Bernie Sanders gets an important endorsement today

With all the drama taking place within the Republican party from their presidential primary to the chaos surrounding the search for a new speaker, we should not ignore that things are moving along within the Democratic party.

While Hillary Clinton has been racking up about 100 endorsements among Democrats in Congress, not a single one of them has endorsed Bernie Sanders. This will change on Friday when Arizona congressperson Raul Grijalva will become the first to do so. No other person elected to national office has done so but several progressive candidates running for office have endorsed him.

This is not insignificant. Grijalva is chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which was co-founded by Sanders, and a long time member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and is an influential voice in the Hispanic community.


  1. atheistblog says

    I don’t know if I am gonna vote for anyone who believes that gun is a right like freedom of speech, voting, healthcare. That gives me qualms. We want Citizens United overturned, but don’t we need a reinterpretation of 2nd amendment ?
    Mr Singham, how do you discern your qualms ? I believe you also don’t believe that guns should be a right. Or do we have to wind back to this same old same old, that lesser of an evil is the best argument ? Fighting and loosing is a different story but honestly there is almost no one to even raise the truth that guns shouldn’t be a right.
    And then comes the foreign wars, as far as I can see, bernie will continue the same exact policy of obama, and you know not just bush obama’s is disastrous as well. American foreign policy is based on 2 words, american interest, translation, corporation interest. bernie doesn’t accept the fact that isis is a product of saudi arabia, israel is an apartheid state, and never wants peace in middle east.

  2. StevoR says

    @ ^ atheistblog : Um .. those “facts” that you claim to be such in your last sentence there really aren’t. They are your opinions in some cases and outright falsehoods in others.

    Sanders is too far to the Left wing for most American voters and he still isn’t far left enough for you?

    No serious US politician is ever going to accept or promote the (non)”facts” you list there so demanding anyone does before they (presumably?) get your vote or support is in essence, saying you will never support (or vote for?) any realistic US politician. Which is self-defeating and pointless of you.

    This is all really very obvious so I am surprised that you have not already recognised that reality and adjusted your views and behaviour to match reality rather than expecting reality to match your mistaken opinions and demands.

  3. atheistblog says


    Here comes a boy with labels. So, he is supporting and fighting for populist economical agenda, you know that thing called ‘for the people, to the people, by the people’ ? Well, StevoR has label for that, it’s called ‘Far Left’®.

    So, what is not a fact ? or ‘non fact’ ? Israel is an apartheid state ?
    Oh, if you don’t vote for a party, then you are pointless, self-defeating ? Yah, so voting for your consciousness is self-defeating and pointless ?
    The point is boys like StevoR, if you don’t support plutocratic two party system, then you are waste, self-defeating, pointless, and like, StevoR vote has some point.
    So, you going to defining me what should be my priority in democracy ? And you want to ignore what’s most important for me and demand to support what’s most important for you, but you won’t do the same for me, ah, that’s a honest boy talk right there.
    I am living a good life than most americans, neither republican or democratic party winning election won’t change a bit in my life. Shouldn’t I care for a common good ? well, then proliferation of guns in a society is a common good for you ? Sending billions of $ and arms to israel and other dictatorship, and perpetuating the wars and violence in the name of american interest is common good for you ?

    People like you are the one would have come up front and told millions of suffragist and african-americans who were fighting for their rights and common good for others as well, you are not slave anymore, isn’t that enough for you ? You are the boy right now would say, women you are getting paid $0.7 for $1, isn’t that enough for you, it used to be very less and you were locked up inside house, isn’t enough for you ?

    People like you are the problem not just for this country, but for the whole world, you are a corporate warmongering sycophants, don’t call yourself progressive, I would rather accept a person who will try his/her best to fight and fail than being a sycophant in the false name of reality®.
    Corporations and riches owns this country, fighting against them is realistic, but fighting against the neo-liberal, warmongers is not realistic for you ?
    Oh, you are that guy who always give excuse in the name of ‘realistic’, by hillary’s standard all the things bernie says and supports are not ‘realistic’ yet now bernie’s nomination is realistic, but asking to stop the violence and wars abroad, oh no, that’s not ‘realistic’.
    What’s not a F-in fact are you talking about ? Oh, you put a label on bernie, ‘far left wing’, so everyone has to shut up now, what can anyone do now, bernie gotta label now, boys like you believe it’s an ugly label, so anything you ask for good of the humanity from bernie is not a fact, not realistic, it’s too much, why ? because you gave bernie already an ugly label, ‘far left wing’.
    If stopping promotion of wars and violence is ‘far too left wing’ for you, then I don’t care what F-in label you gonna give, it is just wrong.

