In case you don’t like the sword-yanking and beer-catching, there is an alternative: god-anointing. There’s a new movie out titled The Trump Prophecy, in which the author claims that God spoke to him through his TV, announcing that Trump would be the next president.
The belief that Trump’s election was God’s divine will is shared by others. Franklin Graham, the prominent conservative evangelical, said last year that Trump’s victory was the result of divine intervention. “I could sense going across the country that God was going to do something this year. And I believe that at this election, God showed up,” he told the Washington Post.
Taylor has made other claims, which he calls “prophetic words”, including that Trump will serve two terms, the landmark supreme court ruling on abortion in the Roe v Wade case will be overturned, and that next month’s midterm elections will result in a “red tsunami”, strengthening Republican control of both houses of Congress.
Barack Obama will be charged with treason and Trump will authorise the arrest of “thousands of corrupt officials, many of whom are part of a massive satanic paedophile ring”. Trump will also force the release of cures for cancer and Alzheimer’s that are currently being withheld by the pharmaceutical industry.
Don’t laugh at the idea of finding swords or snagging a thrown beer as strategies. There are much, much worse alternatives, and they’re literally being practiced. And are popular.
I prophesy that today I’ll go to the bathroom and produce something of more value than Donald Trump. And I won’t have TP stuck to my shoe afterwards.
An unmitigated, total disaster of mindboggling scale and with far-reaching consquences in other words, although “red tsunami” is catchier. Slightly, anyway. Do political parties come up with these terms for themselves or are they bestowed on them? It’s counterpart, the “blue wave” sounds a lot less threatening. I’m not complaining though: it’s very fitting and I wouldn’t put it past the Republicans deliberately choose this kind of terminology.
Why is it never “god’s will” when Democrats win? Surely Obama was doing god’s work every bit as much as Trump or Bush.
Mark Taylor is the same fellow who thinks that Trump should impose martial law and open concentration camps for his political opponents, that a military tribunal executed John McCain for being part of the Obama/Clinton wordwide pedophile ring, and that Trump used a weather control machine to weaken Hurricane Florence.
Do you really want to hitch your wagon to this star, Mr. Graham?
ABC 24 broadcasted the 2018 peace prize live. All I could think was, “Please don’t give it to an arsehole.” Thankfully neither narcissistic president or murderous dictator made the cut, and it genuinely went to two people who really deserved it.
“Faith community” is rapidly becoming a euphemism for “fucking idiots”. I think the best cartoon I’ve seen was about a year ago – Trump hugging a cross and evangelicals chanting “how devout”, while Trump says to himself, “A big beautiful T for Trump!”
willj @6:
There was a time when it wasn’t?
I think that people have pointed this out before about something similar, but this “prophecy” comes across like a letter to Santa. It’s this comically exaggerated fantasy of all of the “prophet’s” wishes being fulfilled.
Relevant here is Susan Collins’ statement of support for Kavanaugh – “my fervent hope is that Brett Kavanaugh will work to lessen the divisions in the Supreme Court so that we have far fewer 5–4 decisions and so that public confidence in our judiciary and our highest court is restored”. How extraordinary – this is the Republican lust for total power made explicit. To put the good Senator’s words even more clearly – Kavanaugh will ensure that the neoconservative and evangelical wish lists are rammed through SCOTUS with clear 6-3 votes every time. We know this is what they thought, but to have it spelled out so openly is stunning.
Franklin Graham:
“I could sense going across the country that God was going to do something this year. And I believe that at this election, God showed up,”
I told you it wasn’t the Russians! They are not that good.
Does God count as a foreign power in an American presidential election?
Collins has sold her soul. I thought she was the one Republican senator left with even a shred of human decency, but nope, she went and did this. I don’t know if she was bribed, threatened, or some of both, and at this point, I DO. NOT. CARE. May she fry in Hellfire and then reincarnate poor, black, lesbian, and disabled in a Jewish family in the deep South under the Kavanaugh regime!
Yeah, well God picked a guy who has toilet paper stuck to his shoe.
So sorry, didn’t see the first post. Never mind.
long ago in a galaxy far far away ?
uncle frogy