P.Z. shares with us a very learned man… who learned electron microscopy from the bible.
The books about astronomy,
Like Acts and Deuteronomy,
Are but a partial list of those in which I have reliance.
Biology’s dependent on
The First and Second books of John
And Genesis and Exodus? There’s nothing there but science.
The physicist who never fudges
Follows Joshua and Judges;
Daniel and Ezekiel show molar calculations.
In First and Second Timothy,
Electron-scan microscopy
Completes the compound microscopic treatment in Galatians.
The Chronicles of Higher Ed–
Both First and Second, which I’ve read,
Confirm for me the value of an honest education.
An education such as this,
That starts, of course, in Genesis,
And doesn’t give a Ph. D. ’til after Revelation.
“And doesn’t give a Ph. D. ’til after Revelation.” – brilliant!
I came here from the awesome poem in PZ Myers’s comments. You rock. Don’t ever stop.
Thank you, Cuttlefish, for putting a brave face on.Among poets, you’re the alpha particle and the omega meson.:-D