Oh, that should definitely help

Michele Bachmann, who while in Congress vied with Louis Gohmer and Steve King for the title of the stupidest person to ever serve in that capacity and whose 2008 run for the presidency was a total laugh-fest before it went down in flames, says that she is now advising Donald Trump on foreign policy.


  1. blf says

    That should raise teh trum-prat’s awareness of furrin policy issues… not necessarily to any coherent extent, just raise them… to something deeper than a drowning rat.

  2. Reginald Selkirk says

    “He also recognizes there is a threat around the world, not just here in Minnesota, of radical Islam,” she said. “I wish our President Obama also understood the threat of radical Islam and took it seriously.”

    If only Bachmann understood the threat of radical Christianity…

  3. busterggi says

    I’m sure that in her time Bachmann has eated pizza, English muffins and Chinese take-out -- she is eminently qualified by Republican standards.

  4. KG says

    He also recognizes there is a threat around the world, not just here in Minnesota, of radical Islam -- Michelle Bachmann

    Somehow, I’d overlooked the fact that Minnesota is the heartland of radical Islam, from which it threatens to spread atound the world.

  5. blf says

    I’d overlooked the fact that Minnesota is the heartland of radical Islam

    Isn’t the problem Minnesota isn’t under xian theocratic law, which means it must, must, be under the cartoon version of shira law with, e.g., daily public beheadings (all covered up by the libural commie media)?

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