Ken Ham wants to take back the rainbow
for his god, so he’s now lighting up the Big Wooden Box with rainbow lights.
I’m just seeing that Answers in Genesis is celebrating marriage equality.
You’re too late, Ken. The rainbow has been effectively coopted as a symbol for diversity, and you aren’t getting it back. Also, the flood/rainbow story is just plain stupid, unless you’re going to argue that before the flood, light wasn’t refracted by any materials, especially water.
Ken Ham will never “take back the rainbow,” but I encourage him to try.
:Snort: There’s a movement inside the religious reich to “take back the rainbow” and wrest it out of all those filthy queer hands, because it’s persecution of the highest order to see their beloved rainbow being used for such ungodly activity. Oh my yes, it’s bad. Serious bad. Torture. Aggggonny!
I would cry if there’s a pride event there in the future. Lead the way, Ken!
What makes those assheads believe they have the monopoly on everything?
I have to say, as a penis substitute, it’s pretty impressive.
According to some of the comments on Ham’s FB post (yes, I went there) it’s not that water didn’t refract light before the flood, it’s that it never rained before the flood.
That’s right, “water didn’t evaporate before the flood” is supposed to be more plausible than “water didn’t refract light before the flood.”
The timing is good, too, as the UK, Germany and probably lots of other places in and around the EU have seen floods after torrential downpours. No more floods, indeed. God’s word isn’t worth the cheap, wafer-thin paper it’s usually printed on.
That big gay box is just crying out for hundreds of same-sex animal pairs to be put up in it. We can start with the naturally fabulous animals, like peacocks and chameleons and Tom Daley, and then gradually get straighter from there.
This has the highest humor potential since the loonies decided to call themselves “Tea Baggers” …
The seven gifts of heaven sent the Dove, And animated moved to wrath or love. I do like rainbows. They’re woven in heads of course. The refractions are outside, the banding is an internal projection. The wavelengths are spread on a linear gradient, but whole bunches flip colour in the prism of the mind. What a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to perceive. etc.
@#7 komarov
Hey, never mind the rain. It’s even more timely for Germany, considering Steinmeier just signed the law allowing gay and lesbian marriages here. Yes, indeed: Germany has finally moved past its partnership compromise. How nice of Ham to celebrate that!
Aren’t rainbows really laser lights? Rays neatly ordered by their frequencies.
I’ve always found the meaning that the Bible attaches to the rainbow to be disturbingly specific. God doesn’t promise not to destroy the earth again (after all, he’s got that whole Second Coming and the End Times and Revelations planned); he just promises not to do it by flooding. And we’re supposed to find this uplifting?
It’s like an abuser saying, “look at this gift I got you, honey — it’s a little knife on a gold necklace. That’s my promise to you that I won’t stab you again.” Awwww! So sweet!
happyrabo @ #6 — Yep, says so right there in good ol’ Genesis that compendium of historical record:
And there you have it: proof there was no rain. There were streams, however, which “came up from the ground.” Not only was there no rain, there were no plants. And there was nobody to farm. Which is curious since, per the Genesis chronology, man had already been created (Genesis 1:26-27). But not a problem, because God was about to create mankind again in Genesis 2:7
“Hey, sailor!”
happyrabo @ 6, robro @ 14 – It’s also not particularly unexpected given how many of these people take firmament theory seriously. A massive water canopy in the atmosphere with enough water in it to flood the entire world when added to the ocean is far more absurd than either refraction not happening in water droplets or a lack of precipitation.
Knabb — And don’t forget those fountains of the deep being opened. They believe that part, too. In fact, they believe every bit of it, even the bits that are mutually contradictory.
It looks like the world’s biggest roll of Lifesavers!
Knabb: “A massive water canopy in the atmosphere with enough water in it to flood the entire world when added to the ocean…”
In fact, massive amounts of water *did* once fall from the sky and fill the world’s oceans: Earth’s surface is believed to have been dry immediately after formation, only to be enriched in volatiles by comet bombardment. If the first human was created five (?) days after the Earth was, then this leaves plenty of time to fit everyone between Adam and Noah before the Late Heavy Bombardment. See? The Bible is literally true!
I’m thinking of starting a kickstarter to offer Ken $10.50 for his ark park. The rest of the money will be used to turn the ark into a LGBTQI roller discotheque.
Ken Ham: “I’m gonna light this whole place up in Gay Pride colours. No homo!” later… “I’m gonna stick just the tip in. No homo!”
It’s his scheme to attract gays there so GWd can ping them strate again. Problem solved. He’ll just claim the absurd of “taking back the rainbow” in order to attract more atheist gays to increase the “ping” results, and pong them out of atheism back to gawd fearing straits,
[NB all typos are deliberate for emphasis]
Re: Saganite, a haunter of demons (#11):
Oh, right, there’s that, too. Make that a big check-mark in the “diversity” column and a black one in the “No more floods, honest”.