
  1. Junkjungle says

    The simple fact that the Internet exists means that at any given moment someone , in fact , be wrong. It’s up to us (read: you, PZ) to make sure we know the truth.

  2. Michelle says

    You have a duty to destroy the wrong of the interwebs, no matter what a stupid stickfigure comic insinuates!

  3. Jack Krebs says

    That’s hilarious. I know the feeling full well, although I have succeeded in squelching it, for the most part, the last few years.

  4. Asteranx says

    The alt text is sometimes better than the punchlines on that comic. In this case it was ‘What do you want me to do, LEAVE? Then they’d just keep being wrong!’

    Don’t ever leave us, PZ. Can you imagine how wrong people would be _then_?

  5. decius says

    Second Cousin Rev. Paul T.-
    That was rich.

    Once a friend who directs an astronomical observatory received a job application from an astrologer.

  6. David Marjanović, OM says

    It’s not about you. You’re wrong.
    God, I’m sleepy…

    Treason! That Phoenician is taking words out of my mouth! And besides, I think Carthage should be destroyed.

  7. David Marjanović, OM says

    It’s not about you. You’re wrong.
    God, I’m sleepy…

    Treason! That Phoenician is taking words out of my mouth! And besides, I think Carthage should be destroyed.

  8. Peter Ashby says

    Hell, I hang out in a usenet xian group so I have to pick and choose which wrongs I try and right. It is so hard there being only one of me ;-) though fortunately I am not the only one trying to fight the good fight in there. Best is when the xian inmates bitch about the ‘invasion’ of atheists (all 3 of us).

    Then there are all the wonderfully glib and totally empty of meaning statements like “god is outside the universe” and “god sustains the universe” or the recent “god is eternal, has always been and thus needs no explanation”

  9. Wisaakah says

    I must admit, when I saw this yesterday I thought immediately of Pharyngula – but I owe you all a debt of gratitude! The comment threads are proof that not all human beings are vapid, hateful, self-deluded/absorbed, (insert-religious-text-here)-thumping, sexually repressed assholes who feel insecure unless the entire world endorses their particular brand of spiritual flagellation/masturbation. So, thanks!

  10. Sastra says

    That’s what I love about the internet. In my real life, so many groups which bring up any topic which touches on religion seem to see debate, disagreement, and even honest discussion as hostile intrusions on what must now become a Sharing and Caring Mutual Support Group. “I don’t think the earth is 10,000 years old myself, but how wonderful for you that you do, and that you keep strong in your own belief, if that is what is true for you — I so admire that.”

    Without the internet I slowly die the death of a thousand cuts.

  11. Overstroming says

    Heh, classic xkcd. Been showing up everywhere, because it’s so freakin’ true.

    Wronger than the wrongest man in Wrongland, on the wrongest day of the year.


  12. says

    Pee Zed should be happy his Trophy Wife is so concerned with the trvth she spends all her tyme correcting ijiots on Teh Internets rather than, ah, sleeping.

  13. mothra says

    No tentacles, no beard, and neglecting a trophy wife(TM), can’t be PZ. However, if a hot Architeuthis video was on the monitor. . .

  14. says

    Huh. That’s the sixth time I’ve seen that image today: I saw the original comic, I posted it twice on various sites, I saw it twice in different threads on the same webforum, and now here.

    Randall Munroe is obviously following me.

  15. stogoe says

    I was on the XKCD forums last night and I read the thread for Monday’s “How it Works” comic and I was just dumbfounded. Usually there’s just a lot of programming in-jokes and congeniality, but for some reason all the bigoted evo-psych wankers decided to come out and spew their just-so stories for why women are just plain genetically inferior. Ick.

  16. Michael X says

    And then comes the next comic, “3 days later”, where we see the same picture and hear:

    “Are you still having that same conversation, talking to those same people?”
    “Yes, it’s the same thread. And, No, new trolls showed up to take the place of the original trolls.”

  17. says

    Too funny. My husband taped this one securely to my monitor so I’d know it was meant for me. . .

    Never went to the forums. Probably shouldn’t. I spend too much time in front of the computer already.

