It made him very angry and he started calling in all of the heavy artillery: known bozos who hate SJWs and feminists and leftists. And then, to really teach me a lesson, he went to work and created a potent meme that will probably follow me around on the internet for the rest of my days. Here it is.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to live it down.
Voltaire keeps reaching out from the afterlife to try and make me believe in a god who truly loves me. It’s getting kind of embarrassing. Stop it, Voltaire. And go home, God, you’re drunk.
Well, you can’t argue with logic like that.
No, you really can’t.
Its NOT GOT RandDOM capitALS!!!!1! And don’t use proper American, misspelling moran!!!!!!11!1!!
What the fuck??
I routinely penalize my students for using the equal sign in vain. This charming fellow would clearly flunk all of my math classes. Probably even arithmetic.
Not nearly as concise as “goats on fire”, but certainly as reasonable an argument. Btw, did anybody else have to squint to make out some of the text due to the poor colour choices? I found the text almost bleeding into the background in several areas.
I don’t get it, (obvious lee)
FFS, wha? I don’t even.
Is that a moron attempt at chain-of-logic? false equivalence? Hitler breathes oxygen AAND Feminists breathe oxygen, so QED Feminists re the same as Hitler??? WTF???
And WTF with that boot? Is that some way to represent the trope of head-in-the-sand? Pretty cruel costume regardless.
sheesh, me just troll bigot, this looks like a troll trolling trollworld called Twitster.
where did refer to [keeping my grammar all farkedup]
I don’t understand why they are wearing a garden boot as a helmet. Is that supposed to be symbolic of something?
Please keep in mind that I majored in history. And took glass blowing classes in college. And I work for the government. And I go towards 50,000 acre forest fires. And I am old enough that my memory is going. So, keeping all that in mind, am I out of line when I ask “WHAT IN THE NAME OF SEVEN LAYERS OF PURPLE PLUPERFECT HELLS DOES ANY OF THAT MEAN?” This is so far past What the Fuck that I don’t even know where my towel is.
Who is this
See? Case in point. I even missed that.
Uh…well, it’s keeping up the whole non sequitur thing. Yikes, that’s the worst effort at a meme I’ve seen in, okay, ever.
The Voltaire prayer is definitely sequitur.
It’s not the worst meme I’ve ever seen, but that’s only because I read “We Hunted The Mammoth”…
Dibs on PZ Mayers as a band name. (Of course knowing my luck there actually is a PZ Mayers out there someplace who would object.)
I’m still trying to figure out the symbolism of the boot.
Consider yourself told.
@Akira #16:
I think it’s a reference to the 46th President of the United States, Vermin Supreme.
I’m not sure I understand those last two…I think I’m good with that, though.
That is rife with symbolism. Rife.
A priest came to Voltaire, who was dying, and asked “Do you renounce Satan and all his works?” Voltaire answered: “Is this really a good time for me to make more enemies?”
Memes certainly aren’t what they used to be. You know. Funny.
Please tell me I’m missing some context by not checking out the Twitter link, and that this is supposed to be a joke.
…on the other hand, if you have to have enemies, enemies who can’t think coherently are probably the kind you want.
All I can think of is how dangerous that looks.
I think he makes his point only about himself: he can’t even pour piss out of that boot…
HidariMak (#6)
The problem is that the makers of these angry, incoherent memes think “stroke tool” is the thing you do with one hand while generating them, not the thing that puts a border around your text to set it off from the background.
I suppose you could say it has no meming. I certainly don’t know what it memes.
How did he get that on his head without…?
Great minds, eh?
I think that one clipped “not even wrong” in passing as it drove straight through “batshit” off into the distance, chasing Time Cube…
“The problem is that the makers of these angry, incoherent memes think “stroke tool” is the thing you do with one hand while generating them, not the thing that puts a border around your text to set it off from the background.”
Thanks A. Noyd. Nice to know I’m not going blind or that my TV/monitor settings need jiggling.
So. What prompted this silliness?
Worst Mapplethorpe piece ever.
mattand #32
have an internet
or two
His twitter feed is equal parts misogyny, atheist dude bro, and the typical plaint of mediocre men everywhere. The SJWs and feminists are evil incarnate, and they are coming for your sexist video games. Seriously, how long are these dude’s going to whinge because Anita Saarkesian criticized games?
And yet the only thing I can focus on is: “I hope that guy survived that stunt and didn’t suffocate himself.”
Athywren +1 internets for Goon show reference
Why do these irrational meme makers never use the symbols for equivalence (≡), approximately and isomorphic (≈), congruent and isomorphic (≅) or materially equivalent (⇔)? One might almost think that there was something lacking in their education.
As to the boot, the world of the gimp is wild and strange but I’m sure that someone will come up with an evolutionary explanation for it
I’m looking at this and I’m thinking, “Obviously, this guy should run for the president 2020.”
When alien mind parasites take over the minds of humans, the neural networks are not really compatible, and sometimes the internal translation protocols fail. The results can mimic the effects of LSD or schizophrenia.
It is easier to use recently dead human brains, (see “Plan Nine From Outer Space”) since there is less interference coming from the human synapses.
All things considered, I don’t think we have to worry about this grop of the alien invasion force.
Typo. “grop” should be “group” /”chapter” (unless it is alienese for plural entities)
“Obviously, this guy should run for the president 2020.”
He already has the poster design.
@birgerjohansson 40:
As a space parasite, I would definitely put that brain into the “recently dead” category. Just a few random neurons discharging their last.
He really put the wellie in.
Perhaps the meme-maker is acknowledging their own need for a boot to the head..?
@#45, Richard Smith
And one more for Jenny and the wimp. (Ho ho ho.)
*looks at meme*
*scratches head*
*turns screen sideways*
*then upside-down*
*shakes head*
Nah, I’m still not seeing the “logic”. Or the “joke”.
Tethys @34:
Basically until they’ve got a new target to whine about.
That isn’t even clever.
By the way, PZ, your “connect with Facebook” button isn’t working.
#34, #48
People still bring up Jennfer McCreight, despite having driven her off the internet years ago.
Apropos of nothing much, when poopyhead first posted this article, I did a search for that background image of a boot on a head (sans text). I was wondering what the story being that image was. Numerous hits, going back a few years. The background is not original to the this particular fruitcake, and presumably also doesn’t originate with the fruitloop. Still no idea what the story is being that image, however.
me@51, being → behind. Twice, Typos is getting well-fed this orbit-restarting season!
Holms wrote:
And they still rail against and misquote Andrea Dworkin, despite her being dead for over a decade.
“A” is a letter.
“A” is a word.
Therefore, pink unicorn inflation theory creation myth zebra fish illegal immigrant.