Am I an atheist? I guess I am, I have never defined myself and put it in a box, but I guess when an opportunity arises… I am a non believer, that’s to say my thoughts are justified by evidence and theory that, to the best of my knowledge explains the truth. As a child I believed in Santa and the tooth fairy and God. .. Not because of my parents, who are distinctly non-religious. I believed, simply because I thought ‘why not?’ Perhaps I wouldn’t have ever known about God was it not for my Church of England schooling, where prayer and bible studies were a common occurrence. As I grew and with it my curious mind, I began to ask why? And How? And what is the evidence for this? My parents never pressured me to be an atheist but instead encouraged me to question and take nothing for granted. As I questioned the less convinced I became and in the blink of an eye my religious phase was over and in its place a much more long lasting love that has lasted to this day. Science, one great adventure that will take a lifetime to learn.
I will always remember a conversation I had with a Mormon at University, out on one of their recruiting missions. He asked me ‘do you pray?’ I replied ‘no’ to which he said ‘How do you know what God has planned for you? And what the point of your life on earth is?’ I explained to him that I did not long for an inherent purpose to my life and any purpose made would be my own. I told him I was a scientist and that understanding everything in life from the behaviour on animals to the orbit of the planets was my life’s work, and that from each piece of knowledge I gained I found great contentment in life. After a little pause he told me he was happy for me. I felt great sadness, that he would not appreciate the great contentment found in the facts of science and nature and instead would lead a life in fear of God.
I live my life knowing it’s the only one I will have and I live it to the full. I guess that makes me lucky, lucky not to be indoctrinated into a way of life or follow unquestioningly something that is taken on blind faith. I love to live and I live to love. Through great chance this planet has come into existence. Through great chance this planet has evolved to sustain life, through great chance I was one of the millions of possibilities my parent’s genes would mix to make me. Through great chance I was born into a family that does not practice brain washing. By great CHOICE I became an atheist, and that makes me…. one of the lucky ones.
Sophie Davis
United Kingdom
Hey, I think I know that Mormon fella!
That feeling of luckiness, it’s very familiar, but you’ve expressed it a lot better than I would have done. Thank you for writing.
I hear quite a bit of my story in yours. I guess I’m lucky too.
You know, it’s nice to read the story of someone luckier than I am, but how well would you be able to defend yourself against a professional apologist? Do you have the logical and philosophical chops and the knowledge of history and text criticism to do it? This sounds more like you were just never exposed than that you actually thought your way out of it…
A really uplifting story. It’s an amazing thing when you realise people have similar stories, and similar appreciation for the beauty of life and how it is what you make of it.
Hazuki – Just because you arent bought up in a religious environment, doesn’t mean you lack the knowledge. Doesn’t mean you can’t aquire it through curiosity. Also, she’s a scientist, she knows how to think critically – and that (in my opinion) is the whole point of it. Not to learn in depth arguments for and against religion. That’s a niche that only a certain few take interest in anyway, not the entire population when, eventually, everybody thinks critically.
You know, isn’t that the fun about Gnu atheism? In the spirit of the courtier’s reply, do you really have to have that? Healthy skepticism and some knowledge of science is enough, there is no need at all to even start arguing about details in the bible or whether there was a historical Jesus. You can shoot down any apologist if you don’t let yourself lured into having the discussion on their mushbrained terms and stick to science and skepticism.
Getting tired and annoyed by these “Why I am an atheist” posts. They are repetitive, simple, and just plain boring. I really don’t care anymore why so an such is an atheist. Don’t think anybody actually cares anymore.
Santa is great preparation for not believing in gods. You shed your belief in a fat, white bearded guy who keeps a list of who is naughty and nice and the slightly thinner, white bearded guy (not PZ, the other one) who keeps a similar list isn’t far behind.
I agree with Alex, you don’t need to defend yourself against an apologist or against centuries of text criticism and complex theodicy. They are the ones who need to defend their beliefs. As sceptics all we need to do is point out the flaws in their arguments and the lack of evidence. Their task is get get us to buy the crap that they are peddling. Our task is to point out that it’s crap and we wouldn’t take it if they paid us.
We should all be so fortunate. :)
There is value for those who are struggling to come to terms with their own beliefs for any number of reasons, and seeing how so many have come to their own decisions, and the struggles some have faced, can provide comfort or encouragement to those individuals, especially when you can just how common many peoples’ stories are. These stories have more than just entertainment value. If you’re getting tired of them, no one’s making you read them.
