Courtland Sykes is a candidate for the US Senate from Missouri. He has certain opinions about feminists. Fasten your seatbelts, this is going to accelerate fast.
“I want to come home to a home cooked dinner every night at six,” Sykes said, referring to demands he makes of his girlfriend. “One that she fixes and one that I expect one day to have daughters learn to fix after they become traditional homemakers and family wives.”
According to Sykes, feminists push an agenda that they “made up to suit their own nasty snake-filled heads.”
The candidate said that he hoped his daughters do not grow up to be “career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the top of a thousand tall buildings they are [SIC] think they could have leaped in a single bound — had men not been ‘suppressing them.’ It’s just nuts.”
You banshees! How dare you! Courtland is hungry. Make him a sandwich, because he doesn’t know how and will starve if no woman serves him!
I agree with his last sentence. It is just nuts.
You’re not going to elect him, are you, Missourians?
Snarki, child of Loki says
1. I want to hear Echidne’s take on this whackaloon’s slander of femmy-snaky types.
2. It’s “sammich”. I am aware of all internet traditions also, too.
cervantes says
Sammich is of Pogonian origin, BTW.
I don’t imagine this guy is a serious candidate. But I actually hope he gets into debates and has some profile because he isn’t exactly great for the Republican brand.
Brian Pansky says
Of the two options he sees, which is he? Is he the homemaker who cooks dinner, or the career obsessed banshee who forgos home life and children and the happiness of family?
And…doesn’t he see any contradiction between his expectations/demands and his disbelief that there is suppression?
robro says
Per the St. Louis Dispatch, he’s a Bannon find. He’s lived in Missouri for less than a year but claims connection because his family visited the Ozarks.
He led that quote, when asked about supporting women’s rights, by saying, “Chanel (Rion), my fiancee, has given me orders to favor these rights, so I’d better.” I think we can guess where that relationship is headed.
Check out his Hollywood image on Ballotpedia (a still from the campaign ad in the Dispatch article). Clint Eastwood? You can’t get more manly than that. (But does he talk to empty chairs?)
Ballotpedia describe him as a Managing Director of Talosorion, a firm involved in “national security” and yet the Dispatch says he “struggled to answer questions about when the United States should exercise military force.”
Saad says
He will get lots and lots of votes, and depending on who is running against him, probably the majority of white women’s votes.
Larry says
He’s still single, ladies! Even with his sammich-making girlfriend, you still have a chance.
erichoug says
I really don’t understand people like this. To me, the whole thing is about choice. Feminists aren’t demanding that anyone live a certain way. They are simply insisting that women have a choice as to how they spend their lives and that they are treated fairly and equitably regardless of which choice they make.
People like Mr. Sykes want to remove that choice from them and also to legislate their own ability to treat women like second class citizens. Just as with every other conservative he wants to make the choice for other people. Rather than letting them make their own.
Rob Grigjanis says
I for one will welcome our new banshee and Gorgon overladies.
Mark Dowd says
Dear Mr. Sykes,
Very Sincerely,
Fuck You
imback says
A ham & cheese sandwich has been made if he is up for going to get it…
thirdmill says
If he wants a home cooked meal at 6, he can either learn to cook himself or hire a catering service.
Marcus Ranum says
“One that she fixes and one that I expect one day to have daughters learn to fix after they become traditional homemakers and family wives.”
Wow, I’d want my daughter to do whatever the fuck she wants. But that’s just me.
If I was trying to say what I wanted for my daughter, I’d want her to call her husband when the town car picked her up for her ride home, and have the staff sushi chef prepare dinner for two in 45 minutes. “I’ll have the driver swing by and pick up the kids. How was your day, did you engulf and devour any companies today?” *
(* preceeding predatory capitalist fantasy-scenario only so it could be tuned to be comprehensible to a GOP misogynist)
jrkrideau says
@ 3 Brian Pansky
doesn’t he see
That would imply some amount of self–awareness on his part.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
I could use a good tooth snining. This seems like it has the possibility of becoming a good thread for it.
Rich Woods says
Take a wild, wild guess…
tacitus says
One of the more vigorous debates going on in the white nationalist movement at the moment is over “white sharia,” and not in terms of whether it should exist at all–that’s a given, these days–but the degree to which men should reassert their dominion over women. Should they be allowed to work? Should they be allowed to date men without their father’s permission? And so on.
Of course, they’re only considering white sharia because “it’s what the women want” — to return to the “good old days” where they didn’t have to dress slutty to get a date, and were safe in the hands of an older, more experience man who asked no more of her than to be a good wife and to leave all the important decision making to him.
