I went through one of those three weeks ago! I found it rather soothing. Then again, I’m a huge fan of 1970s experimental electronica and being in an MRI is a bit like being at a Klaus Schultz performance.
I went through one of those three weeks ago! I found it rather soothing. Then again, I’m a huge fan of 1970s experimental electronica and being in an MRI is a bit like being at a Klaus Schultz performance.
MRI’s amazing stuff. I had a couple recently and was very happy when the radiologist said I don’t appear to have any tumors anywhere. A few kidney stones waiting to come loose and ruin my day but they may stay there until I die.
I also found it soothing. I haven’t been sleeping well, so I almost fell asleep.
Yah, MRIs are soothing only if you popped an alprazolam an hour before; and then had the tech put a cloth over your eyes. Otherwise….aaiyeeeeyahhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkhelp!
@ ^ PZ Myers : Did theysay when you’llget the results? Hope its good news for you.
@5. Reginald Selkirk : OTOH, it now seems confirmed that the chatbotan engineer thought was a sentient AI isn’t :
I had two MRIs last week, going for another one at the start of July. All for different things. I’m using my private medical insurance (in UK) like a beast at the moment. I’ve been paying the premiums, time to get value for money. I try to meditate during the MRIs, which seems to work.
The one I’m going for in July, though, involves the injection of a dye into a joint. I had it done before and they used a needle the size and general disposition of a fencing foil. That time I was {ahem} “mildly perturbed” by the injection and may have made a slight whimper in addition to a moderate quiver of the stiff upper lip. I have been in training for the next attempt and have written to Her Majesty the Queen for permission to utter the word “Mummy!” in a slightly stricken voice upon being run through with the beastly object once again.
I have decided that the utter abuse I gave my body during adolescence and young adulthood has caught me in early middle age, so I am Doing Something About It.
I worry this could lead to Lycra and the purchase of a carbon fibre bike (which would, rightly, cause a divorce) as it has with so many men. Luckily, so far, I’m safe. I haven’t even been eying up sports cars or young women I can’t afford. Or that I can afford. No eying up of anything has occurred. Midlife crises sound like far too much effort. I think I’ll just get fit and thin instead, in a radical departure from previous efforts.
Rob Grigjanissays
After months, I’m still waiting for an MRI for the prostate, an appointment with a surgeon about a knee replacement, and an operation for an abdominal hernia. The Canadian health system is still backlogged from COVID.
Roberto Aguirre Maturanasays
Is this related with your back problems? get well soon.
If you have been adopted from China, you might get an unpleasant surprise during MRI like in that House, MD episode.
.. .. ..
Mike Judge version.
EEEEEE Donk Donk Donk Donk
(adolescent voice): “That was cool! Huh-huh huh-huh huh-huh!”
(other adolescent voice) “Let’s try this!”
Operator:”No! Don’t throw my cellphone into it”
Because of my recent brain-o, I have been inspected, detected, and neglected with all the 8×10 color glossy scans modern medicine can produce (and a $20,000 bill to go with) it was worth it though, to have the radiologist tell me there are no signs of any tumors anywhere and the only problem they saw was 3 kidney stones that could ruin my day but are manageably small. The “no tumors in the brain holder” diagnosis made my whole day better.
When I was a kid it was pre-MRI times. I don’t even know how they could diagnose anything, except by “exploratory surgery” eeeeeeeeeee!
I am very glad that I had a ride and got the anti-anxiety meds for my MRI over a decade ago for me tiny brain as that was terrifying enough as it was.
I had an MRI a while back to check out a bump on my shoulder. Turned out to be a lipoma, basically a glop of fat sitting there for no reason, nothing to worry about. But then the doctor pointed out that old dogs often get lipomas and I’m thinking, dude, what are you trying to tell me?
I don’t mind the MRI. It’s the freaking IV because my veins absolutely suck and love to roll out of the way of the needle. The last time I had one, we used an ultrasound to find a viable vein. Go me. 😑
It’s kind of weird being inside one of those things, but it’s a lot better than when they stick weird stuff inside YOU.
The other thing I learned was that the MRI tech should definitely not ask, “You’re not claustrophobic, are you?” just before shoving you into a confined space for half an hour. The power of suggestion is a thing, as it turns out.
Reginald Selkirk @ 22
Yes, that is the least surprising news I can think of.
Also, Boris Johnson’s ethics advisor, Lord Geidt has just resigned.
