Since the World Fantasy Awards announced that they will no longer give out ugly statuettes of HP Lovecraft, the racist fantasy writers are feeling a bit miffed. Fortunately for them, Counter-Current Publishing has announced that they will be giving out a new fantasy award to white authors who honor the principles of National Socialism, named after HP.
As the Left continues to hollow out and destroy institutions, corrupt minds and culture, and denigrate white greatness in art, science, statecraft, and the culture at large, Counter-Currents and other New Right organizations will construct new institutions and honors to carry forward the greatness of European man.
White Greatness! The Greatness of European Man! Let us all bow before the amazingly confident bigotry of White Men everywhere.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.
Vigilance against degenerate art? Yeah. Haven’t seen his goose step, but he sure talks like a duck.
What if nobody wants to receive their “award”? Point and laugh time.
Oh for…
When I was much younger, I envisioned the world in the 21st Century!* very differently.
*Daffy Duck Voice
Can’t even think of a way to satirize this. Do we have a new category called self-satirization?
Nerd of Redhead @3: Sadly, there are plenty of people who would gladly receive this “award”. See also: The so-called “Rabid Puppies”, who gamed this year’s Hugo Award nominations.
Nerd of Redhead,
Apparently, they already gave out the award once, and he accepted it. Granted, he is one of the writers they are distributing themselves. Where is the “ethics in…” crowd when you really need them?
I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Zenlike, at least it’s an ethos.
Y’know, I don’t think HP Lovecraft actually would want his image used this way. While he was pretty dang racist, his opinion on race centers more around Anglophilia, and he wouldn’t have really though Germans or French were anything to write home about (you could probably make hash about the fact that ). His worldview in his writings reflect the idea that none of us matter, which isn’t particularly compatible with the central premise of racist thought, that in fact, white people matter. The only real advantage granted by “superiority” in Lovecraft is the ability to realize you’re insignificant and to go mad from the realization, and being poor and white is just as inferior and cultist-ready as being a cartoonish “African Savage.”
I’m not a mind reader of dead people, but while he would have been honored as a normal literary award as he was, making it niche for racist ideologues probably wouldn’t appeal to him at all.
Oh good, there wasn’t a wait for the Lovecraft apologia. Jesus Fucke.
I’m sorry, I can’t take Lovecraft seriously. The man’s writings always struck me as a hysterical panic attack.
Amazingly enough, this isn’t about Lovecraft, it’s about racism. Open, unapologetic racism. Blunt, in your face, dangerous racism.
Caine: I mean, you can read “the racism of this award is so egregious and the people behind it so terrible that even someone as racist as HP Lovecraft probably would want nothing to do with them” as an apology for Lovecraft. But that doesn’t seem to be the most charitable reading.
I doubt Netanyahu would want anything to do with them either, it doesn’t make him not racist.
And what, exactly, should we discuss about this move if not Lovecraft? Shall we decry how racist these people are? because that seems to be generally agreed upon: They don’t even deny they are racist, and their agenda is ugly and agreed upon by everyone who isn’t them as awful.
Shall we regale others with tales of how this is sadly not particularly exceptional within SF fandom and how troubling we all find this? Because I’m sure anyone who participates in fandom who doesn’t have a story is someone else’s story.
I’m just curious what we’re allowed to talk about with regards to this, since you’ve set yourself up as arbiter of what is appropriate to discuss regarding this ugly statuette made by ugly people with ugly motives to honor an ugly man?
So there’s the World Fantasy Award and the National Socialist Fantasy Award. Anyone else giving fantasy awards? The Kim Jong-Il Fantasy Award, the Animal Liberation Front Fantasy Award and the Family Saud Fantasy Awards seem like possible candidates?
I applaud this move. Let the racist have their own insignificant, petty award, with blackjack and hookers.
Let them expose themselves by taking part in it.
Let the Puppies join them, and never again plague the communities.
Let them fully realize their own literary irrelevance.
I am amused by the idea that the World Fantasy Award is a bastion of conservative culture hollowed out by Leftists. But sheesh, don’t have follow that that link if you want to keep down your breakfast. It actually has:
1. A supporter tub thumping about “the genocide that is being inflicted on White people in every White country.”
2. The site bragging about how they’ve given their first Lovecraft Award to Tito Purdue, a man who openly, in the Washington Post claims “I am a racist, and have no fear of that word. I hope to see a resurgence of racism, scientific and otherwise, that will prevent the homogenization of the world and salvage the very special assets that have allowed Caucasians, and Caucasians only, to sustain high level civilizations over the last 500 years. I have never understood the current prejudice against racism, a wise attitude that applies quality control over who is, or is not, allowed to benefit from a society constructed by white people.”
