us has enough chairs or table-space to host a get-together.
We talk to each other a couple times a week.
It is a very satisfactory arrangement.
chigau – it’d be nice to live next door to my brother but we’re in very different tax brackets.
wiess – god damn, for that world. would be nice. motherfuckers forgot how to talk about sportball and weather.