Reginald Selkirksays
@23 Boris Johnson’s ethics advisor
You don’t lead with the punchline.
I find the lack of support on those platforms they make you lie on to be extremely painful due to an old shoulder injury.
I didn’t mind the MRI at all, but mostly because the end of the tube is open. If it had not been open, being inside that tube would definitely have triggered a monkey brain panic. Apparently I’m only claustrophobic if I really am stuck in a small space with no escape routes.
Laying completely still was more difficult, mostly because there is not much padding and they were imaging my cervical vertebrae. No neck support was highly uncomfortable.
I recently had a bunch of tests, 3 MRI’s, 3 ultrasounds 1 xray and finally a CAT scan.
The first MRI was looking at my thyroid and found damaged vertebre that should be a pain in the neck.
Another MRI was looking at the ankle that was xrayed, together they found an old fracture and damaged tendon.
Kidney’s were the concern of an ultrasound, MRI and CAT scan.
It was a relief, getting a call from the kidney doctor within an hour of the CAT scan saying there is nothing to be worried about.
I also had a MRI a long time ago looking for the cause of pain after a kidney biopsi. That was obvious the next morning when I extruded a big blob of a blood clot. Lots a very small fibers in that blocking other liquids from passing thru the kidney. Simular
to a kidney stone. I decided then if a doctor or nurse ask about pain, DON’T HOLD BACK.
@ 7 PZ
I had an MRI as part of a psych study a few years ago. It is amazing how quickly one starts dozing off.
Biology is not a nice neat computer program. It’s a messy, sloppy hash of what just works. Or what mostly works. As long as 99% of your cells are transcribing properly from DNA -> RNA -> Protein, things generally work. Throw a bit of radiation or other mutagen into the mix and things get really messy really fast. We do NOT live in a clockwork universe designed by a perfect creator. Our cells are doing the best they can to stay alive.
I’ve been involved in making parts and accessories for for MRI and x-ray machines for close to three decades now.
Unfortunately the foams that are used in cushions produce quite a lot of (unwanted) MRI response. It used to be that additives could be used to dampen those unwanted signals, but with the current generation of machines that is not sufficient anymore.
With a modern MRI machine basically all the plastics used in the covers, patient carrier and the like will give an MRI response. As far as I’ve understood it, filtering out these responses is tricky because they are hard to distinguish from the signals generated by your tissues.
That was one of the reasons why we stopped making e.g. head/neck cushions.
So if you only get a thin cushion or none at all, that’s part of the reason why.
If the #1 priority is “save big dog”, ethics do not really matter.
John Moralessays
rsmith, of course not. But since a lot of it is pretending, having an ethics advisor indicates (to some saps) he must have ethics.
Meta-utility, if you like. :|
John Morales has it correctly, as of course we all knew. Johnson’s Ethics Advisor is there to give the impression of ethicaliciousness or, more technically, ethicalosity.
Mr Johnson requires the appearance of many ethicalerisations to be in the position to get away with rampant, real, acts of an unethical nature. I expect the appointment of a Morality Tsar, a Fidelity Champion, and a Integrity Inspectorate any minute now.
Those of us with certain surgical histories, and of a certain age, get to do both! Again!
The last two MRI’s I had I joked to the technician that it was the “worst spa ever” because I had to be face down, so I ended up with my face smushed into one of those padded rings like on a massage table. Except instead of a nice massage I got a freezing cold room with a loud thing. But because I was face-down I couldn’t see anything anyway, so I didn’t notice the confinement.
Oh, and I got headphones, theoretically with music. The sound quality was atrocious, but what can you expect from something that is basically a speaking tube (since you can’t have real headphones inside the MRI)? Having to concentrate to try and tell if the song was “Smells Like Teen Spirit” or “Black Hole Sun” kept my mind occupied.
I’m on a full-year break from the MRIs, but then I’ll be back at it, probably for the rest of my life, or until I finally get cancer. Wee family history!
Meh… I can’t complain.
I went through one of those three weeks ago! I found it rather soothing. Then again, I’m a huge fan of 1970s experimental electronica and being in an MRI is a bit like being at a Klaus Schultz performance.
I went through one of those three weeks ago! I found it rather soothing. Then again, I’m a huge fan of 1970s experimental electronica and being in an MRI is a bit like being at a Klaus Schultz performance.
