As promised, Fox News is whining about me

I told you some guy called me for an interview about the horrible crime committed on the UMM campus: the presumed ‘theft’ of some free newspapers from a conservative organization. They say I now advocate censorship of conservative student newspaper, which is a fine twist on the affair.

Their description of the newspaper was particularly enlightening about Fox dishonesty.

That particular edition included a satire on affirmative action. The professor said the paper was mocking minority students.

Not quite accurate. I pointed out that their mockery crossed a rather nasty line; it had gone beyond mere ‘satire’ into the realm of advocating racism. It included direct accusations that faculty and administrators were racist because they endorsed affirmative action and were committed to correcting historical injustices. And this was the final straw for me, that it included:

…a crime scene photo of Trayvon Martin’s dead face, with the caption Trayvon Martin, victim of racism and fascism, and what does [administrator] have to say about it? Nothing. Not a single thing.

And with that, they have crossed a line. Free speech is one thing, making light of murder and claiming that our chancellor of student affairs excuses it is another. Using dead black boys to “satirize” equality is contemptible. I would advocate the disposal of their flyers if the Ku Klux Klan started papering our campus, and likewise, the North Star has worn out its welcome and must go. Treat their scattered papers as hate-filled trash and dispose of it appropriately.

If Todd Starnes thinks old-fashioned race-baiting, libel against faculty and staff, flaunting the face of murdered black people to intimidate and horrify students, and lying about crimes is merely an implicit part of the conservative agenda, then yes, I advocate kicking such behavior off campus altogether. But then, I guess that’s what conservativism has become nowadays.

We had an incident a while back in which racist signs were posted in one of the dorms; there was no question but that they were disposed of and an effort made to discover who was responsible. The North Star newspaper is simply the fancier version of those crudities, and should be removed from campus in the same way; and we already, in this case, know who was responsible.

Two other points: I can find old copies of the North Star in the science building hallways, still — copies from several months ago. The University Register, which is the official campus paper, gets routinely cleaned up each week — I don’t think I’d be able to find a copy of last week’s paper anywhere. I question whether this ‘theft’ even occurred, and wonder whether this is just a publicity stunt for self-martyred Breitbart wanna-bes; I also wonder whether their threats are inhibiting people from doing standard clean up around campus.

Finally, just a hint to the North Star: if you have to slap a great big warning on every issue and just about every page that your newspaper may contain satire, you aren’t doing satire right.


  1. says

    “Satire” just simply does not belong to the authoritarian mind. It is wholly a tool of the liberal/ progressive. Simply put: Satire only works when your PUNCHING UP. NEVER when you’re punching DOWN. Q to the E to the motherfuckin’ D

    The End

  2. says

    There are somewhat subtle differences between satire and mockery I suppose. Definately too subtle to be distiguished by conservatives. They regularly conflate the two…

  3. =8)-DX says

    The piece is basically quoting you out of context (actually some of the best bits from your blogposts) to look like you’re bad-mouthing (shock! horror!) all young conservatives, before finally ending with

    the next time he decides to open his orifice.

    Talk about style, they done did you hard and put you in your place.

  4. donalbain says

    You spoke to the media about a case that is currently being litigated. You spoke to a media outlet that you KNEW would be hostile to you. I have fuck all sympathy for the fact that now you are being made to look stupid. You WERE stupid.

  5. anteprepro says

    So their entire argument is that your statement:

    “Treat their scattered papers as hate-filled trash and dispose of it appropriately.”

    Is advocating stealing stacks of their papers? “Scattered papers”, Fox News. Advocating that if you get a paper, you don’t bother with it and ditch not. Not advocating grabbing all of the papers and throwing them out. Learn 2 literate.

    Also interesting how Fox News changes the narrative: North Star blames PZ of throwing out the papers himself. Fox News knows that this is stupid and instead tries to strain their eyes to find a way that PZ could be blame for inciting other people into throwing out right-wing student newspapers. Because on a college campus, where liberal young folks dwell, a free conservative rag that is known for racism and other shit would be left completely alone if it weren’t for the words of an angry professor. Suuuuuure.

  6. beatgroover says

    Quote mining to make it sound like their intended target is insulting a whole group of people instead of a specific collection of assholes? That doesn’t sound a bit like Faux News. Glad to see your little swipe at them made it into the “story” though ;)

  7. anteprepro says


    You spoke to the media about a case that is currently being litigated. You spoke to a media outlet that you KNEW would be hostile to you. I have fuck all sympathy for the fact that now you are being made to look stupid. You WERE stupid.