The “why I am an atheist” series is interesting because it shows all the different reasons people became atheists. People can say it’s because they found the properties of Jesus to be ridiculous, or grew tired of Pascal’s wager, or found the ark to be improbable, or disagreed with the church’s view on women, no evidence for god, etc. Obviously you can find resources on any of the reasons, but people like to read narratives about the process of learning.
This one doesn’t have as much literary merit as the others because it’s disjointed and “tells, doesn’t show,” but I think in general, the series was a good idea.
@James Ellis (6)
Really? Isn’t part of the “Atheist Movement” about putting a human face of atheism and reaching out to others by telling your own story? I find these stories inspirational. If they are repetitive or they don’t interest you then skip over them.
Why do I suspect you are a godbot in atheist clothing? Not boring, unlike your whining drivel.
“..and I felt sad for him cause he would live his life in fear of god.”
this appears to be an assumption, maybe based on some alter brain washing once received? very curious to know the source of such ideas.
You are indeed one of the lucky ones… thank-you for sharing in this very valuable and necessary thread.
@James Ellis
I was lucky enough to grow up in a secular household, so I don’t actually identify with these stories. But these stories and others like them can help people realize that they are not alone in their struggle with leaving faith behind. They also help people such as myself understand religious people. I used to look down on the religious, considering them to be complete morons. It is not necessarily true. Most of these people had no choice in the matter, and their lack of belief, or more importantly their ability to reason, leaves them feeling quite alone. These stories help. They help those new to atheism, and help us who always were understand where they are coming from.
James whoever,
If it bores you, don’t read it. Why feel the need to say so unless you are a whiny brat who wants only what YOU want. What on earth makes you think I (or anyone) gives a shit what bores you.
In other words, fuck off.
Just me:
Unless the poor sod breaks out of his Mormonness, he will live in fear. There is a reason why ardent believers refer to themselves as “god fearing”.
Mr Ellis is customarily peeved and vexed and tired. There is a great big blogosphere out there, sir, and you are welcome to it.
Right. Is the person who is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read them in the room at the moment ?
No words for how beautiful that was put together. Well done, Sophie.
What I like about these letters, so far, is that it completely destroys most of the theists’ beliefs that Atheists are mad at God, that something terrible has happened in our lives that has made us turn away from God. So far, going by these entries, this hasn’t been the case. In my book, there is a letter from a man in Florida that buried his infant daughter and 3-year-old just two weeks after burying his wife. If anything, THIS would have made the man hate God, but it was a preacher’s terrible choice of condolences that made this man rethink his position on religion. You can read an excerpt of his letter here:
Just so we can annoy Mr Ellis some more, please do keep posting these “Why I am an atheist” essays. If you could throw in some more British spellings, so much the better.
Goddammit, why do I have to fall in love with every other female featured in this series?
Sounds almost exactly like my coming of Atheist, minus the whole church-in-school thing (public schooled in the US).
I like these posts. It’s good to see them. Thanks for writing yours, Sophie.
Great job!
#3 Hazuki:
You don’t need any of that. The Bible is transparently a work of fiction from beginning to end, much like the Sherlock Holmes stories. A skilled Holmes apologist can tell you exactly what Holmes had for breakfast on each day of his career, explain how to tell the direction of a bicycle’s motion by examining its tracks, describe in detail the operation of the Victorian-era justice system, and explain why the fact that Holmes sometimes calls Watson “John” and other times “James” is not really a contradiction. But none of this addresses the fact that Sherlock Holmes doesn’t exist.
If you debate a Holmes apologist, your argument is based on fact and theirs on fantasy. You don’t have to address a single one of their arguments because they are all irrelevant arguments about make-believe characters. They amount to saying “So you think the Holmes stories are false? Well, let me tell you this. They are set in Victorian England, and Victorian England is real. They are about crime, and crime is real. They mention events that we know actually happened and people we know existed. The characters are realistic. Finally, the book was written by Arthur Conan Doyle, who is not only real but actually lived in Victorian England. Therefore, everything in the book must be true. Checkmate, aholmesists!”
It’s the same for Bible/God/Jesus/whatever apologists. They’ll prove to you that ancient Israel was a real place, that the Bible was actually written then, that it mentions some events we know happened and people we know existed, and that it authentically depicts the culture of the time.
All of which is irrelevant to the fact that it is a work of fiction.
“I live my life knowing it’s the only one I will have and I live it to the full.”
That actually never made any sense to me, like the uniqueness of life somehow necessitates worshiping and exploiting it to the fullest.
