Episode CCLXVI: The Pharyngula bump?

Recently, that goofy guru Deepak Chopra thanked me on Twitter for helping his book, whatever it was, become a NYT bestseller. It would be nice to imagine that I have some fraction of the power of Colbert or Oprah, but I think he was indulging in some wishful thinking. So what else is new?

Anyway, just because I can, here’s a short video of a young woman asking Chopra a straightforward question…which he is unable to answer. His mouth moves, his lips flap, his tongue wiggles, but no sense comes out. Again…so what else is new?

(Episode CCLXV: I like turtles)

You mean I have to tally the Molly awards every month?

Mary sends her apologies — she’s been almost as tardy in getting the Mollies done every month as I was. She’s not used to this bloggy stuff where the howling mob expects something every day, and she is struggling with even the monthly obligation. But she has come through with the Molly for July, and it goes to…

Brother Ogvorbis!

Hand out the congratulations, and cast your mind back to distant days of yesteryear, leaving a comment about who deserves the award for August.