3. The site notes that they have awarded Purdue this award more because of his racist views than his literary talents.
4. A supporter commenting on “the fatwa against the Confederate battle flag” and noting that “much of the Lovecraft gaming community appears to be young white people, and they can be open to the message of nationalism.”
5. The site editor promising to “publish your stuff” sight unseen to a commenter complaining about how his fiction was marginalised because of his views.
6. I guess it should come as no surprise that its “Classic Authors” list includes Charles Lindbergh (Nazi sympathiser), Oswald Mosley (leader and founder of the British Union of Fascists), and Ezra Pound (supporter of Mussolini, Hitler, and Mosley).
chrislawson @ 16:
Jesus fuck. What’s terrifying, though, is that there is a resurgence of racism, all over the world, open and under cover of “refugees = terrorism!”.
You just have to look at the about section:
Textbook fascism.
Also, that Tito Purdue guy? Never heard of him but he is a real piece of work. Besides a racist (a word he proudly uses himself!) he is a real-life fascist (and no, this is not an exaggeration), elitist, anti-democracy kook who sees white upper class males (of course) as the pinnacle of mankind, and people of color, lower class men, and women, as inferior.
chrislawson @16:
This part is amusing-
(emp. mine)
Someone help me out here, who were the people who built the White House and the Capitol building? And who were the ones who toiled away in the fields picking cotton following the invention of the cotton gin? Y’know, cotton, that product that was a pretty big part of the economy back then. I’m wondering which parts of society were constructed by white hands.
Finally, an award deserving of Vox Day.
This is the Ayn Rand view of human value — the people who do the hands-on work of building are not in any way the builders; the people who hold the whips are the builders.
Uhm… Ancient Egyptians disagree.
Fantasy and national socialism go together like bread and cheese, or wine and pizza. I can’t tell if that’s unintentional irony or not.
It does expose the potential for trolling people with awards. Like “Best flaming sword-wielding author-owned publishing house.” I would be willing to contribute a genuine hand-cast stainless steel and resin donut, but only because I have several spares from another project, and they’d make a good award if the award ceremony involved rolling them past the recipient who could take a flying fuck at them.
I am curious whether the national socialist writers’ award includes the Ba’ath and Jatiyo Dal. I think there are a few other national socialist parties out there in India and elsewhere. It makes me want to see if we can drum up some Ba’athist SF; perhaps call them the ‘Sad Saddamites” or something. Naaaah, that’d be childish and stupid but perhaps the statue of HPL could be used as an energy-source by hooking it to the armature of a small generator.
OK, Lovecraft was a racist, and I support the removal of the ugly WFA statue.
But he doesn’t deserve this.
And neither do his fans, who in their vast majorities are not racists, Holcaust deniers, etc.
I really hope this doesn’t get any bigger. People who enjoy Lovecraft’s work really don’t deserve to be associated with these idiots.
QFT. The whip is a little less obvious now, but it is still there, and in the same hands.
pentatomid @23
The ancient Egyptians sustained high level civilizations over the last 500 years?
A better example would have been the Japanese or Chinese.
Karpad @13
Depends. Would making common cause with them keep him in his cushy Prime Minister job a day longer than not making common cause with them?
This “award” is apparently for “fantasy” “fiction”. So just what qualifies?
Some works commonly recognized as fantasy (and therefore fiction) presumably do, but what about, say, the comments of the thugs such as the Trum-prat during the “debates”? They would seem to quality: Clearly fantasy, clearly fictional, clearly bigoted and racist, checking a box of the boxes commonly associated with facism and nazis, delusional, magical, and so on. And on.
gijoel @11
Two things.
First, “hysterical”. Please reconsider using this word, as it’s based on “women are unstable and easily frightened” and is quite sexist.
Second, if you haven’t ever experienced a panic attack — and I have — you don’t get to brush it off as a “nothing” thing.
This is one of the most elegant translations I’ve ever seen of the philosophy “Whichever culture has the best weapons should feel no qualms about using their advantage to enslave or kill everyone else.” George Orwell would be proud.