JB Pritzker makes my day

We have two kinds of Democrats in the party, and I want to see more of the JB Pritzker kind.

He gave a great speech.

Donald Trump cannot take anything from us that we don’t choose to give him. He and his henchmen don’t want people to realize that. But now is the time for us to wake up. The good news is every day I’m seeing more and more people across this country realize that they don’t want to give him much at all.

The question I get asked most right now is, “So what can I do? What can I do?” And I’m going to be blunt about this. Never before in my life have I called for mass activism, but this is the moment. Take to the streets, protest, show up at town halls. Jam the phone lines in Congress, 202-224-3121, and afford not a moment of peace to any elected representatives who are aiding and abetting Musk and Trump’s illegal power grab. This is not a drill, folks. This is the real thing.

Seize every megaphone you have. Go online and make a donation to the legal funds fighting Trump, to HRC, and to the candidates for Congress that vow to take this country backward. And don’t limit your voice to the traditional political channels. Be like Lucy Welch. When JD Vance went to vacation at the Sugarbush Resort in Warren, Vermont, Lucy, who writes the Sugarbush Daily Snow Report, used her report to defend her diverse and wonderful community, ending by saying, “I am using my relative platform as a snow reporter to be disruptive. What we do or don’t do matters.”

What we do and don’t do matters. It matters right now more than it ever has before. When my future grandkids look back on this moment, I want them to know that my voice was one of the loudest in the room, screaming for justice and fighting against tyranny.

And in the midst of this existential fight, this battle that seems to consume everything, well, let’s not take the soul-sucking path of sacrificing the most persecuted for that which we deem to be most popular. I know that there are transgender children right now looking out at this world and wondering if anyone is going to stand up for them and for their simple right to exist. Well, I am. We are. We will.

Yes! More Democrats like that!


  1. Silentbob says

    Yes. Rise up. Do not comply. Resist. March. Support trans equality and acceptance. Denounce bigotry.

  2. StevoR says

    @ ^ Silentbob : Seconded by me.

    But also be careful and plan ahead and prepare for the worst.

    Then prepare for even worse than that.

  3. StevoR says

    @ ^ Silentbob : Seconded by me.

    But also be careful and plan ahead and prepare for the worst.

    Then prepare for even worse than that.

  4. StevoR says

    @ ^ John Morales : Got better ideas and suggestions then? Also, aren’t you an Aussie too?

  5. birgerjohansson says

    After the initial shock, the obvious incompetence and idiocy of this government will erode some of the fear, like for the late-stage Soviet regime.

    The last 36 hours started with the Trump portrait idiocy and continued with the ten worst Trump administration members inviting a journalist to a top-secret group chat.

    I know the True Believers will be unaffected, but Tr*mp is basically a worse Dubya or Liz Truss now, in the eyes of the majority.
    The grass roots know what to do, even if the senior Democrats are useless.

  6. Artor says

    Sadly, I fully expect the Democratic Party to learn nothing from their repeated failures and nominating Newsome over any progressive candidate, despite what Democratic voters want.

  7. xmnr says

    I worked several levels below his sister, Penny, when she was Secretary of Commerce during the second Obama administration.

  8. jenorafeuer says

    Now, now, I’m pretty sure Dubya was at least smart enough to realize that he was mostly the vehicle, the empty figurehead distracting from the destruction going on behind him. Of course, that’s also part of why he didn’t have the same level of ‘charisma’ as Trump. Trump truly believes that the world exists for him and his opinion-of-the-minute, and that makes him better at attracting other sociopaths and also easier to manipulate into ignoring what’s going on behind him.

  9. says

    It is obvious that corrupt corporate dumbocrat leaders will never support anyone who is not a corporate billionaire brown-noser, fall-in-lock-step imbecile.

    Pritzger has too much intelligence, caring and honesty to ever be supported by them.

    schumer, newsome, and all the other corporate democraps should just Crawl Off And Die!

    We need honest, caring leaders like Pritzger, AOC, J. Raskin, R. Wyden, AOC, Ihlan Omar, Rashida Tlaib.

    However, the Billionaire Greed Devastation Effect will prevent any attempts to pull us out of the death spiral.

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