Posted on Pharyngula, Oct 8
A Cuttlefish Limerick or Three
The cuttlefish: Squid-like, you think?
Just a cephalopod in the drink?
Then you also should know it
Refers to a poet,
Or any who hide in their ink.
For writers who think that they’re odd
And ignored, by indifferent God,
Don’t allow yourself–perish
The thought, and just cherish
Your label of “Cephalopod”
For today, there will be no rebuttal–
We will celebrate, loud and unsubtle!
Just the same as each squid
And each octopus did,
We’ll shake all of our legs, and our cuttle!
A Cuttlefish Double-Dactyl
Inkily, thinkily,
Deepwater cuttlefish
Hide in their ink (to a
Poet, that’s odd)
Writing, you see, is not
Part of the life of a
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