  18. inkadu says

    Yeah, this pretty much sums up my interest with the internet. I don’t necessarily have to argue, but i like reading about people who are wrong, mostly in politics, but religion is also an unavoidably delicious subject.

  19. Craig says

    I used to be like that. Now I tend not to argue with people, but instead I find myself seeking out horrible wrong internet people’s postings to read for entertainment.

    I’ll find some loony’s complaint of blasphemy in an IMDB movie review, and read all of their reviews.

    If you ever start to feel like you are overestimating the average human’s intelligence, there’s a two-word cure for it: youtube comments.

  20. says

    OTOH, Toronto just had a six-alarm fire in which no one was killed nor hurt. News commentators, bystanders and such said that it was amazing, surprising, fortunate, thanked the fire-fighters and other emergency workers, and no one said it was a niracle. The mayor said that the thoughts of Torontonians were with the people who lost their homes or businesses — not their prayers.

  21. Azkyroth says

    In my real life, so many groups which bring up any topic which touches on religion seem to see debate, disagreement, and even honest discussion as hostile intrusions on what must now become a Sharing and Caring Mutual Support Group.

    In your life it’s limited to groups which bring up any topic which touches on religion?

    Lucky bastard. <.<

  22. KiwiInOz says

    Well I suggest a jihad against these evil cartoonists who defame our beloved prophet, Pee Zed (peas be upon him), and who may or may not resemble the caricature depicted.

  23. HP says

    Can I just say that I have the exact opposite reaction to this cartoon? The Internet is about the only place I know where I can reliably run into people who are right about anything.

  24. inkadu says

    News commentators, bystanders and such said that it was amazing, surprising, fortunate, thanked the fire-fighters and other emergency workers, and no one said it was a miracle.

    ZOMG!! That’s a miracle all its own!

  25. Azkyroth says

    What I’d like to see is a convincing explanation for the psychology behind this cultural assumption many people seem to share that anything involving “the internet” is automatically trivial.

  26. BlueIndependent says

    That panel is so very true. Can’t count how many times I’ve wasted a Saturday morning ripping someone else a new one on a forum for being stupid.

  27. SKFK says

    At least PZ’s dealing with people being wrong about science. I stay up late trying to correct people’s misconceptions about “Death of Superman” storyline.

  28. Samwise says

    I note with glee that this comes just before the whale evolution post… and the guy *disabled* comments.

    I know he’ll never listen to anything. I know he’ll remain willfully ignorant of anything which might challenge his comfortable views. The urge to try to explain anyway remains.

    I can no longer allow myself to read any online discussion which includes “.999…” because it will make my head asplode. Who’ll tell them they’re wrong then?!

  29. themadlolscientist says

    =LOL= Several years ago when DSL really started hitting the big time, a friend of mine had it installed. Not long after that, his wife was heard to say that the internet is the best form of birth control ever invented.

  30. Escuerd says

    Yeah, this describes an insidious compulsive behavior that can be quite hard to overcome. You can’t always correct people who are mistaken, even especially if they’re insufferably confident about something ridiculous.

    Occasionally doing it is good (you want to get good information out there). While obsessively doing so may not be bad for everyone else (unless you are the one who’s wrong of course ;p ), it’s generally unhealthy for the person doing it.

  31. Blondin says

    This cartoon reminds me of a joke I heard comic Mike MacDonald tell. He was talking about being lost in the forest and how someone had once advised him he should never go hiking without a cell phone. His tag to this was imagining himself calling for help and trying to describe where he was (like that was going to help somebody find him).

    Then he related that on one occasion when he had told that joke an audience member had approached him after his set to explain that actually search & rescue people could triangulate on a cell phone signal and locate someone who was lost, etc, etc. He described this person pushing his way through backstage muttering, “Excuse me, excuse me. I have vital information for the comedian.”

    I just couldn’t help thinking I know people like that (and I might be one of them).

  32. ganv says

    This is hilarious. When you are trained as a scientist, that urge to uncover and refute errors is almost irresistible at times. It reminds me of the old insight that an effective way to improve your citation rate is to publish something that is controversial and wrong now and then…