
  1. John Phillips, FCD says

    Cheers PZ, I shall look forward to listening it a bit later when I have an hour to spare.

  2. says

    It was a very good interview, entertaining and insightful. It’s good to see you’ve patched things up with Ed.

  3. says

    It’s good to see you’ve patched things up with Ed.

    So, no Bowie knives? Damn. I guess I’ll just have to listen to “rational discussion”, then. There really should be more skeptical bloodsports.

  4. charley says

    I attended the Wednesday talk which was excellent. Your speaking is as persuasive as your writing. I would have enjoyed eavesdropping on any discussions you had with local theist professors at the college discussion events, but I had to work. Thanks for braving the weather, sacrificing your car and working so hard to come to Michigan.