The Post-Bulletin keeps reminding us to believe in evolution by featuring new discoveries of old bones: dinosaur bones (Feb. 15), frog bones (Feb. 19), and now more at Quarry Hill Nature Center (March 4).
Problem No. 1 with evolution: Millions and billions of years are cited as factual. Actually, their measurements are not accurate.
Problem No. 2: Evolutionists claim to be scientific, and the Bible a religion. Evolution, humanism, secularism are a religion.
True science is observable process and results. Evolutionary process has never been observed. There are no conflicts between the Bible and true science.
There are true scientists who call evolution a fairy tale. I have a book titled “21 Great Scientists Who Believed the Bible,” from Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) to Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977). I have another book, “In Six Days,” why 50 scientists choose to believe in creation. They are present day scientists.
A third problem with evolution: Several archaeological so-called missing links discoveries have turned out to be hoaxes. For example, “The Nebraska Man.” They found a tooth and put a cave-like man around it. It was later discovered to be a pig tooth.
For the origin of all creation, match the Genesis record, archaeology, true science of all kinds and the problem is solved. The flood in Noah’s time fits very well with geology formations.
The Post-Bulletin keeps reminding us to believe in evolution by featuring new discoveries of old bones: dinosaur bones (Feb. 15), frog bones (Feb. 19), and now more at Quarry Hill Nature Center (March 4).
Problem No. 1 with evolution: Millions and billions of years are cited as factual. Actually, their measurements are not accurate.
Problem No. 2: Evolutionists claim to be scientific, and the Bible a religion. Evolution, humanism, secularism are a religion.
True science is observable process and results. Evolutionary process has never been observed. There are no conflicts between the Bible and true science.
There are true scientists who call evolution a fairy tale. I have a book titled “21 Great Scientists Who Believed the Bible,” from Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) to Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977). I have another book, “In Six Days,” why 50 scientists choose to believe in creation. They are present day scientists.
A third problem with evolution: Several archaeological so-called missing links discoveries have turned out to be hoaxes. For example, “The Nebraska Man.” They found a tooth and put a cave-like man around it. It was later discovered to be a pig tooth.
For the origin of all creation, match the Genesis record, archaeology, true science of all kinds and the problem is solved. The flood in Noah’s time fits very well with geology formations.
Donald Trump Vs. Viagra on Lewis Black’s new show tonight.
If you like Black, watch the show and give it a boost.
The last episode of Lewis Black’s show was Catholic Church vs. Oprah. It was a great one.
“The church is sack-tickling it’s way into bankruptcy.” -Greg Giraldo
Pure comedy gold.
Heh! I looked at his URL and thought it said “tubguy” at first. Brain bleach, stat!
Speaking of which, get a load of this nutter dissing evolution at the Rochester Post-Bulletin:
Heh! I looked at his URL and thought it said “tubguy” at first. Brain bleach, stat!
Speaking of which, get a load of this nutter dissing evolution at the Rochester Post-Bulletin:
I get that a lot, Phoenix Woman.
“…no conflict between the Bible and science”?
What about this?;
The last time I checked, pi does not equal three.
Donald Trump Vs. Viagra on Lewis Black’s new show tonight.
If you like Black, watch the show and give it a boost.
The last episode of Lewis Black’s show was Catholic Church vs. Oprah. It was a great one.
“The church is sack-tickling it’s way into bankruptcy.” -Greg Giraldo
Pure comedy gold.