Who shall I crush like a bug?

Pharyngula is a finalist in the Readers' Choice Awards – Favorite Agnostic / Atheist Blog of 2011, which I won last year. I’m in fabulous company here, with a fine selection of excellent atheist blogs, all of which I must crush in my iron fist of virulent militant godless fanaticism. Sorry, people.

Wait…Greta Christina, my fierce sister-in-arms at FtB? Those bastards! They have pitted family against each other for their sick entertainment! You know what this means. Vote harder. Vote every day. I must conquer.

Unless I can cunningly maneuver her into some peculiar forfeit if she wins, in which case I’ll cheerfully throw the race. Atheist, you know.


  1. eric says

    They have pitted family against each other for their sick entertainment! You know what this means.


    Two bloggers enter, one blogger leaves!

  2. jamessweet says

    I’m joking, by the way; although I occasionally use “whom”, I am sympathetic to the argument that that anachronism should just go away, and I think “who” is always acceptable (whereas using “whom” inappropriately makes one look like a pretentious douche)

  3. Reginald Selkirk says

    Atheism: Proving the Negative has some quality material, but has not been all that active lately.

  4. says

    It’s really not difficult to know whether to use “who” or “whom”. If the answer could be “they”, use “who”. If the answer could be “them”, use “whom”.

    There is really nothing anachronistic about nominative vs. accusative cases, unless you think that doing things properly is old-fashioned.

  5. Brownian says

    (whereas using “whom” inappropriately makes one look like a pretentious douche)

    “‘…and all the Whoms down in Whomville’—”
    “See Daddy: this is why Mommy left.”

  6. davem says

    Whom as the accusative is as dead as the Dodo. I always use it as a dative (by, with, from, to whom etc), but I can’t say I’ve heard it used as an accusative since, for ever.

  7. otranreg says

    Wait…Greta Christina, my fierce sister-in-arms at FtB? Those bastards! They have pitted family against each other for their sick entertainment!

    Having played Crusader Kings 2, where you plot against your family left and right, and backstab or be backstabbed, for a week now, I am not it the least shoked by this. :)

  8. psanity says

    Well, I voted for Greta. Pharyngula can win any old time, and I’d love to see Greta get more attention. Especially, dare I say, after the year we’ve had.

  9. John Morales says

    psanity, alas, I am very literal.

    I voted for my favourite blog, not for the blog I thought merited most attention.

  10. Aquaria says


    Some bugs don’t bother me. The ones I hate? Crushed. I hate the disease-carrying ones (flies, cockroaches) and those evil allergic reaction-inducing ones (wasps). Nasty, vile creatures.

    If they don’t want to die, then they can stay out of my vicinity.

  11. Nemo says

    Greta is a worthy opponent. I wasn’t really familiar with the others, so I checked them out briefly. Herewith, my dismissive summaries:

    Unequally Yoked — The blogger claims to be a liberal atheist, but supports covenant marriage, and is observing Lent. Ugh.

    Proving the Negative — He kinda lost me at “doxastic”. Also, he posted nothing between Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day.

    Martin S Pribble — This site doesn’t even look like a blog.