On the Cancer Front

As I’ve said before, I’m participating in a study of the effectiveness of prophylactic radiation treatments to keep small cell cancer out of the brain.  That’s currently the standard care, but it’s based on a study from back in the ’70s (IIRC) and n was small.

This study is random but not blind, so I know that I was randomized into the control group.  I’ll be getting everything except the actual radiation.

On Monday, I had some blood drawn and the nurse who runs the study at my particular hospital gave me the test of cognitive abilities that, I guess, is the one that Trump misremembered; yesterday, I had a CT scan and an MRI; and today I had follow-up appointments with the chemo and radiation oncologists.  IIRC, the current plan is to do that every three months for a year, then every six months for the second and last year.

The blood work and the MRI turned out fine (I wasn’t told whether I’m thinking straight 😎 ), but the CT scan showed what could possibly me more cancer, this time in a lymph node.  I’ll be getting a PET scan on Monday, and then I’ll meet with the chemo doctor, and maybe the radiologist as well, on the 27th.  They might also want me to get a biopsy.  We’ll see how it goes.  I was told that, in any event, I’ll still be in the study and so still be doing my small bit to add to human knowledge.

One thing that occurs to me:  if Trump wins in November, this might be a good time to check out. 😎


  1. John Morales says

    One thing that occurs to me: if Trump wins in November, this might be a good time to check out. 😎

    No, no. That’s not how one does grim sardonicism. Too defeatist.

    Far as your prognosis goes, well… no particular news is reassuring.

  2. Jazzlet says

    I don’t suppose you could check out taking Trump out? Nah I know that’s not really practical, so you’ve just given me another reason to hope he loses.

  3. Katydid says

    More proof that there is no god; you’ve got another lump, and Mango Mussolini is galumphing around like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

  4. says


    He might be galumphing, but I suspect he has a lot of cares. Especially legal ones. IIRC, he’s got on the order of $440 million of civil lawsuits judgements against him (for which he’s had to post bonds or he couldn’t appeal). And the criminal cases haven’t even started yet.

    The supreme court has decided to hear Trumps appeal about presidential immunity. If that goes against him, that’s the end ot that particular excuse. And if the court rules that the president *does* have immunity, then Biden basically could have Trump shot. That’s what you call a win-win. 🙂

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