Atheist Ireland Kicks Hibernian Arse

Vividly, lividly,
Atheist Ireland
Points to Hibernia’s
Atheist list

Notes that their teaching is
Gives them the notice to
Cease and desist.

I just love a good, well-deserved, metaphorical arse-kicking. After the jump:

From Atheist Ireland:

Hibernia College Dublin, in its Higher Diploma in Arts in Primary Education, is teaching as part of its Religion module several untrue statements about atheism and at least two defamatory allegations about modern atheists. This includes course notes that claim that “What bothers very few of its latter-day exponents is the fact that atheist humanism produced the worst horrors history has ever witnessed, namely Nazism, Fascism and Marxism…” and a mock examination where the student is expected to answer that it is “True” that “Atheist humanism produced the worst horrors history has ever witnessed.”

Atheist Ireland is requesting that the untrue statements and defamatory allegations be immediately removed from the course notes and examinations, and then that the Religion module be entirely revised so that it teaches students about religion in an objective, critical and pluralistic manner. We have offered to assist in this by providing accurate information about atheism and atheists.

The letter that follows is a thorough, detailed, no-room-to-escape indictment of Hibernia College–what they are doing, what laws they are violating, what remedy is sought. Strictly business, and a thing of beauty.


  1. Steve says

    I guess for a Catholic college it would be uncomfortable to teach the truth that Hitler, Mussolini and especially Franco were all heavily supported by the Vatican. Just as they supported various military dictatorships in South America in return for certain priviliges

  2. F says

    That is one damn long letter. Though I suppose that is partly due to the repetitious legal-style construction, it is still long. I hope it has some effect.

  3. Carigeen says

    Just to pass on the good news! That’s a nice bit of arse kicking AI!

    Atheist Ireland to assist Hibernia College with pluralist religion and ethics curriculum
    By Atheist Ireland | Published: March 2, 2012

    Atheist Ireland today met with Hibernia College to discuss the course notes that made untrue statements about atheism and atheists. The meeting was very productive. The relevant course notes have been removed. Michael Nugent is preparing an initial one-hour introductory lesson for Hibernia College on atheism and nonreligious ethics. After that, Atheist Ireland will discuss with Hibernia College how we can make a more comprehensive contribution towards developing a more pluralist religion and ethics curriculum. Hibernia College will reassure students about its existing commitment to encourage them to give feedback about any concerns they have about the course.

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