    First, I am failing to see the part where PZ is asking for sympathy.
    Second, I am failing to see the part where Fox News made PZ look stupid. Even with Fox News’s own selective, cherry-picked, and hand-spun narrative, they don’t have jack-shit.

  8. says

    @donalbain. Where the hell did you get the idea that PZ directly communicated with FOX ‘News’? Is that what you’re implying?

  9. sempercogitans says

    Oh, man. Did you see the book the author of the Fox News thing wrote? I don’t think he’s even capable of being reasonable about something like this. Not really surprising.

    It’s here.

    And yeah, it’s pretty great that they published your poke at them, too.

  10. Rich Woods says

    Did professor advocate censorship of conservative student newspaper?

    This is the standard low-journalism technique of asking a question intended to fuel the ire of their readership while simultaneously letting the publisher slither past any potential charge of libel.

    The answer to such questions is always ‘no’.

  11. says

    ashleybell #11

    @donalbain. Where the hell did you get the idea that PZ directly communicated with FOX ‘News’? Is that what you’re implying?

    Well, there was that post a few days ago where PZ said he received a call from a Fox Affiliate and gave an interview.

  12. raven says

    Comes with the territory.

    PZ Myers needs to take lessons in paranoia. The rightwing xians are vicious haters and liars. That is all they have.

    1. A lot of scientists get death threats. PZ Myers has gotten more than anyone. During one incident, he got

    There will be more. There was one a month ago tossed onto the board.

    2. He can expect more attacks and lies from the rightwing nuts and fundie xians. It’s all they have. It’s all they can do.

    It just shows how scared they are now that their religion is dying and that Dr. Myers is becoming a well known public figure and leader of the Forces of Light in the eternal battle between Light and Dark.

  13. raven says

    @donalbain. Where the hell did you get the idea that PZ directly communicated with FOX ‘News’? Is that what you’re implying?

    Well, there was that post a few days ago where PZ said he received a call from a Fox Affiliate and gave an interview.


    Just about all of us said, What, huh!!! You know they are going to quote mine whatever you say and just lie anyway. There is zero to gain by doing that.

    What he should have said is, “Sorry I’m busy, here is the phone number of my lawyer, CLICK.” They are still going to lie but that is all they can do.

    PS These guys are James O’Keefe wannabes. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more of them out there, gunning for PZ. That lessons in paranoia thing again.

  14. anteprepro says

    Wow. That author is a real winner!

    “According to Starnes, this means that ‘the traditional nuclear family is on the verge of disaster. And once the nuclear family explodes, the United States should brace for a cultural Armageddon.'”

    On attributing a case of banning prayer in schools to a Marcos Perez:

    Starnes must have been holding onto hope, not only that this would finally be the school that would not release a statement denying the claims made by Starnes, but also that nobody would notice (as the Orlando Sentinel did) that Marcos Perez is the vice president of sales at Charisma House, the company currently promoting “God Less America: Real Stories from the Front Lines of the Attack on Traditional Values,” by Todd Starnes.

    And finally

    A Baptist newspaper in North Carolina was audited – as was America’s evangelist – Billy Graham.

    The list of attacks on Christians goes on and on – from students ordered to stop praying in front of the Supreme Court to chaplains being told the could no longer pray in the name of Jesus.

    In recent days, the battleground has pitted gay rights groups against Christian-owned businesses who cater to the wedding industry.

    This man’s bread and butter seems to be either dishonestly stripping away context or using outright fabrications in order to cry a river over Teh Persecution of Christians and Conservatives. Right-winger is right-wing.

  15. chigau (違う) says

    Dr. Myers is becoming a well known public figure and leader of the Forces of Light in the eternal battle between Light and Dark.

    Hope that comes with a nice cape.

  16. B-Lar says

    Light vs Dark is so passé. Also, there are some pretty grey characters on the “Light” side…

    The new faction “Forces of Clear” are way cooler.

  17. Vicki, duly vaccinated tool of the feminist conspiracy says


    So, a dose of “I told you so” combined with “and they’re right about you,” while you pretend that an organization that twisted PZ’s words that much would have dropped the story if he said “no comment,” rather than twisting that and/or his previous words on the subject? I suspect they would have quoted his accusers and said something like “Myers refused to talk to us, but his blog says [quotemine].”