Life is just a meaningless fart in an ocean of decay and destruction, which is the universe.
James Ellis says:
Towards the top-left of your browser window, you will find a leftwards pointing arrow. If you don’t like a page, click on it, and that page will magically go away.
I am certainly enjoying reading all of these and all contain unique backgrounds.
My background is almost exactly like Sophie’s to the extent that I never really though much about religion despite having the usual bland hymn singing in CofE assemblies on a regular basis (surely one of the best means to turn people off religion ever).
Its been a real eye opener to see just how tough people less fortunate have been and although I feel lucky to have never had to face such opposition I think we in the UK should make damn sure we try and maintain (and improve) the situation here.
As an aside, I know we have had one letter from India but I hope there will be more from countries other than the UK, US etc coming.
Oh Gee, someone being forced to read Pharyngula at gunpoint. Just post your address and we will call the cops and FBI and they will rescue you. It is illegal to point a gun at someone’s head and force them to read web sites.
Seems like each one of these “Why am I” posts gets one incoherent driveby troll, one unconvincing Fake Atheist, and a godbotting moron. I suspect the driveby and the Fake Atheist are the same troll with multiple ID’s.
eigenperson I am stealing your post @24. Brilliant.
I would add that Holmes fan can sometimes get really mad at each other over perceived “heresies”.
Thanks for your post. There may be hope for that god-fearing Mormon. I was raised by a family and community of devout Mormons in Provo, living within walking distance of Brigham Young University. At age 19 I left on one of those recruiting missions to Mexico City. The opportunities I had to talk to, not only people from various faiths, but especially rational people like you, helped me begin to see the world as it is, and not how I was raised to believe it ought to be. I won’t ramble on about the last ten years of my life since then, but know that at least one person stopped believing in fairytales thanks to, in part, the honest conversations with rational people like you.
Well…I’ve always been OCD and nervous, so I guess it’s just an obsession. But still, isn’t it smart to be able to defend your beliefs? I think the work being done by, among others, Richard Carrier and Hector Avalos is important, not least because it allows one to short-circuit those sophistry-spouting presuppositionalists like Craig or Bahnsen.
I mean, you can argue philosophy or “the real meaning of the atonement” or “God’s ontological simplicity” all you want, but it will get you nowhere. But to be able to pick up the text and go (for example) “Look, Daniel 9 is a forgery. All the Christian mythos was predicted and expected by the Jews, and here is EXACTLY how, and here are my sources” undercuts all of that crap.
It means no more arguing over this or that new interpretation of the dogma when one can show that in its proper context there is ONLY one interpretation and it’s since been proven wrong. Carrier’s work on the prevalence of the messianic idea in Jewish thought, specifically this post here at, had me absolutely jaw-dropped in shock.
THIS is how you cut the Gordian knot of apologetics. I only wish someone would take these things to a debate and steamroll Craig once and for all. That man has been responsible for more harm and bullshit and brain-damage than anyone can estimate.
Brilliant idea! I could use the money.
So, everyone in the world: consider yourself targeted. I have a gun aimed at you (I’m American, so it’s even plausible) and you must read this site every day. Now. Get to it.
I wonder if the server can handle 6 billion hits per day?
7 billion now! You will be even richer!
I cant pretend I’ve studied every religion day and night in order to argue with people about it. But I did take the initiative to research it, mostly because I have found it interesting. Thank you @24 eigenperson exactly what I think. Would never have been able to write it so eloquently though! Critical thinking lead me to see that ‘faith’ no particular religion in general, can be picked apart easily.
@30 Roger, that’s great to hear! Also exactly why I don’t close the door saying not interested. I enjoy a healthy debate as I’m sure the many Moromons, Jehovahs witness etc. I’ve encountered have too! I don’t like beating people down about religion, but rather make them think logically…
These are all so reasonable. Can’t wait to see one of these saying “cuz the religius are zooooo stupid lololol kbai”
And how much better to gain contentment from studying reality rather than from persuading yourself to believe in figments of our ancestors’ imagination.
