I had grand plans for this weekend. It’s our Fall Break, so it was going to be 4 days off…and I’m pretty well caught up on everything, so I’m not going to use it for grading. It’s also going to coincide with my granddaughter Iliana’s fifth birthday, so we were going to go to a birthday party!
I wake up this morning to dismal news: Iliana has COVID. She’s doing OK, but party canceled.
Worse news: my mother is in the hospital with serious pulmonary issues, serious enough that the doctors asked the family if they should put in do-not-resuscitate orders. If you’re a woman over 65 with a history of smoking, lungs are what’s gonna get you. She’s improving right now, but I am concerned.
I’ve made new plans for the weekend. I’m going to sit around and mope and worry.
Well, damn. Sorry about that double-whammy, PZ. Hope everything turns out all right in both cases.
Sorry to learn this, PZ. I hope everyone recovers in time for a rapidly rearranged party.
Hoping for speedy recoveries all round.
Truly sorry to hear about your mother, PZ. I very much hope she recovers with decent QoL, and all my very best wishes to you too.
And speedy recovery to Iliana, of course! Hopefuly any postponed birthday celebrations will make up for it a bit :-s
Hugs , if you want them.
Worrying about frail parents is a heavy burden.
Saddened to hear about your mother, PZ. Hopefully she will continue to improve.
My sympathies all around. I don’t have to worry about my mother…she died in 2005 (age 92).
I worry about mum going into the hospital for any tests. Last time, she caught COVID there (she was up to date with shots), and brought it home. Not too bad for the rest of us, but she had to go back in for a few days for rehydration, and took over a month to recover at home. Rocks and hard places…
All the best for your mum and Iliana.
Hope your family members feel well soon!
Good news: they tested Iliana again, it came back negative. She’s already feeling much better, so the party on Saturday is back on!
Non-contact hugs for everyone!
Glad to read there’s a brighter highlight in the darker moment! Enjoy the party.
Happy birthday party to all on Saturday :-)
Seems shadows loomed and then receeded a short distance.
Digital hugs.
@ 10
Yay! :)
Yay to the party this weekend!
My parents died in ’80 and ’92. The only good thing about that is that I don’t have to take care of them at this point in my life, though I did take care of my mother for a few years. They were both too young.
As one who works graveyard shift in the ER, and sees what you expect in a rural hospital on this shift, I just hope your mom doesn’t have a prolonged time of illness/suffering.
FYI, in case any US citizens missed the news, the government is distributing free COVID test kits again via the USPS. Got mine already. Two two packs per household.
ANB, lost my mother in 2001, she was ignoring a cardiac condition and it entirely refrained from ignoring her.
Lost my father in 2015, after caring for him for his last five years. Vascular dementia.
Given our familial history of diabetes, I’m watching my body mass index and remain the eldest family member to not become diabetic. No fucking way that I want to put my children through that horrific demise.
When I go, I’ll go by my own hand, in the kitchen while holding a spoon. Probably, via pasta sauce.
Although, a demise via disturbingly pornographic means is also acceptable.
Or… Death By Chocolate.
My grandson managed to fracture his radius, he’s on the mend. One granddaughter finally had the cause of her clinical depression addressed – hypothyroidism.
Familial health issues will end up being the deaths of all of us.
Hey, one retains a sense of humor, or one begins gibbering and ends up in a room with rubber wallpaper.
Update for this post :
As I guess folks here mostly know already but for posterity.