Possibility of war with Iran receding?

Iran has not been in the news for some time, which is a good thing. Reports are coming out of Israel that suggest that the impetus for a military strike against that country is waning.

One reason given for this lessening of war rhetoric is that Israeli prime minister Netanyahu has overplayed his hand in trying to pressure Barack Obama to attack Iran by exploiting the election season, and since the re-election of Obama seems increasingly likely, now seeks to try and mend those fences by toning down the war rhetoric.

Meanwhile, Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a public statement warning Israel it was on its own if it attacked Iran. Israel knows it cannot go it alone and wants the US to take the lead. France is also issuing similar warnings to Israel, and there are reports (denied by the Obama administration) of the US striking secret deals with Iran.

This does not mean that there is going to be a US-Iran rapprochement. The US is still issuing threats.

According to the New York Times, Washington has also sent Iran a back-channel deal suggesting they curb their nuclear ambitions, but Tehran rejected the deal, saying no agreement is possible sans lifting all West-imposed sanctions.

According to the report, the Obama administration is exploring the possibility of mounting a covert operation, as well as waging a “quiet” cyber war against Iran.

President Obama had previously rejected the notion, fearing such cyber assaults would wreak havoc on Iranian civilian life.

(Thanks to reader Dave for some of the above links.)


  1. Jared A says

    When it comes to foreign policy, I think that Obama is too bloodthirsty and overly tyrannical, but I don’t think he’s an ideologically motivated idiot. I continue to hope that he is smart enough to negotiate with Iran behind the scenes, even if it is isn’t allowed politically in plain sight.

  2. slc1 says

    Actually, Israel would be perfectly able to go it alone if it were willing to attack Iran with nuclear weapons. At this point in time, they appear totally unwilling to take this action. However, if things get desperate, all bets are off.

  3. Achrachno says

    But, some flavor of this idiocy will bubble up again. It always does. Maybe next election cycle, or after this one is over (esp. if the Rs should happen to gain more power). Maybe some other country will be the demon the next time, though I expect Iran will be it for a while.

  4. says

    When it comes to foreign policy, I think that Obama is too bloodthirsty and overly tyrannical…

    Yeah, isn’t it horrible how he has his jackbooted gummint thugs gassing Tea Party rallies all over the country and forcing Congress to…oh wait…

  5. says

    Actually, Israel would be perfectly able to go it alone if it were willing to attack Iran with nuclear weapons…

    Yeah, because they have Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, and their own economy so well in hand, right? And we can all be sure Syria wouldn’t lift a finger to help their longstanding ally Iran in the event of an unprovoked attack?

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