Sorry, but my Holmes-biased SIWOTI syndrome just won’t allow me to forego illustrating your point! Holmes never calls Watson anything other than “Watson” (and vice versa). I’m sure that even in fanfic, when Holmes enthusiastically rogers Watson or vice versa they would remain on correct Victorian Holmes-and-Watson terms :-p
We know that Watson is “John H. Watson, M.D.” from the contents page of the first Sherlock Holmes story A Study in Scarlet, but in The Man with a Twisted Lip his wife appears to refer to him as “James”. I’ve seen two explanations: that she is actually talking about a servant (which doesn’t seem to fit the context), or that the “H” stands for “Hamish” and she uses the English version of that name (which is far-fetched). The correct explanation (and of course those inventing the above “explanations” know this, unlike theologians in the analogous case), is that Conan Doyle dashed off Sherlock Holmes stories for money, untroubled by leaving inconsistencies, and thought his investigations into spiritualism and fairies much more important.
Your life perhaps – only you can judge, but you don’t get to speak for anyone else; when the fear of an immaterial Big Brother is removed, most of us atheists find plenty of meaning in our lives. You know: family, friends, work (if we’re very lucky), helping others*, science, the arts, sex, sport.
Also, I notice you did somehow manage the effort needed to post your meaningless fart here. Why?
*It’s very revealing that one of the commonest believer “arguments” is “But if there’s no God, morality is just personal preference.” They thereby reveal that their religion does not allow them to value other people for themselves. They think, or at least say, that if you don’t believe in their god, there is no reason to treat other people well. Sure there is: life is likely to be better for those other people. If you don’t find that reason enough, you’re a psychopath.
#36 KG:
Yeah, I realized I messed that up after I posted. Let’s just say it was in the spirit of the thing, because most Bible apologists haven’t read the damn thing anyway.
#24 eigenperson is genius – and this from a Holmes fan!
Uh oh, PZed’s whipped out his cyber pistol. I’m not British, and I do a lousy Brit accent (but it’s fun when I’m playing character at the renfair…), but I’m going to write one of these (eventually) and make sure to throw in as many Euro-spellings as I can.
Just, for, Senior Ellis, you precious little cupcake, you.
True. We haven’t had such an account in this series yet, but quite a few commenters here have said they never remember believing in God even though raised in religious households, and thought the whole thing was an elaborate game of pretend, like Santa Claus but kept up for longer.
Hazuki #3
The response I find most useful when Sophisticated Theology™ is thrown at me is: “How do you know that?” As eigenperson points out, the true fanatic will argue about minutiae concerning their favorite fantasy. Go to a Trekkie convention and you’ll hear the most detailed trivia being discussed in utter seriousness. The difference between goddist apologetics and Trekkie trivia is the Trekkies know they’re talking about fiction.
Or go to another thread where I demonstrate this by talking about “Fundies vs Klingons”
Not exactly sure how I came across this post. Your article was found on the Zite App on my iPad under Christianity topics and current articles.
Anyhow, I felt compelled to write in response.
I have two thoughts I’d like to share right now. More will come I’m sure and I welcome your responses. Please email me….
Let me begin by stating that my views are in complete contradiction to yours, though like yourself, I am a lover of science. ; ) but I am also a lover of God and Jesus Christ.
I have done my research as have many brilliant scientists who have come to the conclusion after many many years of research, that science and God actually go hand in hand. There are many scientists, evolutionists, atheists, etc etc who have come to faith after years of claiming there is no God. Therefore I propose to you first that faith in God is not blind faith. The evidence of a creator is everywhere. There is design in all things and that can only mean there was and is a designer. It takes more faith to believe that this earth and everything on it all occurred by chance then it takes to believe God created it. Think on that.
The second point I’d like to make is about the comment you made about being sad that the Mormon guy would live his life in fear of God…I am not Mormon and they are out of line with scripture….but anyhow my comment is that as a follower of Christ, I do not fear Hod in the sense that he will strike me down, though he could if he chose. I fear God which means to respect Him. He created me and He saved me thru His Sons sacrifice on the cross…I like my life to honor Him, love His people, and share His truth. I am not walking on eggshells trying to work my way to pleasing Him. He is pleased with me because I am His. Jesus paid the price for all the wrong in my life. He is gracious and merciful.
I hope you think on these things. Again I welcome your responses via email. I recommend you do some more research, I highly recommend “the truth project”. Give it a try, it’s very intellectual. There are many books out about science and God going hand in hand,
I look forward to hearing from you.
Have a great day.
Sorry, cupcake, evidence based reality versus belief without evidence. No way Jose.
Fixed that for you.
No faith on the science. Evidence based, which makes its conclusions logical and supported. Your imaginary deity is faith based. Faith is what is required when you don’t have evidence, and you presented absolutely none in your inane post.
Fixed another one for you.
Think about what cupcake? you presented nothing like evidence by citing the peer reviewed scientific literature, you just made unsubstantiated claims that impressed no one here. So you wasted your time, and gave us a good laugh at your delusional thinking. Delusion is when you believe without evidence. And you have no evidence.
