I’ve got everything done for the first week of classes. Lecture prepped, lab instructions posted, flies flourishing, syllabus done, first problem set written and posted, everything. Everything!
Now savoring the moment. This is probably the very last time I’ll be all caught up until May. I’d do something to celebrate except there’s a pandemic and I’m on an Only Bad Food diet and most of the spiders are frozen and the whole world sucks.
I’m sure there must be some non-sucky part of the world. Somewhere.
Who’s a big old grouch then?
Your new mantra: Every day is a time to breathe.
If travelling is safe in the upcoming summer, travel to Scandinavia. The sun will set quite late and rise early, giving you plenty of time to search for spiders.
Extra advantage: No fundamentalists or MAGA signs.
Disadvantage: No easily accessed fossil deposits.
And the booze is very expensive, not because of mormons but because politicians (gasp) care about public health.