The same guy who made the Teach the Controversy shirts has a new line, Monsters of Grok, in the style of rock band t-shirts…only in this case, they’re shirts for scientists and philosophers. I admit, the Darwin shirt didn’t grab me, but I could see wearing a nice stark jangly ad for David Hume.
(Also on Sb)
Darwin, Sagan, Ben Franklin… I want…
You’re a Hume fan?
The more I about you, the more awesome you appear to be. :)
That’s a good start.
So much goodness from Monsters of Grok… Where to start…
I love them, but where’s Neil deGrasse Tyson?
The styling on them all is funny, but the Tesla/Edison one gets my vote for having an added bit of cleverness for tying the personalities (and their famous fued) in with the particular band logo.
Aren’t we gonna do a list, matching them with the original bands, or is it too easy?
Darwin – Misfits
Sagan – Slayer
Isaac Newton – Iron Maiden
du Champ – the Cramps
Van Allen – Van Halen
Ben Franklin – Black Flag
Feynman – ?
Einstein – ?
Pascal – Poison
Hypatia – Hüsker Dü
Tesla/Edison – AC/DC
de Beauvoir – ?
Curie – the Cure
Watt – Riot?
David Hume – Daft Punk
Hawking – Wu Tang Clan
Johannes Kepler – Judas Priest
Machiavelli – Metallica
Niels Bohr – the Doors
Mendelev – Megadeath
Wittgenstein – Rammstein
“Tesla/Edison” made me LOL — I just wish I hadn’t just taken a mouthful of tea before following that link. Ah well, call it an experiment to determine just how good this supposedly “spillproof” keyboard is.
I’m almost surprised Ballmer never tried killing dogs with Open Source software to prove it’s more dangerous than proprietary software …..
@SQB The Watt tee design is from the band Ratt.
Oh and the Einstein one is Boston.
de Beauvoir = The Beatles
Dunno the others yet, but I’ll assume they’re close to the names.
Oh just discovered that if you click on shirt it tells you what band it’s from. DOH!
Oh. Hah.
If you click on the links you can see the band it’s supposed to be.
Feynman = Foreigner.
As I said when I posted this to facebook, the Ramm/Wittgenstein is epic win. And one is headed in my direction as we speak.
Totally ordering a Tesla/Edison one.
Wot no Curie?
@Markita Lynda:
Soo many suggestions: Roentgen, Dalton, Dirac, Farraday…
And the band-name choices rock!
P.S. Saw a T-shirt at the bus station yesterday:
“Rock is dead.
Paper, on the other hand, is fine.”
Never mind, I see Curie now.
Blind in one eye and can’t see out the other!
Bleah! Still can’t see my latest comment until someone else posts, not even with Shift-F5.
BTW, do we have to register with our WordPress accounts to post in other Freethought blogs? What if we don’t have one?
Einstein == Boston
Hmmm. Might have to get me a Niels Bohr shirt. Too bad they don’t have extra-tall. Vertically enhanced people face so much discrimination . . .
The Sagan one is great. Might get that one.
SlayerSagan is just plain awesome. A few others there that I dig, but I’m ordering this one NOW.@ SQB
Darwin = Samhain
How about Schrödinger in the style of Dead or Alive (but did they even have a distinctive logo?).
I’m envisioning a neat take on Rush and their “man and star” logo for Henry Gray.
I like that they have plenty of good metal in there. Slayer, Megadeth (note: there is only one “a” in Megadeth… don’t ask why), Judas Priest, Iron Maiden… I’m glad they left out utter crap like Avenged Sevenfold and Slipknot. And obviously, Sagan gets to be Slayer for being the most badass.
These are great!
All that’s missing is a PZ one.DuChamp tempts me in particular, I know it’d get a lot of laughs if I wore it to uni.
I like the Feynman/Foreigner one.
I suspect they will do a booming business today.
On a related note, can anyone tell me the story behind this image?
…and billy lived forever
I have asked young friends, old friends, and crazy friends. None have any idea.
All google seems to know about is a country singer/songwriter named Billy Joe Shaver and a bad cartoon show from the early 2000s.
If you want a T-shirt that celebrates Tesla without Edison, you could just get a Tesla band T-shirt.
K E Decilon, I think it refers to Ingmar Bergman’s movie, The Seventh Seal, in which a knight plays a game of chess with Death, in an attempt to forestall his own death. This is a modern interpretation of that, using a Gameboy™ instead of chess. Apparently, Billy is very good at it.
K E Decilon:
Here’s something in a similar vein:
I’m not sure if it stemmed from The Seventh Seal, or if that was just building on something else, but I’ve some vague impression of challenging Death/ The Devil with games/contests of skill/etc. for, uh… not dying, or being lit on fire forever… or something?
It seems like a fairly common theme; like in “The Devil Went Down To Georgia”.
And I just want to say, on topic: HAIL SAGAN!
In the parking lots of Phish concerts, people often sell t-shirts featuring Phish song titles incorporated into product logos, e.g., “My Sweet One” in the logo for Sweet & Low. These shirts remind me of those. Brilliant!
Done. I’ll not have that charleton be seen as some sort of equal to the mighty Tesla.
Darwin = Danzig
At least it’s a band with Danzig in it.
Hypatia as ‘Husker Du’? EFF YES!
Also, Pascal totally deserves to be ‘Poison’ for his half-assed wager. Too bad his name doesn’t sound more like ‘Winger’ or ‘Papa Roach’.
With the Controversy shirts you run the risk of course that people take you seriously.
“Will Herman Cain become the first black President … that I acknowledge? I call him a dark horse because he’s an unlikely candidate who surged forward, and not because he’s … a horse.” –Stephen Colbert