This comic is funny and true.
Except…you get to the end and you realize it’s from last year. And you think, “Oh my god, what about 2019? That’s in less than a month. WHAT FRESH HELL AWAITS US?” And it stops being funny and instead you’re thinking about crawling under your desk and whimpering.
This is today. Now, assume things will get worse.
(from Ed Brayton’s blog): “Cop Who Raped Handcuffed Woman Gets Slap on Wrist”
There will be lots of Schadenfreude in the upcoming months. We will all get to see our political masters squirming like hooked worms under Congressional and FBI probing. The damage to our country will be decades to repair, and the damage to our environment and biosphere is probably irreversible, but at least we can watch and enjoy a small amount of justice.
I found at least one case of things getting better. This lady is still going strong at 90.
“They Called Her “the Che Guevara of Abortion Reformers”
Also, today the courts in Sweden confirmed the prison sentence for a guy in the top of the culture hierarchy (closely associated with the Swedish Academy) that was found guilty of two rapes (there are many more women that have accused him of various forms of sexual misconduct).
The court actually believed the woman who told the story of two rapes that occurred years before, because she was found credible. Often, you see a court throw out a case if it is without foremnsic evidence or witnesses.
For me, 2019 is represented by a barren, blasted husk of a planet where the only sounds you’d hear through the toxic air are the mad shrieking of daemon pipes and the mocking laughter of long forgotten gods, risen from aeons of slumber.
Well in the YooKay, 2019 is scheduled to be the year when we regain our long-lost freedom, and go on to reconquer the Empire, including those rebellious colonies across the Atlantic – for their own good, naturally. So get ready, you self-styled “Americans”, to bow the knee to your rightful liege-lady, Elizabeth II, by the Grace of Gawd Queen of just about everywhere.
That is, once we’ve sorted out a few minor details, such as where our supplies of food and medicines are going to come from once we can no longer get them from Yurp.
My prediction for 2019 is lowered expectations.
#4, Akira, and it’ll all be blamed on the new Democratic president, before inauguration day.
I’m just hoping the Tories don’t fuck up Brexit so badly that I don’t get my nerve blockers and pain controllers. Anything else will be a bonus, which is selfish, but there we are.
2017 is how I’ve felt since Summer 2016. 2018 is the Fediverse people I hang out with, hoping they can cheer me up.
davidnangle @ 7
Yes, even as Mitch McConnell tries to hide a copy of The Book of Eibon behind his back.
going forward the main thing I want to know is are we a country ruled by law or ruled by men? as of this date it has not been answered clearly enough to make me feel reassured .
uncle frogy
Saw this on the interweb ,and of course i thought of you.
Well that didn’t work too well ,any chance you can delete it ?
Biden should be a pretty straightforward win for Trump. The standard tactics will work.
I want to hide under the blankets, but I don’t think 2019 is the kind of monster that works against.
2019, the year that Australia finally sheds its far right government. Your turn is in 2020, just don’t fluff it up. Or emigrate to Mexico, apparently decriminalizing marijuana is firmly on the agenda..
Yeah, I’m… leaning towards hiding under the bed for the foreseeable future.
My prognostications for 2019?
The good: Trump removed from office.
The bad: President Pence (I can’t remember a VP keeping such a low profile and distance from the POTUS. Pretty sure he’s been making sure his ass is covered as best he can since inauguration day knowing damn well his idiot boss will self-destruct and go down in flames sooner or later.)
I’m legitimately terrified of what sort of violence we could see across the country if Dump gets impeached and removed from office.
@microraptor #19:
If he’s impeached and indicted for treason then most of his supporters will turn on him, just as long as Fox News turns on him. There’ll still be a number of Alex Jones fans who’ll froth at the Deep State plot to frame and depose their righteous saviour, but if you’re lucky you’ll get away with only a handful of loons machine-gunning their local FBI field office.
This SPIDER cartoon should make it all better
Is it likely that there are powerful people who aspire to the extinction of the human race as a glorious finale to their own existence?\
I’m fairly certain that the last row of panels in that cartoon is an addition by somebody other than the original cartoonist. (That’s by Shen at For the 2018 year-personified comics he changed over to anime style; 2018 is a big sinister buff guy in a black cape with epaulettes.