MRI’s amazing stuff. I had a couple recently and was very happy when the radiologist said I don’t appear to have any tumors anywhere. A few kidney stones waiting to come loose and ruin my day but they may stay there until I die.
While you were occupied, the aliens landed.
Giant ‘Sky Eye’ telescope may have picked up alien signals, Chinese researchers say
Giant ‘Sky Eye’ telescope may have picked up alien signals
“Now only 16 zverpnoos; two for the price of one! Act now!”
I also found it soothing. I haven’t been sleeping well, so I almost fell asleep.
Yah, MRIs are soothing only if you popped an alprazolam an hour before; and then had the tech put a cloth over your eyes. Otherwise….aaiyeeeeyahhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkhelp!
@ ^ PZ Myers : Did theysay when you’llget the results? Hope its good news for you.
@5. Reginald Selkirk : OTOH, it now seems confirmed that the chatbotan engineer thought was a sentient AI isn’t :
I had two MRIs last week, going for another one at the start of July. All for different things. I’m using my private medical insurance (in UK) like a beast at the moment. I’ve been paying the premiums, time to get value for money. I try to meditate during the MRIs, which seems to work.
The one I’m going for in July, though, involves the injection of a dye into a joint. I had it done before and they used a needle the size and general disposition of a fencing foil. That time I was {ahem} “mildly perturbed” by the injection and may have made a slight whimper in addition to a moderate quiver of the stiff upper lip. I have been in training for the next attempt and have written to Her Majesty the Queen for permission to utter the word “Mummy!” in a slightly stricken voice upon being run through with the beastly object once again.
I have decided that the utter abuse I gave my body during adolescence and young adulthood has caught me in early middle age, so I am Doing Something About It.
I worry this could lead to Lycra and the purchase of a carbon fibre bike (which would, rightly, cause a divorce) as it has with so many men. Luckily, so far, I’m safe. I haven’t even been eying up sports cars or young women I can’t afford. Or that I can afford. No eying up of anything has occurred. Midlife crises sound like far too much effort. I think I’ll just get fit and thin instead, in a radical departure from previous efforts.
After months, I’m still waiting for an MRI for the prostate, an appointment with a surgeon about a knee replacement, and an operation for an abdominal hernia. The Canadian health system is still backlogged from COVID.
Is this related with your back problems? get well soon.
If you have been adopted from China, you might get an unpleasant surprise during MRI like in that House, MD episode.
.. .. ..
Mike Judge version.
EEEEEE Donk Donk Donk Donk
(adolescent voice): “That was cool! Huh-huh huh-huh huh-huh!”
(other adolescent voice) “Let’s try this!”
Operator:”No! Don’t throw my cellphone into it”
I just filled a prescription, and I have one very whiny but important question:
Can I have an MRI instead of a colonoscopy? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?
@Jaws: have you done the fecal occult blood test? I was a test subject on that, and it put off my having to get a colonoscopy by 10yr.
Because of my recent brain-o, I have been inspected, detected, and neglected with all the 8×10 color glossy scans modern medicine can produce (and a $20,000 bill to go with) it was worth it though, to have the radiologist tell me there are no signs of any tumors anywhere and the only problem they saw was 3 kidney stones that could ruin my day but are manageably small. The “no tumors in the brain holder” diagnosis made my whole day better.
When I was a kid it was pre-MRI times. I don’t even know how they could diagnose anything, except by “exploratory surgery” eeeeeeeeeee!
I am very glad that I had a ride and got the anti-anxiety meds for my MRI over a decade ago for me tiny brain as that was terrifying enough as it was.
I had an MRI a while back to check out a bump on my shoulder. Turned out to be a lipoma, basically a glop of fat sitting there for no reason, nothing to worry about. But then the doctor pointed out that old dogs often get lipomas and I’m thinking, dude, what are you trying to tell me?
I don’t mind the MRI. It’s the freaking IV because my veins absolutely suck and love to roll out of the way of the needle. The last time I had one, we used an ultrasound to find a viable vein. Go me. 😑
It’s kind of weird being inside one of those things, but it’s a lot better than when they stick weird stuff inside YOU.
The last time I got an MRI, it at least left me with a cool headshot for my blog.
The other thing I learned was that the MRI tech should definitely not ask, “You’re not claustrophobic, are you?” just before shoving you into a confined space for half an hour. The power of suggestion is a thing, as it turns out.
