Every now and then something catches my eye that makes me realize that Christianity outside America is very different from Christianity inside America. Like this report, from Ghana.
The Founder and Leader of Cornerstone Bible Church International located at Tech a suburb of Kumasi in the Ashanti Region Apostle Godless Boateng has descended heavily on prophetic pastors alleging that they are quacks who are portraying themselves as men and women of God saying all sort of prophesies that are not in line with the word of God.
He averred that as followers of Jesus Christ, “we have been blessed and when the Son sets you free from any tribulations and spiritual bondage, there is no amount of lesser gods which can overcome you.”
Hmm, come to think of it, apart from naming himself “Godless” and despite a certain lack of monotheism, he doesn’t sound all that different. I’m guessing “Godless” is supposed to mean “ex-polytheist,” despite his lingering conviction that other gods are out there trying to overcome you.
But check this out:
The soft spoken man of God believe god has no hand in politics or having nothing to do with political parties, but most pastors have forgotten the biblical ethics and openly selling their political favour in the public domain which one way or the other is unethical.
Only “most”? I’ll give him credit, though. You’re not likely to hear any American evangelical pastors complaining about the church being in bed with the government. I think this last line sums it up though.
He stressed that Ghana as a country is been blessed and matured in democracy therefore, the future of Ghana will be bright in 2014 because the number fourteen is a favour comparably to the number thirteen which is unlucky number which he said has constituted in the recent hardship and tribulations.
Because even God can’t bless you much during a year with an unlucky number.
They can’t all be quacks. Some must be honestly deluded. But it’s easy to spot the quacks: they all say that God needs your money. I stumbled on a particularly nasty one while channel-surfing last year. He exhorted his flock to empty their savings, including their kids’ college funds and their IRAs, into his coffers to Do The LORD’s Work. “Don’t delay. Obedience delayed is DISOBEDIENCE!” If I’d been listening to that asshole in person, I might well be in prison now.
97%* are quacks or frauds.
* +/- 3 %
* + 3%
If 97% are “quacks” then the other 3% must not be meaning that they are telling the truth, but the 3% say the that the other 97% are truthful so doesn’t that mean that the 97% are truthful since that 3% tells the truth? You’ve proved yourself wrong without even realizing it.