    You are the typical guy who lived through out the history, and realized slavery was reality, disenfranchisement of women was reality, segregation of african-american was reality, no voting rights for minority was reality, vietnam was reality, and kept telling those who fought against these as
    “This is all really very obvious so I am surprised that you have not already recognised that reality and adjusted your views and behaviour to match reality rather than expecting reality to match your mistaken opinions and demands.”
    You are a disease to humanity.

  4. says

    Oh, atheistblog, that is quite the muddled mess of a comment.

    1. “Shouldn’t I care for a common good ?”
    2. ” I would rather accept a person who will try his/her best to fight and fail than being a sycophant in the false name of reality.”

    Actually, that second remark I’ve noted is a false dichotomy. So we can already dismiss it for being illogical by itself. Putting it in context with that first remark, though, creates additional conflict. Let me preface this by noting that I am an engineer. As an engineer, I will tell you that sometimes compromise is an absolute necessity. Trying to design a perfect product takes a lot of resources, one of which is time. If you’re going to fight for the perfect candidate, they may never come. In other words, you are going to fail. And through your failure, the common good could suffer. So what’s it going to be? Are you more concerned for the common good or with having the perfect candidate?

    Now, this is not to say you shouldn’t fight or strive to keep finding that perfect candidate, but rather to note that you may need to learn to accept, but not settle for, “good enough” along the way. Try to wrap your head around that. I know it may be tough for a purist such as yourself.

  5. StevoR says

    @3. atheistblog : Wow, & I thought my comments were sometimes messy and had some typos and grammar issues!

    So, he is supporting and fighting for populist economical agenda, you know that thing called ‘for the people, to the people, by the people’ ? (1) Well, StevoR has label for that, it’s called ‘Far Left’®. (2)

    (1) Are you asking or saying? Huh? Isn’t this also what most politicians do or claim they are doing? Non-sequiteur really.

    (2) No, I don’t. What I am saying is that Bernie Sanders is coming from a far left wing perspective that is realistically unlikely to win majority American support. Not least because Sanders himself has accepted the term “socialist” which carries a lot of baggage and implications for most Americans. Your sentence (1) there doesn’t really .

    So, what is not a fact ? or ‘non fact’ ? Israel is an apartheid state ?

    Non fact. Outright slanderous offensive lie in fact. Apartheid was a specific South African racist system. Israel is a nation that does NOT legally discriminate based on race at all as I have previously explained to you.

    Oh, if you don’t vote for a party, then you are pointless, self-defeating ? Yah, so voting for your consciousness is self-defeating and pointless ?

    You mean conscience? Not always, sometimes and it depends. In this specific case Sanders is highly unlikely to win election to the Presidency. Just as Ralph Nader for example was in the 2000 election -how did people “voting their conscience work out in practice there? Oh yeah, it meant Gore lost and you ended up with 8 years of President “Dubya” Bush. Think you might consider the implications and consequences of something similar happening again?

    Shouldn’t I care for a common good ? (I) well, then proliferation of guns in a society is a common good for you ? (II) Sending billions of $ and arms to israel and other dictatorship, (III) and perpetuating the wars and violence in the name of american interest is common good for you ?

    I) Yes. Everyone should both ethically and pragmatically.

    II) No. I support tighter restrictions on guns and think having fewer of them in the world generally is better.

    III) Israel is NOT a dictatorship dude. It is a democracy. Ithas these things called elections. We aren’t the ones perpetrating wars and violence -- you are scapegoating and displaying your profound ignorance of global politics and realities here. (again)

    To be continued later ..

    PS. Calling me a disease? Wow, is that sort of dehumanising insult really okay here by you Mano Singham “people like me” What people exactly? People like you as well? I am generally progressive left in my views.

