Their little hate signs have gotten attention from Newsweek. That’s all they really wanted, was to be outrageous and stupid enough that they’d get written up and win their 15 seconds of fame.
One catch: the College Republicans are eager to disavow the flyers, while speaking out in favor of what the flyers said. So maybe some aren’t so thrilled at being in the spotlight over their regressive views.
The president of UMM College Republicans, Tayler Lehmann, told the Star-Tribune newspaper that the group was not involved with the recent flyer and did not know who was responsible.
In a statement Friday, Lehmann told the paper the UMM College Republicans would “continue to take a lead role in supporting the freedom of speech on campus and fight against gender hysteria and oversensitive triggers that shut down discussion and critical analysis of opposing viewpoints.”
That’s nice. If they really care about fighting against “gender hysteria”, then they’ll shut down the College Republicans, since they’re the only ones carrying on about this. Also, no one is fooled by their use of buzzwords.
By the way, I could probably identify who is responsible, since I spotted one guy putting them up, and it was the same fellow who was tabling for the North Star in the student union the day before.
Also strange: The state College Republicans claims they are aware that the posters were put up by UMM College Republicans. All right then.
Last Thursday, the Minnesota College Republicans, the broader activist body, attempted to distance itself from the Morris posters, tweeting: “We are aware of the posters put up by UMMCRs. State CRs had no knowledge of or involvement with these posters. Further, we would like to note that this is not the type of discourse the College Republicans seek to promote on campus.”
Our more rational, consistent, tolerant students have noticed a problem.
Truckenmiller accused the faculty of failing to address the problem. “Silence makes you part of the problem,” the student wrote. “It’s an insult to students on campus to have our concerns ignored to protect a small group of harassers.
“These messages posted are meant to directly target students, to coerce them into acting out of impulse by directly targeting core parts of their identities. A student cannot learn if in the halls on the way to class a poster is attacking their gender or religion. Action needs to be taken, you need to protect your students and ensure that UMM is a place where a student can get a high quality education without being harassed in the corridors on the way to class. Silence is not an option.”
I agree. Let’s tear them down.
According to transphobes, “fighting against gender hysteria” means enforcing the idea that there are only two genders that are assigned at birth. They believe that trans people are the ones who create a “gender hysteria” by merely existing and daring to publicly speak out.
“We are aware of the posters put up by UMMCRs. State CRs had no knowledge of or involvement with these posters.”
So, they’re simultaneously aware and ignorant of the posters and what organization posted them.
So glad that they’ve got their doublethink on.
Ok, so the CR’s know who did it and admit (at least at the state level) that these folks are members. I assume that there has been a press release stating that the CR’s have kicked out a number of folks from the UMMCR organization. This exists right?
Andreas Avester:
They believe that trans people are the ones who create a “gender hysteria” by merely existing and daring to publicly speak out.
Because something something free speech, of course!
Marcus Ranum:
Because something something free speech, of course!
More like because projection, surely. (That said, free speech implies free projection, so there’s that.)