To cap off what was a ‘good news week’ (minus Monday, perhaps), I thought I’d showcase a couple of videos that don’t have any message to them whatsoever, but are just lulz-worthy. Don’t be fooled – there is no nudity or sex in these clips, but you might not want to watch them at work because a passer-by might get the wrong idea. Consider yourself warned.
I guess, if I were to stretch it, the part about the ‘big tool’ being not the proper one for the job could be a veiled reference to yesterday’s post. But it’s not. Also, I think Sasha Grey is pretty cool.
This one cracks me up too:
Oh porn. You are so silly.
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This broiught to mind Spike and the demons gambling for kittens on Buffy. They never did specify what they did with their winnings.
See if you’d featured PG ‘Smurf’ porn, now that would have been cool (I think I recall renting a xxx Smurf porno one time; boy the amount of hysterical laughter that ensued…)