  6. StevoR says

    People like you are the one would have come up front and told millions of suffragist and african-americans who were fighting for their rights and common good for others as well, you are not slave anymore, isn’t that enough for you ? You are the boy right now would say, women you are getting paid $0.7 for $1, isn’t that enough for you, it used to be very less and you were locked up inside house, isn’t enough for you ?

    No that’s not what I would say and is a very different topic entirely to pointing out that there’s one politician who I think is unelectable to the majority of US citizens and so you should be pragmatic and vote for another Democratic party candidate who is more likely to get elected and thus actually make a difference in changing the US (& wider world) for the better.

    People like you are the problem not just for this country, but for the whole world, you are a corporate warmongering sycophants, (1) don’t call yourself progressive, (2) I would rather accept a person who will try his/her best to fight and fail than being a sycophant in the false name of reality®. (3)

    1. I am? No, actually I’m really not. I’m not a fan or corporations or war.

    2. I will because its what I know I am. Your disagreement with me on a fe wissues doesn’t chage that realityor give you the right to tell me how I can describe myself.

    3. What has that got to do with the choice over whether Bernie Sanders or Hilary Clinton is more electable? The “false” name of reality? Huh? No, a pragmatic political assessment of which candidate stands the best indeed realistic chance of being able to deliver electoral success. Doesn’t mean I don’t admire people fighting for their convictions and preferably not failing. I don’t dislike Bernie Sanders, I just don’t think he can win so we’d be better off going for someone who is more likely to win. How does just saying that lead to, well, all that rubbish you’ve written in #3 about me?

    Corporations and riches owns this country, fighting against them is realistic, but fighting against the neo-liberal, warmongers is not realistic for you ?

    Again, see preceeding paragraph of mine. Opposing wars and foreign adventurism is a good thing which i support just like I also support Israel’s right to exist and happen not to demonise the US military just because some past govts (eg. Bush) have done the wrong thing with it and used it to invade other nations. The troops are often, usually even, good people themselves and not caricatures. There is a lot of nuance in the world and complexity that I think you overlook and fail to grasp in your ideological zeal, atheistblog.

    Oh, you are that guy who always give excuse in the name of ‘realistic’, by hillary’s standard all the things bernie says and supports are not ‘realistic’ yet now bernie’s nomination is realistic, but asking to stop the violence and wars abroad, oh no, that’s not ‘realistic’. What’s not a F-in fact are you talking about ?

    Um ..what? Your word salad is unappetising. No I don’t think Bernie’s nomination is realistic or that in the highly unlikely event of him being nominated he would win the Presidency.I could be mistaken but I don’t think so. I do however think that opposing violence and wars is realistic in some, indeed many instances and I support that opposition to wars and violence. For example I am opposed to the violence and war the Palestinians terrorists are currently engaging in and also the Daesh terrorists and I think the United States and my allied country should probably pull out of Syria and definitely should not invade or attack Iran -- unless some extreme and unlikely events like Iran imminently and obviously attacking Israel transpire.

    You are the typical guy who lived through out the history, and realized slavery was reality, disenfranchisement of women was reality, segregation of african-american was reality, no voting rights for minority was reality, vietnam was reality, and kept telling those who fought against these as

    As … what? Reality. Are you saying slavery, female disenfranchisement, segregation, etc .. were NOT realities? Or that talking realistically about who is best laced to alter and fight those realities from the highest office in the land is equivalent to saying they should not be fought at all? Are you saying, for example, that you don’t think Hilary Clinton will help improve women’s rights and their position in society? Because I think you are very wrong if you do!

    You are a disease to humanity.

    No, just someone on the internet you disagree with who has just demolished your muddled, incoherent and poorly thought out arguments.

  7. StevoR says

    Oh & for clarity :

    I don’t dis like Bernie Sanders, I just don’t think he can win.

    I think Bernie Sanders a good man with a lot of good ideas but the Republicans will rip him to shreds with their attack ads and hammering on his admitted “socialism” -- socialism of a variety and clearly not Stalinism but still. I also happen to be a fan of Hilary Clinton and like her (more than I like Sanders) and think she will make a good US President and your nation and the world better.

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