    Not talking about an impending or actual lawsuit may be good legal advice, but I doubt it would have protected him from this.

  18. David Marjanović says

    Jet pack and laser pistol.

    Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster by your side!!!

    The new faction “Forces of Clear” are way cooler.

    That word is occupied by $cientology.

  19. says

    raven #16

    PS These guys are James O’Keefe wannabes. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more of them out there, gunning for PZ. That lessons in paranoia thing again.

    I agree. I have to admit, when I read that post I shook my head and found it frustrating. PZ can do what he wants, it is most definitely his choice, but I really think he needs to start controlling the message a lot better, and maybe get some professional advice. Yes, these people are pathetic wannabes, but having the truth on you side does not make you immune from pathetic wannabes, these people are good at being a nuisance, they are vindictive assholes and are happy to try to make people’s lives miserable.

  20. Trebuchet says

    @PZ: I think you’re missing a blockquote around the third paragraph:

    That particular edition included a satire on affirmative action. The professor said the paper was mocking minority students.

    which I believe is a quote from Faux News. Unless you are in the habit of referring to yourself as “the professor”.

  21. says

    My feeling is that if leaving literature unattended in a public place is a form of free speech then so is taking that literature and dropping it in a trash can. It doesn’t matter if it’s one Chick Tract in bus station men’s room, a small stack of Watchtowers in a laundromat or a kiosk full of free newspapers.

  22. B-Lar says

    The new faction “Forces of Clear” are way cooler.

    That word is occupied by $cientology.

    The concept of clarity commandeered by obscurants for financial gain. Quelle surprise.

  23. anteprepro says


    I suspect they would have quoted his accusers and said something like “Myers refused to talk to us, but his blog says [quotemine].”

    They would probably just take the route of calling PZ a coward, and then pull a Billy Lane Craig/Clint Eastwood and have a flailing, incompetent argument against an empty chair.

  24. vinny says

    The op-ed is completely awesome. It would have been perfectly at home in The Onion or on Colbert.

  25. doublereed says

    There’s a couple comments on the fox news article. Apparently someone says that being a godless liberal is the “worst of the worst.” Practically flattery.

  26. bruceheerssen says

    jhuger, I think that taking a kiosk full of free newspapers would qualify as theft of service in many jurisdictions. (Not that one would necessarily be prosecuted for it.)

  27. moarscienceplz says

    Congratulations to PZ! If Faux News starts lying reporting about you, that means you are having an impact.

  28. gussnarp says

    Todd Starnes’ entire career appears to be dedicated to finding any incident he can lie, spin, and twist into a liberal government attack on conservative Christians, and when that fails, just flat out making them up. He’s got a history of it. Those who believe him are going to believe him no matter what he says or who he interviews or doesn’t interview.

  29. gussnarp says

  30. Hairy Chris, blah blah blah etc says

    anteprepro @ 17

    Let me get this right: he’s whining because a Christian newspaper (so a business, I assume) got audited?

    What a fucking idiot.

  31. Jacob Schmidt says

    I think this bit was my favourite:

    “We do have conservative students here – I expect that the majority are more conservative than I am – but they also trend towards being more the reasonable, rational, educate sort of conservative,” [Myers] wrote. “Not the kind you’ll see on Fox News, and most unfortunately, not the kind who are likely to get elected to the Republican party.”

    Oh yeah – [Myers] also called the conservative youngsters “assholes-in-training.”

    PZ Myers: “Conservative students here trend towards reason and rationality.”

    Starnes: “Myers called young conservatives assholes.”

    I’m not sure how such blatant dissonance escaped him.

  32. Jacob Schmidt says

    Then there’s this comment:

    As a MN Army National Guard recruiter I had set up a display in their student union which I had registered to do. This piece of garbage found me and started screaming at me, swearing and spitting all over the place to get me to leave. I asked if he was ok and if he needed me to call an emergency contact or an ambulance. This man is mentally unstable and lucky I wasn’t forced to defend myself had he put a hand on me. I could tell he wanted to, but I’m 6’2″ (6’3″ in my boots) 225 lbs, definitely made him think twice about it. I even offered him a place to sit down and a glass of water. Security came and made him leave.