We’ve heard it a million times. The Argument from Design was thought up by the Greeks before xianity was ever invented. It’s just flat out wrong.
These are assertions without proof. It’s not even known for sure if jesus ever even existed.
There are several threads on this blog today about how silly this whole story is. Jesus had a really bad weekend supposedly and this saves 7 billion people how and from whom? Substitute blood sacrifices are barbaric, makes no sense to moderns, and jesus was saving us from…himself.
BTW, you are godbotting, a bannable offense. This means babbling on mindlessly like a xian without addressing any points or making any sense. If you weren’t terminally stupid, you might ask where atheists come from. Most of us are ex-xians.
As predicted earlier in the day. We’ve had the incoherent driveby, Ellis. Now, the godbotting moron, Kristi.
I need one more to complete the xian troll bingo card. A Fake Atheist.
That’s the problem, I have tought on it, while you obviously didn’t. Or maybe “thinking” has a different meaning for mindless godbots than it has for people with properly functionning, non-addled brains. The summary of all this thinking : you are, like all creationists, spectacularly wrong.
Ah, but you should greatly fear Hod, dear.
Well, again, for people with properly functionning, non-addled brains, no it aint, dear. Godidit is an lazy, stupid, mindless non-answer to all the question a sane human might ask about the world. You’re very lucky there are people out there who are not satisfied by it.
These posts do draw in the mindless zombie godbots, don’t they? Please do feel to open fire on sight on anyone moved to testify about Jeeeeeezus in any of these threads.
*starts sharpening titanium fang*
Another one here. We are indeed the lucky ones but I think it does leave us completely mystified by the obedient talking to the little homophobic misogynist in the sky.
So full of love you are! Lovely! Of course, I assume that as a Christian, you bear no false witness against thy Internet neighbors – even when you’re out collecting brownie points towards salvation here, and we’re unsaved atheists – and that you are therefore genuinely interested.
So, science lover, you have a unique opportunity here: learning something about the thing you love – that’s right, science!. You do not know how evolution works or what the evidence is for it (otherwise you wouldn’t have brought up the “everything is so designed” argument), which is something you should fix asap, to avoid saying such blatantly wrong things in the future. A good way to learn is by asking good questions. Tip: “Why do you hate God” is not a good question, because it is loaded, inaccurate, and you don’t learn anything from the answer. If you do, there are loads of qualified people here who will enjoy a good argument. What is not appreciated is if you repeat insipid talking points ad nauseam without thinking and responding to what was said.
But, likely you’re bearing false witness after all, and just dumped some lines here designed for the atheist crowd in order to do some drive-by witnessing. Too bad, really.
I had a look at your so called ‘truth project’ and found it to be incredibly non-intellectual.. This little excerpt from the website confirms you have misunderstood the definition of scientist by claiming that you are one….
Truth project:
Science, the “systematic study of the natural world,” brings to light innumerable evidences of Intelligent Design. But Darwinian theory transforms science from the honest investigation of nature into a vehicle for propagating a godless philosophy. (Part One)
A careful examination of molecular biology and the fossil record demonstrates that evolution is not a “proven fact.” Meanwhile, history shows that ideas, including Darwinism as a social philosophy, have definite consequences consequences that can turn ugly when God is left out of the picture. (Part Two)
Science and God do NOT go hand in hand- Science systematically compiles and organises knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions, such knowledge is the kind that can be rationally and logically explained. Creationism and religious scriptures CANNOT be logically explained. Also it takes no faith to think that by great chance this world can sustain life – just the boundless scientific evidence, theory and statistics that suggest this is the case. I’d like to see you try and discredit Darwin on this blog. It won’t go down well…
Outch! :)
Maybe one should better say (and you of course meant) “discredit the theory of evolution by natural selection as formulated in the neodarwinian synthesis”, because of course there are many things Darwin didn’t know, and he’s not our authority on the subject.
That no good english.
I know it’s lazy to quote you from someone else’s quote, but this just bugs me.
Why do people who deny the validity of the theory of evolution so often make this argument? It is so missing the point, and I wonder whether you know that it is missing the point and just keep repeating it because it sounds good to some people, or if you really don’t understand what’s wrong with it.
First of all: do you actually care whether evolution happened or not? You know, in the real world, in our past? Because your argument here is that somehow you don’t like it, and therefore decide it’s not so. That is the essence of wishful thinking, and the opposite of honest inquiry.