Sounds like Sykes is already on board.
whywhywhy says
I keep waiting for a report to say that this guy is some kind of practical joke. When it doesn’t come, I remember who is President and realize that this guy could be for real and could have a shot at being Senator (whether he is for real or not). Then I contemplate the meaning of life and do not like the answers I come up with.
thirdmill says
Didn’t the last guy who ran against Claire McCaskill make some stupid comment or other about legitimate rape?
Saad says
thirdmill, #11
I’m liking that first option.
Holms says
He talks loudly about the usual bullshit – Traditional Family Values! – but I notice he is living with his fiance pre-marriage. So, traditional values as much as possible except the ones that delay him getting his roccks off.
The usual level of hypocrisy then.
Isilzha Mir says
He also has a problem with simple math. On his campaign website (which I refuse to link to), he says “Every child born into this country is burdened with $61,000 in pre-existing federal debt…” which I assume he is getting by dividing the federal debt by the US population. But he’s off by several orders of magnitude. The result is actually about $61.
Isilzha Mir says
Apologies. It seems I am the one with math problems. Please ignore my previous comment.
busterggi says
“I want to come home to a home cooked dinner every night at six,”
As do I but my cats just won’t do it.
whheydt says
I am patient. I am willing to wait until his daughter comes home to tell him that she is engaged to be married to her girl friend…who is a top-notch auto mechanic.
birgerjohansson says
If he is such a manly man, let’s dump him on an empty island with only stone tools.
tbtabby says
I’m more man than you, Sykes. I’m capable of making my own damn sandwiches.
gijoel says
@4 Never trust a man with popped collars.
robro says
Saad @ #19 — Yes, the first option is fine, but the second one isn’t so bad. I’m sure a catering service could do a decent job of cooking him.
Marissa van Eck says
If he wants a couple of knuckle sandwiches I’d be happy to serve them on the house, and quickly at that…
Onamission5 says
Appreciate the effort, but as a former long time service sector worker it’s not really any better when misogynists like Sykes are foisted off on us than it is for them to mistreat their partners.
I’m of a mind that fools like Sykes don’t deserve to have their care and feeding outsourced to the service sector, who are often under paid women. Think he’d appreciate the labor of a caterer more than he appreciates the labor of his live in, unpaid caregiver? Think he’d yell at her less, boss her around less, sexually harass her less, make her life less miserable? Nah, fuck him. He can cook his own dinners. If he’s lucky the food he makes himself will even have been “accidentally” dropped on the floor fewer times.
bryanfeir says
From the Slacktivist take on it at he points out one other thing that I haven’t seen mentioned here: that this isn’t actually new and obviously not an off-the-cuff thing.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
I’m capable of making my own salads and omelets. Is Sykes capable of making quiche? ;)
archangelospumoni says
Leave it to Roypublicans to come up with these gems.
Saad says
robro, #28
I love your post because I thought you had missed the joke until I got to your last word, which made your joke even funnier.
Azkyroth, B*Cos[F(u)]==Y says
Sure, he’s a complete nightmare, but his opponent farted on an elevator once, so really they’re exactly the same and Missourables should just sit home and pout and think about how much more righteous they are.
jrkrideau says
@ 30 Onamission5
Appreciate the effort, but as a former long time service sector worker it’s not really any better when misogynists like Sykes are foisted off on us than it is for them to mistreat their partners.
Can you say union (demonic grin).
methuseus says
@Onamission #30:
I was originally of the mind that he could buy pre-made food if he didn’t want to or was unable to learn to cook, but you’re absolutely right. If he speaks like this about his significant other (read as: slave), how is he going to treat service staff? If he can’t manage to heat canned soup without burning it (some people really cannot grasp the most basic parts of cooking), he can always eat cold, tinned beans.
dancaban says
Make him a shit sandwich with the thinnest bread you can find.
Helicam says
I think he and his girlfriend deserve each other ( She describes herself as follows: “Chanel has become widely known as the best political illustrator in the country for constitutional conservative and anti-leftist causes and as President Trump’s most talented and stalwart graphic warrior against leftism.” – so another of those SGWs I hear about… Her “artwork” is pretty ugly, as the oxymoron goes.
cartomancer says
“Fixing” dinner? what does that mean exactly? Who broke it? Is he saying that he’s such a terrible cook that he expects his wife to remedy the pig’s ear he made of the cooking? Why doesn’t he go full-on entitled and expect her to make it from scratch?
Also, is it gorgons or banshees? They’re quite different you know.