    There’s no name given, only 3rd person pronouns, but the only person I can reasonably conclude is being referred to would be PZ. This is just bizarre.

  33. nich says

    Jacob Schmidt @43:

    BWAHAHAHAHA! Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m almost positive PZ’s son is a military officer.

  34. screechymonkey says

    Attorneys generally don’t want clients talking to the media about pending or threatened litigation. But there are exceptions, and one of them is where your adversary’s entire purpose is to get you to shut up. In that case, shutting up is effectively an unconditional surrender. If you’re going to give your opponent everything that he wants, then you might as well just negotiate a settlement agreement and get a release of liability in exchange for your shutting up. (And then expect to be threatened by every other bully who doesn’t like something you said, of course.)

  35. raven says

    Attorneys generally don’t want clients talking to the media about pending or threatened litigation.

    That goes for the Northstar creeps too.

    By making false accusations and dragging in the hired christofascist slugs of Fox Nonews, you can tell they have given up on any legal actions. Even with their goon law firm, the ADF.

    They don’t have a case but they can still lie

  36. raven says

    As a MN Army National Guard recruiter I had set up a display in their student union which I had registered to do. This piece of garbage found me and started screaming at me, swearing and spitting all over the place to get me to leave. I asked if he was ok and if he needed me to call an emergency contact or an ambulance. This man is mentally unstable and lucky I wasn’t forced to defend myself had he put a hand on me. I could tell he wanted to, but I’m 6’2″ (6’3″ in my boots) 225 lbs, definitely made him think twice about it. I even offered him a place to sit down and a glass of water. Security came and made him leave.

    Which has nothing to do with PZ Myers although he is trying to imply that without stating it.

    PZ Myers’ son went through ROTC and is currently a serving military officer.

  37. gussnarp says

    By making false accusations and dragging in the hired christofascist slugs of Fox Nonews, you can tell they have given up on any legal actions. Even with their goon law firm, the ADF.

    I expect that’s basically the ADF’s strategy. They’re not really particularly interested in winning in court, only in intimidation and media campaigns. I expect they have Starnes on speed dial, and vice-versa.

  38. militantagnostic says

    Next of Fox News – Did professor Myers kick a puppy on his way to work this morning?

    As a MN Army National Guard recruiter

    I suspect that this is as fictional as the rest of that comment.

  39. mikeyb says

    Fucking lies and distortions from beginning to end. It’s pretty much a given that if Fox reports it, the opposite is true.

  40. raven says

    They’re not really particularly interested in winning in court, only in intimidation and media campaigns. I expect they have Starnes on speed dial, and vice-versa.

    This is the Swift Boating tactic.

    Just make up lies and keep repeating them over and over.

    They do this often.

    The latest one is from Cliven Bundy’s ranch in Nevada. Supposedly Reid, the Illuminati, the Space Reptiles, and the Chinese really want to take over his land and put in a solar power plant.

    This has been repeated dozens of times on dozens of rightwing nut websites.

    It’s completely false. There was a proposed solar power plant but it was 90 miles away on the other side of the state and cancelled for economic reasons.

    PS That supposed MN national guard story above may well be a complete fabrication as well. Lies are one of their sacraments.

  41. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    From my quick scan it appears that at this point, Uncommon decent is just Sal Cordova talking to himself.

  42. militantagnostic says


    Lies are one of their sacraments.

    When your starting point is the Big Book of Bronze Age Bullshit and they don’t let you kill anyone who questions it anymore what can else can you do eh.

  43. raven says

    The publisher of Northstar is one John Geiger.

    As a US citizen I had set up to read a display on my computer which I had turned on to do. And saw on the news that this piece of garbage shot and killed 3 people at a Jewish community center to rid the world of Jews in Overland Park. This man is mentally unstable and lucky I wasn’t forced to defend myself had he put a hand on me or fired at me (because I’m on the west coast). I could tell he wanted to, but I’m 6’2″ (6’3″ in my boots) 225 lbs, definitely made him think twice about it. I would have even offered him a place to sit down and a glass of water. But then the police came and arrested him while he was shouting Heil Hitler.

    See what I did there?

  44. jamessweet says

    The North Star newspaper is simply the fancier version of those crudities,

    Mmmm, fancy crudites… Oh wait. What a difference a single letter makes…

  45. says

    To be fair, the British satirical magazine Private Eye used to say something like ‘everything inside black borders is true’. And I suppose you could say, “who would take the rest of it at face value?” My gran does, but she’s got dementia.

