When OnlySky fell apart, we managed to scoop up one of their best writers and install them here at freethoughtblogs. Stop by Adam Lee’s new home at Daylight Atheism and welcome him!
Also, thanks to everyone on FTB for the warm welcome! Glad to be here.
Hey, give me a little credit! Richard Dawkins hates me too:
All those and Sam Harris hate me too.
Or they would if they knew who I was, which they probably don’t.
Welcome Adam Lee.
I read your writing at both Patheos Nonreligious and OnlySky.
Akira MacKenziesays
Gooble gobble… One of us… we accept you…
Welcome Adam. I followed you on Patheos for a while. Good to read you again.
I’ve followed Adam for years, ever since Daylight Atheism was its own separate blog back in the mid ’00s, through the Patheos years, and obviously to OnlySky. I am so glad he’s landed on his feet at this wonderful platform.
I wonder if anyone has read Michael Nugent’s article posted by silentbob in #2. He does not seem to hate Adam Lee as stated but writes “I have admired Adam’s writing for many years, although I disagree with him strongly on this issue. Adam has said that critics of his article have not been specific about where it is inaccurate, so I will address that question here.” He goes on to write a long article examining ways in which comments by Dawkins and Harris have been exaggerated and misunderstood. He makes a convincing case I think. There may be many good reasons to vilify Dawkins and Harris but the comments referred to in Lee’s article don’t seem to support his conclusions. Please read Nugent’s article. I’d like to know others’s take on this. I know people here love to criticize them but are the comments examined good reasons to do so?
That’s awesome! I’ve been following Adam since the Daylight Atheism then Patheos days, and periodically reread a bunch of his essays.
Welcome Adam!
BTW if you have time, please visit any of the Scandinavian countries. We used to be militantly protestant christians with state churches and just look at us now! Gradual change moves continents and attitudes.
(Also, God Awful Movies are always looking for ‘guest masochists’ to debunk pseudoscience documentaries and/or review Christian films)
chesapeake @9: The Nugent article you cite is from ten years ago. Dawkins has said plenty more indefensible shit since then, and his mental clarity has clearly gone downhill in that time. I might finish reading the article, but right now I gotta say it doesn’t make much of a difference given the accumulated total of what we’ve been hearing from Dawkins since he started trashing and misrepresenting Rebecca Watson in that whole “Elevatorgate” dust-up.
Oh dear, that Nugent article ain’t looking so wunnerful. I just found a bit where it quotes Lee thusly:
“Many female atheists have explained that they don’t get more involved because of the casual sexism endemic to the movement: parts of it see nothing problematic about hosting conferences with all-male speakers or having all-male leadership –”
To which Nugent then replies:
So which conferences have all-male speakers? Which groups have all-male leadership? I don’t know of any, but they may well exist. If they do exist, how do they compare with conferences with male and female speakers, or groups with male and female leadership? Unfortunately, the article does not say. It creates an impression and does not substantiate it.
…which doesn’t really refute Lee’s claim. Also, Lee didn’t seem to be “creating an impression,” but rather relaying an impression others had described; and as such, he was not really obligated to “substantiate” it.
So, yeah, this article doesn’t seem worth my time so far…
I have always liked his content. Glad he found a new home.
Coyne and Nugent both hate him.
In other words he could hardly come with higher credentials. X-D
Welcome Adam.
Oh, wow. We had to put it up to a vote and wait a couple of days to approve him, but if we knew that we would have brought him on board even faster.
Hey, give me a little credit! Richard Dawkins hates me too:
Also, thanks to everyone on FTB for the warm welcome! Glad to be here.
All those and Sam Harris hate me too.
Or they would if they knew who I was, which they probably don’t.
Welcome Adam Lee.
I read your writing at both Patheos Nonreligious and OnlySky.
Gooble gobble… One of us… we accept you…
Welcome Adam. I followed you on Patheos for a while. Good to read you again.
I’ve followed Adam for years, ever since Daylight Atheism was its own separate blog back in the mid ’00s, through the Patheos years, and obviously to OnlySky. I am so glad he’s landed on his feet at this wonderful platform.
I wonder if anyone has read Michael Nugent’s article posted by silentbob in #2. He does not seem to hate Adam Lee as stated but writes “I have admired Adam’s writing for many years, although I disagree with him strongly on this issue. Adam has said that critics of his article have not been specific about where it is inaccurate, so I will address that question here.” He goes on to write a long article examining ways in which comments by Dawkins and Harris have been exaggerated and misunderstood. He makes a convincing case I think. There may be many good reasons to vilify Dawkins and Harris but the comments referred to in Lee’s article don’t seem to support his conclusions. Please read Nugent’s article. I’d like to know others’s take on this. I know people here love to criticize them but are the comments examined good reasons to do so?
That’s awesome! I’ve been following Adam since the Daylight Atheism then Patheos days, and periodically reread a bunch of his essays.
Welcome Adam!
Hi Adam,
Glad to have you!
BTW if you have time, please visit any of the Scandinavian countries. We used to be militantly protestant christians with state churches and just look at us now! Gradual change moves continents and attitudes.
(Also, God Awful Movies are always looking for ‘guest masochists’ to debunk pseudoscience documentaries and/or review Christian films)
A nice addition!
chesapeake @9: The Nugent article you cite is from ten years ago. Dawkins has said plenty more indefensible shit since then, and his mental clarity has clearly gone downhill in that time. I might finish reading the article, but right now I gotta say it doesn’t make much of a difference given the accumulated total of what we’ve been hearing from Dawkins since he started trashing and misrepresenting Rebecca Watson in that whole “Elevatorgate” dust-up.
Oh dear, that Nugent article ain’t looking so wunnerful. I just found a bit where it quotes Lee thusly:
“Many female atheists have explained that they don’t get more involved because of the casual sexism endemic to the movement: parts of it see nothing problematic about hosting conferences with all-male speakers or having all-male leadership –”
To which Nugent then replies:
So which conferences have all-male speakers? Which groups have all-male leadership? I don’t know of any, but they may well exist. If they do exist, how do they compare with conferences with male and female speakers, or groups with male and female leadership? Unfortunately, the article does not say. It creates an impression and does not substantiate it.
…which doesn’t really refute Lee’s claim. Also, Lee didn’t seem to be “creating an impression,” but rather relaying an impression others had described; and as such, he was not really obligated to “substantiate” it.
So, yeah, this article doesn’t seem worth my time so far…