One Take Gang

I did a few videos in one take, low effort as possible, because I work for a living and I’m old and I just don’t have much sauce for this kind of thing at the end of the day.  But I do have a wee skosh of sauce, hence why I did anything at all.  So I used those videos for three days worth of blogpostery, but they got very little attention.  That’s fine, you gotta do you.

But it makes me wonder:  If I do video content, would you like to see it be higher effort?  Have editing, better lighting, whatever?  Or is video content just not a thing I should be doing?  I trust you will not answer these questions like complete savages, thanks.


  1. Dennis K says

    I don’t process live-action very well. I’m slow on the uptake and get sidelined easily by particular phrases or words. Rarely I watch movies as I’m terrible at following plot development. I much preferred textbooks in college over lectures. So even though I’m likely to skip your videos (no matter how much effort you put into them), I will always read your written posts.

  2. antaresrichard says

    With me it is the other way around, where I have difficulties following the written word, So I am happy to watch and listen as well, perhaps catching subtleties that otherwise might have gone over my head.


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