Secondly, and even more importantly: Evolution as the origin of species is a description of history of life, not a guideline for social engineering. It simply isn’t! People may have tried to use it this way, but that’s not what the science is about.
Just as throwing people off off a ten story building is not mandated by Newtonian theory of gravity, the theory of evolution does not tell you that the idea of natural selection should be the template for how we treat our fellow human beings. It is merely a description of what nature does. Nature is cruel, and it is our task to do better than her.
Do you honestly not see the difference between “Humans and Chimps had common ancestors 6 million years ago” and “Jews are a lower race and should be exterminated” or such. To reiterate, a statement of what happened in our history, and how it happened, is not a guideline how we should behave.
If you should indeed return to this blog, please try to respond to those points, Kristi.
There is no law that states that we have to imitate nature. Nature is what it is, and we, as human beings, have to a certain extent the power to break out of these mechanisms which have governed our origins.
I am really sorry Sophie that you consider yourself to be an accident.
Maybe take a look at a few Josh McDowell books and maybe even look into the science of
Bio-genesis. You know life having to come from life? I think it’s funny and kinda sad when people
dont believe that there is a God because He sure believes in you. Just saying……..
How can something that doesn’t exist except in the minds of delusional fools believe in me? What an idiotic statement, since you haven’t shown any conclusive physical evidence for your imaginary deity, which is required for confirmation of existence. That makes you the delusional fool.
Unfortunately there is no point in debating with someone when all they have in their “bag of tricks” is personal insult.
Yo, David gee
Do you have any actual argument you would like to present here?
You know, not everyone needs to bolster their sense of self worth by fairy tales like you do.
David gee
What a disingenuous cheap shot! Don’t chicken out and put your best arguments on the table for us to see!
This isn’t a debate. It is a showing of evidence. You need to provide conclusive physical evidence for your imaginary deity. Evidence that will pass muster with scientists, magicians, and professional debunkers, as being of divine, and not natural (scientifically explained), origin. Do you have access to the eternally burning bush or equivalent? If you don’t, you are an evidenceless deluisonal fool.
Crap. Is this the tags problem we’re not supposed to arse around with?
No, it’s the thou shalt write the text in between the open and close tags problem :)
Oh, and David gee, your failure to provide said evidence will be considered tacit acknowledgement you have no evidence. If you don’t have evidence, you may as well fade into the bandwidth, as you have said everything you have to date: your opinion as a fool. Otherwise, the mocking of your delusions will be severe.
Yeah, looks like David and Kristi know that they don’t have arguments and evidence.
Mutter mutter…coulda sworn…mutter…where’s your God now, david gee?
This is an assertion without proof, data, or evidence. Hitchens rule. It may be summarily dismissed without proof data, or evidence.
Your Sky Monster god doesn’t exist.
BTW, religious kooks are sad and funny. They are also malevolent, evil, and a serious drag on our society. The fundies like Kristi and David openly hate the USA and are attempting to destroy it. With some success.
I don’t give a femtofuck if I am an accident.
It doesn’t affect who I am and what I do or can do. I pity the people who need an external source for their lives to have meaning. Such a waste of brain matter in the heads of people with so little imagination.
You come on a blog written by a biologist to lecture us on biology ? A blog that is full of infinitely more science-literate people than you are ? That’s pretty much the pinnacle of arrogant stupidity.
Just a tiny hint, my deluded friend : maybe it’s you who should do a bit of reading about abiogenesis.
I think it’s pathetic that so-called normally intelligent adults need to believe in their super daddy in the sky to be happy. Just sayin’.
“A careful examination of molecular biology and the fossil record demonstrates that evolution is not a “proven fact.”
Do you even know what molecular biology or the fossil record are? Both contain an incredible amount of evidence which support evolution.
Such comments are just sad. If you want to debate evolution at least pick up a book or two and actually find out what you are talking abound.
@ Hyperdeath #26
“James Ellis says:
Getting tired and annoyed by these “Why I am an atheist” posts. They are repetitive, simple, and just plain boring. I really don’t care anymore why so an such is an atheist. Don’t think anybody actually cares anymore.”
Towards the top-left of your browser window, you will find a leftwards pointing arrow. If you don’t like a page, click on it, and that page will magically go away.”
Hahahahaha, well said Hyerdeath.
Personally, I am enjoying each new “Why I am an Atheist” post. I am recognising some of my own reasons which I had never even acknowledged as well as learning other quite different reasons why others have become atheists.