Speaking of medical procedures,
Anti-Abortion Rep. Lauren Boebert Reportedly Had Two Abortions
Reginald Selkirk @ 22
Yes, that is the least surprising news I can think of.
Also, Boris Johnson’s ethics advisor, Lord Geidt has just resigned.
You don’t lead with the punchline.
I find the lack of support on those platforms they make you lie on to be extremely painful due to an old shoulder injury.
I didn’t mind the MRI at all, but mostly because the end of the tube is open. If it had not been open, being inside that tube would definitely have triggered a monkey brain panic. Apparently I’m only claustrophobic if I really am stuck in a small space with no escape routes.
Laying completely still was more difficult, mostly because there is not much padding and they were imaging my cervical vertebrae. No neck support was highly uncomfortable.
I recently had a bunch of tests, 3 MRI’s, 3 ultrasounds 1 xray and finally a CAT scan.
The first MRI was looking at my thyroid and found damaged vertebre that should be a pain in the neck.
Another MRI was looking at the ankle that was xrayed, together they found an old fracture and damaged tendon.
Kidney’s were the concern of an ultrasound, MRI and CAT scan.
It was a relief, getting a call from the kidney doctor within an hour of the CAT scan saying there is nothing to be worried about.
I also had a MRI a long time ago looking for the cause of pain after a kidney biopsi. That was obvious the next morning when I extruded a big blob of a blood clot. Lots a very small fibers in that blocking other liquids from passing thru the kidney. Simular
to a kidney stone. I decided then if a doctor or nurse ask about pain, DON’T HOLD BACK.
@ 7 PZ
I had an MRI as part of a psych study a few years ago. It is amazing how quickly one starts dozing off.
Biology is not a nice neat computer program. It’s a messy, sloppy hash of what just works. Or what mostly works. As long as 99% of your cells are transcribing properly from DNA -> RNA -> Protein, things generally work. Throw a bit of radiation or other mutagen into the mix and things get really messy really fast. We do NOT live in a clockwork universe designed by a perfect creator. Our cells are doing the best they can to stay alive.
Wins the “most pointless job” contest.
rsmith, you sure?
How would BJ know what the least ethical course of action might me, without an advisor?
microraptor@25, tethys@26
I’ve been involved in making parts and accessories for for MRI and x-ray machines for close to three decades now.
Unfortunately the foams that are used in cushions produce quite a lot of (unwanted) MRI response. It used to be that additives could be used to dampen those unwanted signals, but with the current generation of machines that is not sufficient anymore.
With a modern MRI machine basically all the plastics used in the covers, patient carrier and the like will give an MRI response. As far as I’ve understood it, filtering out these responses is tricky because they are hard to distinguish from the signals generated by your tissues.
That was one of the reasons why we stopped making e.g. head/neck cushions.
So if you only get a thin cushion or none at all, that’s part of the reason why.
John Morales@31
If the #1 priority is “save big dog”, ethics do not really matter.
rsmith, of course not. But since a lot of it is pretending, having an ethics advisor indicates (to some saps) he must have ethics.
Meta-utility, if you like. :|
John Morales has it correctly, as of course we all knew. Johnson’s Ethics Advisor is there to give the impression of ethicaliciousness or, more technically, ethicalosity.
Mr Johnson requires the appearance of many ethicalerisations to be in the position to get away with rampant, real, acts of an unethical nature. I expect the appointment of a Morality Tsar, a Fidelity Champion, and a Integrity Inspectorate any minute now.
Movie line: I don’t need a gun. I’ve got a donk!
Marcus @15:
Those of us with certain surgical histories, and of a certain age, get to do both! Again!
The last two MRI’s I had I joked to the technician that it was the “worst spa ever” because I had to be face down, so I ended up with my face smushed into one of those padded rings like on a massage table. Except instead of a nice massage I got a freezing cold room with a loud thing. But because I was face-down I couldn’t see anything anyway, so I didn’t notice the confinement.
Oh, and I got headphones, theoretically with music. The sound quality was atrocious, but what can you expect from something that is basically a speaking tube (since you can’t have real headphones inside the MRI)? Having to concentrate to try and tell if the song was “Smells Like Teen Spirit” or “Black Hole Sun” kept my mind occupied.
I’m on a full-year break from the MRIs, but then I’ll be back at it, probably for the rest of my life, or until I finally get cancer. Wee family history!