
  1. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Mommy and Daddy better in marathon training to keep up Knut in a bit.

  2. Simple Desultory Philip says

    welp, i’m going to be the killjoy person commenting on the cute baby pic who says that word up there that starts with g? is widely considered a slur among the romani, so maybe consider using a different one.

  3. says

    philip @ 8:

    point taken, but you may not be aware that the title of this post references the song “going mobile” from the who’s 1971 album “who’s next”. from the lyrics:

    Keep me moving
    Over fifty
    Keep me groovin’
    Just a hippie gypsy
    Come on move now
    Keep me movin’ yeah

  4. Simple Desultory Philip says

    aarrgghh @9

    perhaps you were thrown off by my username, but actually, The Who is my favorite band.

  5. birgerjohansson says

    He is turning into Stewie Griffin …now you need a talking dog.

  6. says

    philip @ 11:

    just making sure anyone on the thread not a who fan understands that the use of the slur wasn’t simply gratuitous.

    tabby @ 10:

    for me it’s all about the context. in most cases, if the song is about a character that uses slurs, i’m fine with it, just like i’m fine with it in books & movies, etc. then it’s just acting. but if the writer’s actually expressing what they really feel, then i could have a problem. in “going mobile”, the writer is expressing what he feels, but in this case is applying the term not to others, but to himself, nor as an insult, but in its positive aspect. so i don’t have a problem with it, because i see no malicious intent. another example is one of my all-time favorite van morrison hits, “gypsy”. another self-referential song and not a malicious note in it.

    but as i noted in my original post, point taken.

  7. feministhomemaker says

    Oh so cute! I love the photos you post of Knut! Please keep them coming! This contraption reminds me of the walkers I used for my two kids when they were just 3 months old. Such things were discontinued due to safety concerns but they taught my kids to walk–one at 9 months and the other at 10 months. Not necessarily a good thing since we had lots of bumps on foreheads from tripping around coffee tables. So yeah, these new versions that aren’t walkers are much safer. Seeing Knut in one reminds me of my own two boys and my own two grandkids who each used this safer version but walked much later!

  8. birgerjohansson says

    ” Safer”? Going back to Stewie Griffin, just wait until he is ready for his bid for world domination. I just hope he will be a more classy Bond villain than your Republicans. :-)

  9. lesherb says

    I have no clever words, just oohs and ahs. That face is so smoochable! Such a cutie pie!

  10. Crudely Wrott says

    Oh, sure. You’re proud now, PZ. But consider:
    Once the little people learn how to jump a bit and bounce up and down,
    a veritably unknown future of unanticipatable motions and flummoxing about is
    There is no telling what embarrassment and insult they will unleash upon us all!
    Better to raise them inside a barrel and feed them through the bung
    for at least the first eighteen years. Longer in the case of the clever ones.

  11. maia160 says

    He’s adorable!

    @14: As much fun as babies seem to have in the walkers, bouncers, door swings, bumbos and all the other gadgets that are supposed to help babies learn to sit and walk, most docs don’t recommend them. Studies show they delay walking and sitting as the muscles aren’t developed properly. The seats in these devices can also cause strain on developing hips. Tummy time and floor play are best for babies. A lot of parents move their kids from container to container, swing to exersaucer to bouncer, so they can get stuff done and let the kids get much floor time. If you do use them, moderation is important.