  46. zmidponk says

    It seems to me that Fox and North Star don’t get that freedom of speech doesn’t mean you get a pass on the consequences of what you say. This means that, if you print a rag that is full of hate-filled ‘satire’ in extremely poor taste, to put it mildly, you don’t get the right to prevent people taking your rag and throwing it in the bin, unless they actually steal it to do so (and, even then, that’s only wrong because they’ve committed theft, not because of any violation of freedom of speech). That is the consequences of printing such material – people find it only fit for the bin, and they exercise their right of freedom of expression by putting it there.

  47. joeschoeler says

    @Al Dente, 59

    Possibly only the first copy is free. PZ had commented in some previous post that they’ve now added text on the cover of the paper that says all subsequent copies are $5.

  48. Terska says

    How do these creeps know their papers are missing? Aren’t newspaper stands supposed to be depleted as the day goes by? Does their publication normally sit and rot unread in the newspaper stands? Are they trying to charge for this rag?

  49. qwerty says

    Leave it to Faux News to make a mountain over a molehill. As someone commented earlier, it must have been a slooooow news day.

    I remember the student advisor for my school paper telling me about a former female editor and a slow news day. It seems the students were protesting something (can’t remember what) and the local press arrived. On the spur of the moment she decided to coed the men’s bathroom in the basement of one of our buildings. Apparently the local TV channel actually followed her into the bathroom where a highly embarrassed male student is seen in the report.

    Of course, the whole incident had a teaching moment in that she told us that as reporters we cover the news; we don’t make it. The idiots at the Morris North Star would be wise and possibly grow up if they followed this adage.

  50. militantagnostic says


    Are there even National Guard recruiters there for you to scream at if that was your bent?

    The whole story smells strongly of glurge.

  51. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    My, oh my. The hurt fee-fees from using free speech to call racists, racists.
    Look racists, don’t want to be called out, trying shutting the fuck up. That way, since you say nothing, others can’t criticized the content of your remarks.
    You don’t want to shut the fuck up? Well then, you had better be prepared for your incoherent and fractally wrong racism to be called out in no uncertain terms.

  52. mikeyb says

    There is one bona fide factual statement in the article – the beginning:

    ‘University of Minnesota at Morris biology professor Dr. Paul Zachary Myers doesn’t like young Republicans. In fact, he called them “assholes.”’

    Translation: You can’t handle the truth.

  53. hoku says

    The only reason I can think of why PZ would have talked to Fox is that he must have been getting bored with his current trolls, and wanted to liven up the place.

  54. inquisitiveraven says

    Terska@62: Yes, newspapers are supposed to be depleted slowly over the course of the day/week whatever the publication interval is. My impression though, is that the complaint is that they were dropped off at, for example, 8 AM and gone by 9 AM or some other interval short enough to be suspicious, or that they were dropped off at the distribution point, but disappeared before they were actually put out for distribution.

  55. woozy says

    So an art student had a paper mache product due, saw a stack of student newspapers and thought “perfect” and walked off with them all (and left the smell of art solvent behind). That’s something I can easily see myself at a young age doing. I tended to view papers (and the sodas in the cafeteria) as inexhaustible materials and it never would have occurred to me it would be considered wrong.

    Or maybe some eager liberal student *did* take PZ’s advice and decided to steal the stack. So what? No-one can seriously take that “Treat their scattered papers as hate-filled trash and dispose of it appropriately” as an foreseeable incitement to commit crime? Seriously? And he did say “scattered”. It’s not like one stack of papers going rogue is going to prevent anyone determined from access to the rag if one really wants it.

  56. says

    The national guard recruiter who claimed I screamed at him? He now has someone backing him up: Barbara Drescher.

    badrescher 11 hours ago
    @HenriettaSwan @SFCamerica I’ve met him, and it wouldn’t surprise me if this story turned out to be true.

    Skeptics. So damned skeptical.

    I wonder why meeting me is evidence for that behavior. Did I scream at Drescher?

