Retired Rear Admiral Barry C. Black is the 62nd Chaplain of the United States Senate, serving in that capacity since 2003. In his opening prayer last Friday, he delivered a blistering attack on the current state of affairs.
Maybe if this goes on the government will finally seriously consider doing away with an official chaplain and opening prayers.
Ha! I kid. This country loves ritualized expressions of meaningless piety. They will never get rid of official chaplains and invocation prayers until they are ruled unconstitutional.
Cornflakes just came out of my nose.
An Egyptian 11-year-old’s wisdom
One of the options for further viewing presented at the end of Chaplain Black’s video was this gem:
“Restore Your Credit”
I lol’d.
Unfortunately, we just have to get used to this sort of buffoonery. It is a case of supply and demand. So long as there’s overwhelming demand for this kind of sanctimonious, puke-worthy nonsense from our woolly blinkered religious brethren, our hopes of getting rid of such carnival barkers will just remain a pipe dream.