We have some additions to FtB: Biodork, a sciencey/skeptical nerd from Minneapolis (have you noticed how much of a seething hotbed of godlessness Minnesota is?) and Love, Joy, Feminism, a blog by a happy escapee from the quiverful movement.
You should go read them now.
You will never escape freethoughtblogs now, will you…we shall achieve total world domination soon. The logo redesign is in progress, but I’m thinking now it ought to be a burning eye, staring out at you from the top right corner of every page.
I’ll never escape FTB because there are so many blogs to read…
I hear and obey, oh Godless Masters!
Burning eye…Freemasons…I want it.
Isn’t there some ancient saying about eggs and baskets?
In this case, it’s not so much putting a lot of eggs in one basket as putting a lot of eggs in one incredibly delicious omelet.
Oh no!
Broken eggs!
Seriously, though, I have a potato chip problem with FtB.
“Just one more…”
Why yes, yes, I have. Which makes Michele Bachmann’s presence and Rick Santorum’s recent victory even more difficult to understand. One would think that even Republican Minnesotans would be at least a little godless. I guess it’s just one of those mysteries of the universe.
I think the burning eye should (omnisciently) follow you as you scroll the page. A background sound track of almost intelligible whispering would be nice too.
Somewhere in the distant past I had a life.
If only it were true!
Minneapolis/St. Paul (exclluding many of the Republican-infested suburbs) is an island of liberalism in a sea of rednecks. I generalize; but it’s mainly true.
I live 200-ft from the 6th District. I live in fear …
Well, Tim Pawlenty is remarkably charming on The Rachel Maddow Show. And he knows the name of Dr. Evil’s cat.
Or just synthesize the color schemes from a few of your I Get Emails. Instead of one burning eye you can have thousands!
The former quiverful contributor most interests me. I bet she has lots of interesting insights into the various forms of misogyny, brainwashing, and other cult-ish tactics and behaviors.