  57. says

    As a UofMN alumnae who went on to Columbia and Harvard to further study chemistry and then nanofabrication, I can only scoff at such an outspoken political hack now attacking half of the adult and young adult population of his country. What sort of “scientist” deserves any positive legacy as he tries to censor the voices of the only political party that is helping to expose the biggest scientific fraud in human history? You speak of skeptics? So *be* one. Minnesota has one of the three oldest American thermometer records, and like the others, its unwavering linearity utterly falsifies climate models upon which all climate alarm is based upon:

    Tide gauges, too, show utterly no deviation from their natural low emissions era trend:

    Whereas your progressive liberal friends, herr professor, they use outright fraud to create climate alarm:

    It is from *science* and the backlash against a part of it that your ilk helps enable, that your whole grievance-based near Soviet level political machine will topple, for people don’t like discovering that they’ve been lied to.

  58. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Yawn denialist appealing to authority, theirs. Yawn, boring denialist with citations to the peer reviewed scientific literature. Which is the real authority, and backs AGW.

  59. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Dang, meant to say without citations. *preview can be your friend*

  60. Nick Gotts says

    Nik from Nyc,

    You’re a liar:
    1) PZ Myers does not and never has advocated censorship.
    2) Anthropogenic climate change is not a fraud, but consensus science. Right-wing fuckwits like you have to deny the science because it undermines your “free markets solve everything” drivel, but when you allege fraud, you are, without a scintilla of evidence to support you, lying about thousands of honest scientists. Evidently, you have no shame at all.

    You are also a fool: evidently you think no-one will bother to check on your sources. But here we can see that the rate of sea-level rise has, contrary to your lies, greatly increased in the last two decades. We can also see that the global surface temperature shows a far from linear pattern: rather, a slight decline up to 1910, a period of warming to around 1949 a hiatus to around 1970, then a renewed rise. This pattern is well accounted for if, and only if, all known contributors to temperature change, including the increased greenhouse gases in the atmospher, are included. Furthermore, we can see the decline in both sea and land ice. If you want to educate yourself, you could start here, where expert climate scientists discuss climate science. But you won’t, because you’re a liar and a fool.

    Whereas your progressive liberal friends, herr professor

    Why do you address an American university professor as “herr professor”? He’s not German, nor working at a German university, and if he was, the title would be “Herr Professor Doctor”, since the upper-case letters are required, and PZ Myers has a doctorate. But of course an ignorant numpty like you thinks the mere hint of being German – therefore Nazi!!!1!elebenty!! – is witty, or makes some sort of political point.

    In being a liar and a fool you are, of course, only too typical of today’s Republican Party.

  61. Goodbye Enemy Janine says

    Barbara Drescher also linked to that Todd Starnes written piece. And Justin Vacula retweeted her. Funny how these extremely skeptical atheists are willing to use the words of godbotherers if it fits the narrative.

  62. Crimson Clupeidae says

    As a UofMN alumnae who went on to Columbia and Harvard to further study chemistry and then nanofabrication[.]

    Heh. And then climate science, right?

    ….right? And what does any of your blather have to do with the topic at hand?

  63. chigau (違う) says

    plural noun: alumnae
    1. a female graduate or former student of a particular school, college, or university.

  64. David Marjanović says

    As a UofMN alumnae who went on to Columbia and Harvard

    Where I come from, no university lets you in when your Latin is that bad. Columbia? Harvard? Seriously?

    half of the adult and young adult population of his country

    …Read a few more polls.

    he tries to censor


    the only political party that is helping to expose the biggest scientific fraud in human history?

    :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

    You studied chemistry? How is that possible without studying physical or analytical chemistry?

    Minnesota has one of the three oldest American thermometer records, and like the others, its unwavering linearity utterly falsifies climate models upon which all climate alarm is based upon:

    What sort of scientist are you? Are you seriously trying to do statistics with a sample size of 1?!?

    Whereas your progressive liberal friends, herr professor, they use outright fraud to create climate alarm:

    …That’s breathtakingly stupid. The basic shape of the hockey stick from that old paper from 1998 has been found again and again, in different datasets, ever since.

    A scientist wouldn’t talk about a topic without trying to understand it first.

    and if he was, the title would be “Herr Professor Doctor”

    Actually Doktor with k, but it’s hardly ever spelled out… and it’s not usually included when talking to someone, only when writing about them.

  65. David Marjanović says

    And what does any of your blather have to do with the topic at hand?

    Nik FromNyc is trying to prove to us that everyone to the left of her is actively, dangerously evil. She’s scared out of her wits and wants everyone else to be, too.

    Ignorance produces fear, and fear produces conservativism.