Watch these cackling nitwits trash a bookstore.
The weird thing is, this bookstore is in London, and they’re chanting Trump! Trump! Trump!
The organizer of this intrusion, Luke Nash-Jones, had a plan: act normal and ask them for a couple of awkward books.
I guess that’s what passes for normal among a crowd of ninnies, or as they call themselves, Anglo Celtic traditionalists
. As for the awkward books
He exclaimed
oh my godas he shows the camera a copy of “The Jewish Question”, by Abram Leon.He accused the shopworker of being a
Jew hater, despite his attempts to explain the book was a posthumously published study of the historic roots of anti-Semitism written by a man who died in a concentration camp.
The lesson I’ve learned is that ignorant, hateful people all around the world look up to Donald Trump as their hero. He truly is an international man of our times.
“Tommy Robinson” is in fact a stage name. The odious man who took it – Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – did so in order to keep his horrible public activities and the opprobrium they attracted separate from his family and friends at home. I also suspect it was, in part, because his own double-barrelled name sounds rather too posh for the kinds of people who support the EDL. The original Tommy Robinson was an infamous football hooligan in the Luton area.
I would advise using the man’s real name as much as possible, not the alias. Both because it pisses him off and so he doesn’t get away with shifting off the censure onto a stage persona as he wants.
Thinks title is anti-Semitic. Thinks author must be anti-Semitic.
Fails to read authors name and understand book is written by a Jew. Fails to know enough about author to understand he was a Trotskyite – so only needed to stick to his ‘socialists are evil’ bullshit.
A summary in how to fail spectacularly.
Horrible people but the right doesn’t have a monopoly. I was having a pint outside a pub in the North of England this weekend and the folks outside had to put up with 20 minutes of chanting and face to face intimidation from about 20 drunken men chanting, believe it or not for Jeremy Corbyn, where as you’ll be aware anti Semitism seems to be a common thread. I’m becoming very confused, and worried.
@1 I think he added the yaxley bit as well .
@davidc1. I’m not sure if he added the Yaxley, since it is also the name of an undistinguished village just outside Peterborough.
Yaxley-Lennon is a nasty, attention-seeking thug who has been given far more importance than he deserves by the British Media and some very unsavoury people in the USA.
Racist “Identity” groups were protesting about Tommy Robinson and rallying about Trump last month The upside-down V flags are actually capital Greek letter lambda
davidc1, #4
From what I gather he did originally go by just Stephen Lennon, but added the Yaxley part because it was a family name on one side of his ancestry and he wanted to recognise that. Which seems fair enough.
I’m glad other people have covered the background of the odious Yaxley-Lennon.
It’s worrying to see this professional yob, with his few hundred rabble rouser acolytes being feted at the highest levels of US administration. And it’s especially egregious that he’s being portrayed as some sort of martyr. He obviously isn’t; but should you need an ammo to counter such claims; here’s a handy resource:
Thanks to all the previous posters – I had clicked throough to say his name is Yaxley-Lennon.
I like it better when James Corden does surprise musical bits, not when he ambushes a bookstore and stays behind the camera.
Um, these morons thought they were accomplishing exactly what? They had about as much effect as a gang of teens running in and mooning the place, although they weren’t quite that articulate.
I was worried that getting older was leading me towards misanthropy, but now I realize it’s just a wider exposure to these types of idiots. Fuck you lot, I want to like people.
Also, hearing a racist nationalist shout “Shut down the hatred!”? It doesn’t get much more hypocritical than that.
The camera shook around a LOT but there appeared to be a couple of non-leopards with faces there supporting the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.
Anglo Celtic traditionalists
Gee, I thought that Anglo Celtic traditionalists spent most of their time trying to kill one another.
IIRC the Celts showed up with a cannon one day in Ottawa. The Orange ones were a bit taken aback. Ah, the good old days.
Does the right even know what it hates anymore? The cognitive dissonance of hating Communism in the same breath as extolling Trump who adores Kim and can’t bend over far enough for Putin, or Tweedle-Dum and Dummer at the Ohio rally with their “I’d rather be Russian than Democrat” t-shirts (because they think Democrats are socialist?), obsessing over pedophiles while supporting Moore — how do their heads not explode? How do they not melt down in the heat of their rage at everything?
These are likely the same sorts of people who trashed a doctor’s house some years ago because they didn’t comprehend the difference between the words paediatrician and paedophile.
ajbjasus wrote:
I love whataboutism.
ajbjasus #3
“I was having a pint outside a pub in the North of England this weekend and the folks outside had to put up with 20 minutes of chanting and face to face intimidation from about 20 drunken men chanting, believe it or not for Jeremy Corbyn”
Was this even remotely the same? Were they barging into a place they weren’t welcome being threatening, or were they a bunch of drunken blokes drunkenly singing “ooohh Jeremy Coorr-byn! Ooohh Jeremy Coorr-byn!” In the style of Seven Nation Army?
Ukip members sent ‘mind-broadening’ reading after bookshop attack:
I must admit I wasn’t aware Fahrenheit 451 had been banned, but Ye Pffft! of All Knowledge lists several incidents, all comparatively recent. How clewless can you get? Bradbury’s book is about banning (all) books.
Correction, Mr. Myers,
They only look up to Trump if they don’t have one of their own. Yaxley’s ilk like to gravitate toward Orbán and Putin too. As a matter of non-surprising fact my homies back at home trust Putin way more than Trump. They think the latter is too self-obsessed and incompetent.
If you’re going to correct people, do try to get the name of the person you are writing about right. If you are only going to use one part of Yaxley-Lennon’s name you should have used ‘Lennon’, he added the Yaxley to his original surname.
@jazzlet #20: Sure, except for the part where it was intentional. He wants unfettered recognition so he expanded his name for a greater effect, and by that, I give him neither. He chose an addition of a single name that wasn’t an attached name, thus it doesn’t create a precedent, so it’s not incorrect to use just one name.
I’m giving him the same level of civility he gives to others without attacking his character. Plus using Lennon would constantly remind me of Strawberry Fields and John was so not on the same page with this guy.
By using Yaxley you are not actually talking about him, Lennon is not an uncommon surname and it is his surname, that he shares it with John Lennon is irrelevant. However he prefers to be known as Tommy Robinson, to be seen as a ‘working class hero’, so if your desire is to deny him the status he wants, which of being of being a ‘man of the people’ use Yaxley-Lennon. It has the benefit of being his name, of denying his attempt to portray himself as a working class hero, of demonstrating his duplicity and of pissing him off all at the same time.
@jazzlet #22:
I’m only willing to do that if I call him the Honorable Yaxley-Lennon as that’s posh extraordinaire. I’m not from London or the Isles, but I lived in a blockhouse for decades, I’m blue collar by background. If he were a man of the people he would live by humble means. The time he kills on chasing books he could spend on pressing the councils for better rehabilitation and reintegration programs so that so many UKIP voters are not on substances (or welfare).
I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks that’s also somehow the fault of minorities. It is for that reason, granting that he wants fame turned into a fortune that I will call him Honorable. It’s not a No true Scotsman, as that would apply for what he is, not what he claims to be.