
  1. rwiess says

    Hide. Any other course ends in death or imprisonment. Then comes the search for a champion, very very carefully. No zookeepers need apply, as I could never know if they were trying to get close to me to put me in a display case. I would carefully consider anyone I know well for an advocate, or preferably small group of advocates, who could be persuaded to advocate for me. Oh yes, before all that, I’d work at can I talk, or does it need to be all in writing, or whatever. Also, what do I eat now? Who will help me get food?

  2. chigau (違う) says

    That works with my other choice: do the talk-show circuit.
    or in the 21st century become a tktk influencer.

  3. says

    wiess – survival horror style problem-solving mode. also acceptable; offers a lot of material to work with.
    chigau – beware the big 3 publishing mfa nepo baby – late night viacom talk show industrial complex.

  4. DrVanNostrand says

    How giant? Giant for an insect? Giant compared to me? Godzilla huge? If I’m insect godzilla, I’m gonna fuck some shit up.

  5. says

    insect reign of terror. even just the size of a human, something to fear. acceptable.

    see? i’m not inflexible about what kind of play i’ll accept. i just want my players to own their shit, do something that makes sense for some kind of guy to do. instead i get whiny weaselly creeps that expect me to treat their wanky characters like they’re cool. hate em.

  6. Michael Suttkus says

    I fear I would discover that sleeping with my door closed was a tragic mistake, as I no longer have hands with which to open the door. Game over!

    Hmm, perhaps this scenario does not call for excessive realism.

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